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Hi, I'm Iljitsch van Beijnum. Here on I publish articles and post links about a range of topics.

Also have a look at my business web site inet⁶ consult.

→ Film processing chemistry, how does it work?

If you want to understand the chemical reactions at work during the processing of a film without going back to your school bench:

Permalink - posted 2022-07-01

Will the IPv6 BGP table overtake the IPv4 table before the decade is out?

For my training courses, I always check the current size of the IPv4 and IPv6 BGP tables over at the CIDR Report so I can tell the participants what table size capacity to look for when shopping for routers.

Currently, the IPv4 table is at 925k, readying itself for scaling the 1M summit late next year. The IPv6 table is 160k prefixes.

The IPv4 table grew at about 10% per year in the 2010s and 6% last year. At this rate, it'll be at 1.43 million at the beginning of 2030.

The IPv6 table, on the other hand, had been growing at some 31% per year between 2015 and 2020, but last year it grew 37%. At that rate, the IPv6 table will reach 1.7 million prefixes by 2030! Even at a somewhat slower growth rate of 34% the IPv6 table will overtake the IPv4 table before the decade is out.

Of course it's hard to predict 7.5 years into the future, but stranger things have happened.

Also, at this rate, you'll need a router that can handle more than 2 million prefixes five years from now. Which pretty much means that if you are buying a router today that has to be able to hold the full global IPv4 and IPv6 tables, it should already be able to handle more than 2M prefixes in order to have a five year economic lifespan.

posted 2022-06-30

Vlinder bezoekt lavendel

Image link - posted 2022-06-24 in

Shooting film

In this digital age, we still may want to shoot photos on film. But what type of film?

Or why film in the first place?

I think that last question will have a different answer for everyone. For me, it's the joy of seeing decades old machines do what they were built to do so cleanly. I can just pull the film advance lever and push the shutter on my Nikon FE time and time again, it never gets old. It's even better when there's film in the camera. Although of course then this starts to cost real money.

Full article / permalink - posted 2022-06-19

→ De nieuwe strategie om dit najaar covid te bestrijden, bouwt voort op wankel idee

Heilig zegt het ministerie te geloven in de zelf­red­zaam­heid van de maat­schappij. Als het virus straks weer om zich heen grijpt, zullen de maat­schappe­lijke sec­toren uit goed be­grepen eigen­belang maat­regelen treffen om be­smettingen te voo­rkomen, zo herhaalde Kuipers ook maandag weer tegen jour­nalisten. De midden­stand zal toch willen voorkomen dat het personeel straks ziek thuiszit, is het voorbeeld dat Kuipers op dit punt altijd gebruikt.

Dat is zo ongeveer de inhoud van het lang­verwachte corona­plan dat minister Ernst Kuipers maandag presen­teerde. Een plan dat vooral opvalt door wat er níét in staat. Zo geeft het ministerie nog steeds geen ant­woord op de vraag, met nadruk gesteld door de maat­schappij, wanneer men nu precies hoe hard in actie moet komen tegen het virus. Ook ont­breekt het aan een over­tuigend antwoord op de vraag hoe het straks moet als de zieken­huizen on­ver­hoopt toch weer vol­lopen.

Ik zie dit niet goed gaan.

Permalink - posted 2022-06-13

Skyline #13: by moonlight

Image link - posted 2022-06-10 in

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