Files in area [82] - [TCP/IP clients en servers] 5 NETFS053.LHA 22k Netwerk filesystem (voor tussen Amiga's) voor Ami... [From ] SYSOP [Filename] NETFS053.LHA [File 5 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 22242 [Sat 11 Dec 93 11:49] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:08 Netwerk filesystem (voor tussen Amiga's) voor AmiTCP. (Dus geen NFS.) 7 FINGER.LHA 32k finger commando voor AmiTCP, inclusief BSD source... [From ] USER [Filename] FINGER.LHA [File 7 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 32608 [Mon 21 Feb 94 20:35] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:11 finger commando voor AmiTCP, inclusief BSD source. 10 NAMESERVER.LHA 37k Simpele nameserver voor AmiTCP. [From ] USER [Filename] NAMESERVER.LHA [File 10 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 37271 [Tue 22 Mar 94 22:39] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:13 Simpele nameserver voor AmiTCP. 11 SOCKET_LIB10A. 18k AS225 release 2 compatible socket.library om ook ... [From ] USER [Filename] SOCKET_LIB10A.LHA [File 11 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 17857 [Sat 26 Mar 94 12:16] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06 AS225 release 2 compatible socket.library om ook via AmiTCP een aantal AS225 applicaties te kunnen gebruiken. 12 AMITCP_TTCP10. 42k TTCP voor AmiTCP, om de netwerksnelheid te testen... [From ] SYSOP [Filename] AMITCP_TTCP10.LHA [File 12 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 42049 [Fri 1 Apr 94 12:34] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15 TTCP voor AmiTCP, om de netwerksnelheid te testen. 16 CHNFS0001.LHA 54k AmiTCP NFS client. [From ] USER [Filename] CHNFS0001.LHA [File 16 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 54891 [Fri 22 Apr 94 23:15] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:19 AmiTCP NFS client. 17 GOPHER.LHA 27k Gopher client voor AmiTCP, gebruikt AmigaGuide vo... [From ] SYSOP [Filename] GOPHER.LHA [File 17 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 27277 [Wed 27 Apr 94 22:29] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:10 Gopher client voor AmiTCP, gebruikt AmigaGuide voor het opbouwen van de menu's. 21 TRACEROUTE10.L 26k Port van 't Unix traceroute programma voor AmiTCP... [From ] USER [Filename] TRACEROUTE10.LHA [File 21 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 26317 [Mon 30 May 94 21:19] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:09 Port van 't Unix traceroute programma voor AmiTCP. 22 NOTHELLO1007.L 48k Net Othello, speel Othello over een AmiTCP of AS2... [From ] USER [Filename] NOTHELLO1007.LHA [File 22 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 48389 [Tue 14 Jun 94 13:44] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:17 Net Othello, speel Othello over een AmiTCP of AS225 release 2 netwerk. 23 FINGERINFO10.L 2k Arexx script om interessante sites te "finger"en. [From ] USER [Filename] FINGERINFO10.LHA [File 23 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 1696 [Sat 18 Jun 94 12:07] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:01 Arexx script om interessante sites te "finger"en. 24 FTPDAEMON20.LH 42k Betere FTP daemon voor AmiTCP. [From ] SYSOP [Filename] FTPDAEMON20.LHA [File 24 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 42175 [Fri 24 Jun 94 18:13] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15 Betere FTP daemon voor AmiTCP. Doet onder andere aan logging, voor/na login messages, beveiliging ook zonder MultiUser en zelf te definieren dir commando. 25 AMOSAICHOTLIST 14k Extern programma dat hotlists naar Mosaic brengt. [From ] USER [Filename] AMOSAICHOTLIST100.LHA [File 25 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 13618 [Tue 28 Jun 94 23:46] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05 Extern programma dat hotlists naar Mosaic brengt. 27 MOSAIC12AMITCP 194k Mosaic voor AmiTCP versie 1.2 [From ] USER [Filename] MOSAIC12AMITCP.LHA [File 27 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 198375 [Sun 3 Jul 94 20:48] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:07 Mosaic voor AmiTCP versie 1.2 Hiermee kan je (als je een Internet verbinding hebt) het World Wide Web verkennen. Dat is een zeer gebruikersvriendelijke manier om 't Internet te verkennen. Van zichzelf gebruikt Mosaic een hypertext-achtige interface, maar het kan ook Gopher, News en FTP aan. Heeft AmiTCP 3.0, OS2.0 en MUI nodig, OS 3.0 en een GIF datatype om ook inline images af te beelden. AmiSOX, EdPlayer en zo veel mogelijk andere datatypes zijn gewenst. 29 MUIADT.LHA 62k Aminet Download Tool met MUI interface. [From ] SYSOP [Filename] MUIADT.LHA [File 29 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 62723 [Tue 2 Aug 94 18:26] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:21 Aminet Download Tool met MUI interface. Maakt het FTP'en via SLIP (of soortgelijk) van Aminet files zeer eenvoudig. 32 NETSER100.LHA 42k Gebruik serial.device van een andere Amiga over h... [From ] USER [Filename] NETSER100.LHA [File 32 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 42386 [Fri 28 Oct 94 23:58] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15 Gebruik serial.device van een andere Amiga over het net. 33 AMYIRC.LHA 41k IRC client voor AS225. [From ] USER [Filename] AMYIRC.LHA [File 33 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 41214 [Fri 28 Oct 94 23:58] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:14 IRC client voor AS225. Ook te gebruiken met AmiTCP via de socket.library. 35 HTTPD.LHA 154k HTTP daemon. [From ] USER [Filename] HTTPD.LHA [File 35 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 156901 [Wed 9 Nov 94 21:10] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:53 HTTP daemon. Om World Wide Web pagina's op je Amiga beschikbaar te stellen aan anderen. 40 LPR1P0B.LHA 8k Om via een Unix printserver te printen. [From ] USER [Filename] LPR1P0B.LHA [File 40 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 7208 [Wed 23 Nov 94 22:55] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 Om via een Unix printserver te printen. lpr enables printing files from your host to a remote host with a printer queue. This is an update including lprm and lpq. 41 RCP.LHA 28k Remote Copy Program voor AmiTCP. [From ] USER [Filename] RCP.LHA [File 41 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 28223 [Wed 23 Nov 94 22:55] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:10 Remote Copy Program voor AmiTCP. This is a port of the BSD version of rcp to AmiTCP. All source for SAS C is included. 42 GUI-FTP.LHA 40k Grafische FTP v1.0.0. [From ] USER [Filename] GUI-FTP.LHA [File 42 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 40065 [Wed 7 Dec 94 23:40] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:14 Grafische FTP v1.0.0. Gui-FTP is a file transfer (FTP) client for AmiTCP 3.0 beta 2 (or better). It is controlled through an intuition front-end, with the (modest) aim to simplify the process of downloading (and uploading) files. Runs on any Amiga with intuition 2.04+ and AmiTCP 3.0b2+. Works quite happily with VMM but is not required. Not sure what the minimum memory requirement is, but 1Mb+ is highly recommended. 44 AMIWATCH102.LH 18k Zie of bekenden elders zijn ingelogd. [From ] USER [Filename] AMIWATCH102.LHA [File 44 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 17881 [Wed 7 Dec 94 23:36] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06 Zie of bekenden elders zijn ingelogd. This program periodically fingers remote sites to see who is logged on. It checks for usernames you specify and puts a list of currently logged on people in a listview. This is a bugfix release. It fixes lockups, display bugs, SPEAK: opening, and prefs saving. 46 CLOCKSERVER102 4k ClockServer 1.02. Stelt klok in over het netwerk. [From ] USER [Filename] CLOCKSERVER102.LHA [File 46 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 3612 [Thu 22 Dec 94 14:49] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02 ClockServer 1.02. Stelt klok in over het netwerk. 49 IU-14-AMITCP.L 393k INetUtils, AmiTCP SMTP/NNTP utility's v1.4. [From ] USER [Filename] IU-14-AMITCP.LHA [File 49 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 401865 [Thu 22 Dec 94 15:06] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 2:14 INetUtils, AmiTCP SMTP/NNTP utility's v1.4. INetUtils is a series of programs designed to allow an Amiga running AS225r2 software (i.e., socket.library capable) or AmiTCP 2.2 (or above) to interact and operate as fully functioning members of an IP network, including the global Internet. Note: IU 1.4 was qualified against AmiTCP 3.0b2, not 4.0. 51 PORT-LPR.LHA 36k Unix compatible LPR client. [From ] USER [Filename] PORT-LPR.LHA [File 51 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 36251 [Fri 30 Dec 94 12:34] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:13 Unix compatible LPR client. LPR client to print files on network printers, source included, distributed under GNU GPL. 52 DYNAMICIP.LHA 3k VLT+ARexx scripts voor dynamisch IP adres. [From ] USER [Filename] DYNAMICIP.LHA [File 52 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 2682 [Thu 5 Jan 95 11:17] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:01 VLT+ARexx scripts voor dynamisch IP adres. A set of scrips to let you connect to a SLIP provider and start AmiTCP with a single mouse click. You need ARexx, VLT and AmiTCP to use this. 57 ARCHIE38.1.LHA 141k Archie client voor AmiTCP. [From ] USER [Filename] ARCHIE38.1.LHA [File 57 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 144052 [Thu 12 Jan 95 17:11] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:49 Archie client voor AmiTCP. I ported this Prospero Archie client to the Amiga for the AmiTCP stack. If you want to use it with the Commodore AS225r2 TCP/IP stack, good luck. The Prospero copyright is available in "copyright.h", in this distribution. The source was edited to remove the compiler warnings except those caused by the redefinition of EAGAIN in, which changes the value in 61 DIALUPV3.03.LH 35k PPP/SLIP dialer. [From ] USER [Filename] DIALUPV3.03.LHA [File 61 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 35683 [Sat 28 Jan 95 12:01] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:12 PPP/SLIP dialer. SLIP/PPP dialer with lots of features. Handles dialup/hangup of connection and online/offline of SANA-Device. Can redial a busy line and gather statistics from modem during connect and (only!) reports unusual (slow) connects with a requester. Now source is included! New to this release: - added ENV var. SLIPCARRIER - added WAITBEFORWUS=WBW/K/N - fixed bug with ONLINE/OFFLINE - fixed bug with reading from vectorser.device (Thanks to Mr. Schmiedehausen) I will still try to answer all questions to dialup, but I cannot make any changes to it, cause I sold all my computer stuff. Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish. 64 AMITCP_TNSERV. 68k Telnet daemon voor AmiTCP, versie 1.1. [From ] USER [Filename] AMITCP_TNSERV.LHA [File 64 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 69527 [Sat 28 Jan 95 11:40] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:24 Telnet daemon voor AmiTCP, versie 1.1. Tnserv is a telnet daemon for AmiTCP version 2 or higher. It allows remote connections to your computer and allows remote shells, multi-user BBSes, remote text editing, and much more. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Tnserv requires AmiTCP version 2 or higher installed and running, and AmigaDOS 2.0 or better. It will generally use less than 100k of memory, although it may use much more if there are many remote connections. FEATURES - Provides telnet daemon support for AmiTCP version 2 - Supports arbitrary number of simultaneous connections to a single login. - Supports both pseudo-CON: and pseudo-serial.device connections, allowing virtually any existing program which works either in a Shell/CLI or over the serial port to be accessible over the network. - Compatible with MultiUser - Converts network end of line sequencess to Amiga type end of line sequences. - Supports telnet LINEMODE option which allows line editing to be done on the client, therefore providing increased performance, and decreased network bandwidth usage. - Provides password protection 66 GRAPEVINE.LHA 269k IRC client voor AS225R2 of AmiTCP v 1.182 (OS2.0+... [From ] USER [Filename] GRAPEVINE.LHA [File 66 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 275044 [Fri 3 Feb 95 20:04] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:32 IRC client voor AS225R2 of AmiTCP v 1.182 (OS2.0+). ** NOW SUPPORTS AMIGADOS 2 ** Grapevine is an Amiga Internet Relay Chat client. The IRC is a worldwide network on which users can participate in realtime conversation. Grapevine is a means by which to communicate over this network using an attractive, easy to use graphic interface that befits the nature of the Amiga. Grapevine supports several methods of communication. You may use one of the TCP/IP stacks: Commodore's AS225r2 or the freely distributable AmiTCP. Grapevine also support any serial.device compatible device by means of a simple Unix network connection utility and a small terminal program to log in and connect to the server, and pass control to Grapevine. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS - AmigaDOS Release 2 (V36) - At least 1MB of RAM, 2MB recommended, with 1MB chip RAM - Hard drive recommended. - TCP/IP networking package optional. - A direct (TCP) or indirect (serial login) Internet connection. PROGRAM FEATURES: - Over 50 input line commands with online syntax help. Modular DCC programs allow users to write their own DCC - clients, including games. DCC file transfer modules included. - Supports up to 10 different channel/message windows. - Ability to automatically join channels when first connecting - Attractive "Style Guide" compliant graphic user interface. - Fast scrollback, configurable buffer size. - Opens on any public screen. - Point-and-click user operations like op, ban, kick, whois. - Graphic icon toolbar for common operations. 8-color MagicWB style icons are optional. 71 SLIPSCRIPTS1.2 6k ARexx Start/Resume/Stop dynamic TCP/IP. [From ] USER [Filename] SLIPSCRIPTS1.2.LHA [File 71 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 6043 [Fri 10 Feb 95 17:11] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 ARexx Start/Resume/Stop dynamic TCP/IP. SLIPScripts is a set of example ARexx scripts used to connect to a host with dynamic slip IP assignment and initialize the AmiTCP stack. Includes scripts for starting connection, resuming connection after reboot, and hanging up connection. Requires rxser502.lha (also on Aminet). 72 SYNCRO1_3.LHA 8k SynClock kloon voor AmiTCP. V1.3. [From ] USER [Filename] SYNCRO1_3.LHA [File 72 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 7759 [Fri 10 Feb 95 17:14] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 SynClock kloon voor AmiTCP. V1.3. A binary executable replacement for the 'SynClock' DOS and AREXX hybrid script that is a part of the AmiTCP package. Synchronize your local system clock and/or battery-backed clock with that of a remote host. Says it all, really. 74 DIALUP14.LHA 160k Dialup met grafische userinterface, v1.4. [From ] USER [Filename] DIALUP14.LHA [File 74 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 163412 [Sun 19 Feb 95 0:18] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:55 Dialup met grafische userinterface, v1.4. 78 ATCPHELP105NOL 12k Button-based interface for internet tools. [From ] USER [Filename] ATCPHELP105NOL.LHA [File 78 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 11347 [Sat 18 Mar 95 20:46] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04 Button-based interface for internet tools. Access demon, write mail, ftp, www and gopher from one window. You can also use AmiTCPHelper to organise the various AmiTCP config files including DialScript, .sig, config and newsgroups. Created with CanDO v's 2.0 and 3.0 by Ben Vost. This archive doesn't come with the cando.library v3.6 necessary to run it, for those of you who already have it. 79 AMITCPHELP105. 126k Short: Button-based interface for internet tools.... [From ] USER [Filename] AMITCPHELP105.LHA [File 79 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 128645 [Sat 18 Mar 95 20:46] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:43 Short: Button-based interface for internet tools. Access demon, write mail, ftp, www and gopher from one window. You can also use AmiTCPHelper to organise the various AmiTCP config files including DialScript, .sig, config and newsgroups. Created with CanDO v's 2.0 and 3.0 by Ben Vost. Contact for bouquets and brickbats... UPLOADER: TYPE: comm/tcp 80 DOWNLOADINLINE 3k Download Mosaic inlined pictures onder OS 2.0/2.1... [From ] USER [Filename] DOWNLOADINLINE.LHA [File 80 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 2136 [Sat 18 Mar 95 20:47] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:01 Download Mosaic inlined pictures onder OS 2.0/2.1. This ARexx script will allow ADOS 2.04/2.1 users without datatypes to download those inlined images you always see in Mosaic pages. It will spawn the appropriate viewer too! 81 FTPGET1_1.LHA 11k Stand-alone FTP 'get' command. V1.1. [From ] USER [Filename] FTPGET1_1.LHA [File 81 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 10675 [Sat 18 Mar 95 20:51] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04 Stand-alone FTP 'get' command. V1.1. A shell command that acts in the same way as the standard FTP 'get' session instruction. It will allow you to receive remote files via an automated FTP session, by specifying from the Shell which site to begin a session with, the remote files to obtain, their local file name and their expected file type. Any login information may also be optionally supplied, else defaults will be assumed. Binary only. History V1.0 ---- - Initial release, no known bugs. V1.1 ---- - Added CWD commandline keyword, which allows you to specify a remote directory that relates to the base directory from where the given remote files will be addressed. 82 TELSER120.LHA 168k Serial telnet(d) device for AmiTCP/AS225r2. [From ] USER [Filename] TELSER120.LHA [File 82 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 171609 [Sat 18 Mar 95 20:58] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:58 Serial telnet(d) device for AmiTCP/AS225r2. telser.device ("telser") is a modem simulator over a TCP telnet/rlogin connection. It simulates basic `modem commands', so you can use telecommunication ("comm") programs over a network connection. To your comm program, it thinks it's talking to a modem. Terminal emulation, file transfers, scripting, etc. are all handled by your comm program. Connecting to a host is as simple as typing "ATDT,23" or even simpler if you add the host to your comm's phonebook. telser supports most of the telnet/rlogin negotiation commands and options. For example, you may elect to notify the remote host on changes to your terminal emulation type, and window size. An intuitive "gadtools" graphical user interface is supplied to control your connections. You also have the option to automatically connect to a host after starting up your comm program. Instant logins at the click of a button! telser can also run in host mode, which means it would accept incoming telnet/rlogin calls. Calls may be tracked by telser's caller ID feature. You can easily set up a "multi-line" BBS over the internet! telser is capable of unlimited device units, which means you can have unlimited incoming and outgoing connections. It supports both TCP/IP packages on the Amiga, namely AmiTCP (tested with 3.0b2 and 4.0/4.1) and AS225r2. Changes since 1.10: Ver. YY/MM/DD Changes ---- -------- -------------------------------------------------------- 1.20 95/03/06 - save telnet options now saves the rlogin preferences and login ID. - at startup, if window is opened, it will not be become active. (Suggested by Vincent Hodges) - telserd can now take config filename from command line. Therefore, it can now service different ports. (Suggested by Vincent Hodges) - now works with Platinum Works! comm program - can disable telnet negotiation. This is needed for some MUD servers and UUCP. - added modem register S50 to allow CONNECT string report to be delayed while in hostmode - added simple script capabilities (Suggested by Dennis Lee Bieber) - added TelserMon to monitor telser units - can now handle incoming rlogin connections - file transfers much improved 83 HTML-HEAVEN.LH 169k Add HTML command-editing to editor. v1.1. [From ] USER [Filename] HTML-HEAVEN.LHA [File 83 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 172280 [Sat 18 Mar 95 21:02] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:58 Add HTML command-editing to editor. v1.1. This is an upgrade to HTML-Heaven 1.01 HTML-Heaven is a suite of programs enabling you easy access to HTML commands from your favorite editor. Thus making the creation and maintenance of HTML (WWW) pages a lot easier. HTML-Heaven reaches this goal by using ARexx to interface with your editor and insert the HTML commands you select from any of it's programs into that editor. As of version 1.1, the suite consists of 4 programs and each of the programs now has it's own ARexx host built in. HTML-Genie Opens a window containing 6 listviews with HTML commands grouped by category. HTML-Heaven Open a window containing a number of buttons for access to the most commonly used HTML commands. HTML-Wizard Opens a window containing 6 cycle gadgets with HTML commands grouped by category. Reaches optimum performance when used in combination with the CycleToMenu commoditie also to be found on AmiNet. (os20/cdty) ToolKit Opens a window with 2 listviews. One contains the same HTML commands that HTML-genie does. The other contains HTML commands or strings definable by the user. (registered version only) In their unregistered version, neither of the three programs support Tooltypes or on-line help. And the ARexx host is also somewhat limited. These features are fully enabled when you register the HTML-Heaven suite. At a mere $15.-. Please consult the HTML-Heaven.Guide AmigaGuide file for more information on registering as well as all the programmes features. 85 CLCHAT33.LHA 74k IRC-achtig chatsysteem voor AmiTCP. [From ] USER [Filename] CLCHAT33.LHA [File 85 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 75723 [Sat 18 Mar 95 21:11] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:26 IRC-achtig chatsysteem voor AmiTCP. This is a multi-user multi-channel chat system somewhat based on IRC. It features: o unlimited number of users o unlimited number of channels o private messaging o automatic user identification o flood protection o NEW: access protection and user banning o NEW: multiple server capability with loop protection o channel operator privileges for setting channel topics and removing users from a channel o chat operator privilege for global channel operator status and extensive network diagnostic and managment functions. The user frontend for the chat is a comfortable GUI client providing o easy user & channel operations o easy direct user to user communication o input history o automatic notifications of certain events via Deiconification or beep o builtin ARexx-Port o NEW: direct file transfers to remote users via IP See the CLChatServer.DOC and for an detailed description of changes from previous releases. 86 AMISLATE1.1.LH 96k Teken over het netwerk! [From ] USER [Filename] AMISLATE1.1.LHA [File 86 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 98050 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:09] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:33 Teken over het netwerk! Lets you draw with a friend over the Internet. Also supports an ARexx script which allows you to play chess, tictactoe, and other things over the net. Version 1.1 fixes several major bugs in 1.0; notably all of the drawing tools should work reliably now under any OS revision, and the ScreenMode requester should work better now. Also, the TicTacToe and Chess ARexx scripts are now complete. ****** READ ME ****** AmiSlate 1.1 still doesn't receive incoming requests properly under AmiTCP4.x. This will be fixed ASAP, but since I'm going home for spring break tomorrow, I thought I'd release what I have now. If you have AmiTCP4.x running, you may still be able to initiate an AmiSlate connection to someone with AmiTCP3.0b2 running, but that's it for now. Sorry! 88 NAMED.LHA 9k Cache voor nameserver lookups. [From ] USER [Filename] NAMED.LHA [File 88 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 9143 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:30] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04 Cache voor nameserver lookups. Here it is, a dumb name server for AmiTCP for simple LAN usage. It processes name server queries out of the host table of the machine it is running on or or by forwarding requests to your uplink name server (it does a simple gethostbyname() internally). Succesfull requests are cached in the file "AmiTCP:db/nameserver.db" for up to 90 days. It uses a hashing algorithm for fast lookup. 89 GETURL-1.03.LH 24k Fetch Web source trees, save to file. [From ] USER [Filename] GETURL-1.03.LHA [File 89 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 24528 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:36] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:09 Fetch Web source trees, save to file. DESCRIPTION -- Script to download HTML systems across the network -- GetURL.rexx is an ARexx script which will download World-Wide Web pages. With a simple command line it will download a specific page, and with more complex command lines it will be able to download specific sets of documents. The intention was to create a tool that allowed local caching of important web pages and a flexible way of specifying what pages are important. The script has no GUI as of yet but may have at some stage in the future. If you have ever tried to download and save to disc a 200 page document using Mosaic, then you know what this script is for. Mosaic will only let you load a page, then load it to disc, then load another page etc. This is a very frustrating process. GetURL automates this process and will run in batch mode without user intervention. The major features of GetURL.rexx are as follows: * doesn't require AMosaic, so you can be browsing something else with AMosaic whilst this is running * save pages to your hard disc so that they can be read offline and you can also give them to friends on a floppy disc. Who knows, you may even be able to sell discs containing web pages :-) * flexible set of command line switches that allow you to restrict the type of pages that it downloads * ability to specify files for the lists of URLs that it keeps so that any search for pages can be stopped and restarted at a later date. i.e. you could run GetURL for 2 hours a day whilst you are online and gradually download everything in the entire universe and it won't repeat itself. * includes the ability to download itself when there are new versions. * will use a proxy if you have access to one, in order to both speed up access to pages and also to reduce network load. * will download binary files (*.gif, *.lha) as easily as text and html files. 92 COBBWEB1.LHA 158k AmiTCPdemo/Mosaic Installer script. [From ] USER [Filename] COBBWEB1.LHA [File 92 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 161338 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:12] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:54 AmiTCPdemo/Mosaic Installer script. This script helps you to install AmiTCP and Mosaic. You must already have the following files: PPP1_30.lha by Holger Kruse PPP1_30reg.lha by Holger Kruse AmiTCP-demo-40.lha by NDSi mui23usr.lha by Stefan Stuntz Mosaic1.2AmiTCP.lha by Fischer, Witbrock & Meyer Mosaic1.3betaAmiTCP.lha by Fischer, Witbrock & Meyer ZGIFDType39.9.lha by Michael Zucchi ams.lha by David N. Junod edplay.lha by Ed Put all of these archives into the installation directory. Then double click on the CobbWeb_Install icon. This is a very *alpha* version of this script. If you have any problems, email me: 94 IFR11.LHA 22k IFR v1.1 - the Internet File Requester. [From ] USER [Filename] IFR11.LHA [File 94 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 21695 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:22] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:08 IFR v1.1 - the Internet File Requester. This is a complete internet file requester window that can be opened on any specified public screen with at least 4 colors. It should work with Term or other terminal emulation programs. Its output can be read and used by TermComp: download also termcomp13.lha to get the complete system. 95 IPDIAL1_3.LHA 46k SLIP dialer; stdin/out terminal program. [From ] USER [Filename] IPDIAL1_3.LHA [File 95 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 46525 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:23] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:16 SLIP dialer; stdin/out terminal program. IPDial - serial device communication program ============================================ IPDial is designed especially for creating a SLIP connection via the modem to a remote host: It can dial the remote hosts number, login into the host and initilize a SLIP connection. Configuring IPDial is rather easy, as it reads its command from a textfile. IPDial is best used from AmiTCP's startnet and stopnet scripts. This allows you to completely connect or disconnect by just typing the words "startnet" or "stopnet", respectively. 96 CP4.2.LHA 112k Grafische "voorkant" voor AmiTCP en InetUtils. [From ] USER [Filename] CP4.2.LHA [File 96 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 114519 [Sun 16 Apr 95 23:04] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:39 Grafische "voorkant" voor AmiTCP en InetUtils. Control Panel V4.2 is a major upgrade to V3 and a bug fix for V4.0b This version allows the user to Start/Stop AmiTCP Connect/Disconnect from the net Change Users Automatically run programs at a set time Run the following types of programs - Mail, News, FTP, WWW, Gopher, IRC, Archie, Telnet, Finger, Ping, Traceroute, UUXT, Dearchivers and a Newsgroup editor. These programs can be started by just clicking on a button, using the menus or using the hotkeys. For any program which has not got a gui interface and needs user input i.e. Ping, Traceroute etc., I have included a GUI front end for these programs. Their is also a total of 2 user defineable buttons and 3 other user defineable menus choices, as well as menus for changing to pre-defined users and also for using multiple POP's. 101 NETDIAL4_0.LHA 21k AREXX Dialer voor AmiTCP 4.0. [From ] USER [Filename] NETDIAL4_0.LHA [File 101 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 20736 [Sun 16 Apr 95 22:32] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07 AREXX Dialer voor AmiTCP 4.0. This updated dialer adds offer many new features. - Fully script driven. - Replaces existing startnet script - Full logon and TCP/IP connection. - SLIP / CSLIP / PPP ready. 110 ALYNX117.LHA 219k Lynx, om zonder plaatjes te "websurfen". [From ] USER [Filename] ALYNX117.LHA [File 110 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 224043 [Sun 30 Jul 95 18:08] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:15 Lynx, om zonder plaatjes te "websurfen". 111 ACUSEEME2_01.L 63k Ontvang audio/video via het Internet. [From ] USER [Filename] ACUSEEME2_01.LHA [File 111 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 64334 [Sun 30 Jul 95 18:18] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:22 Ontvang audio/video via het Internet. Network video-conferencing tool 112 TELNETD2_0.LHA 109k Telnet daemon voor AmiTCP. [From ] USER [Filename] TELNETD2_0.LHA [File 112 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 111224 [Sat 13 May 95 17:46] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:38 Telnet daemon voor AmiTCP. telnetd is a daemon which accepts incoming telnet sessions and allows you to control your Amiga remotely from another host. You need Kickstart 2.04 or later and an installed copy of AmiTCP 3.x or later. 113 DIALERDEVICE17 12k Belt net zo lang tot je een verbinding hebt en lo... [From ] USER [Filename] DIALERDEVICE17.LHA [File 113 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 11613 [Sun 21 May 95 23:33] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04 Belt net zo lang tot je een verbinding hebt en logt in. dialer.device is an autodialer/login program for all types of network software that use the serial port, but don't know how to deal with modems or login prompts. It also enables you to have your modem hangup on DTR drop. dialer.device will work with *any* software that usually accesses a serial port, such as any [C]SLIP or PPP devices for AmiTCP, any version of AmigaNOS, any terminal program, and even the 'version' command. 114 AMITALK155.LHA 61k Amiga TALK versie 1.55. [From ] USER [Filename] AMITALK155.LHA [File 114 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 61463 [Sun 30 Jul 95 17:57] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:21 Amiga TALK versie 1.55. 115 GETMAIL3.LHA 28k AmiTCP POP Client, om mail te ontvangen. [From ] SYSOP [Filename] GETMAIL3.LHA [File 115 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 27812 [Sun 30 Jul 95 17:57] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:10 AmiTCP POP Client, om mail te ontvangen. Native Amiga POP Client that does not use UU assigns. Easy to install & use, small executable size, 020 version included. 116 ADT_AMITCP11.L 77k Aminet Download Tool v2.1 release 1.1. [From ] USER [Filename] ADT_AMITCP11.LHA [File 116 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 78479 [Sun 30 Jul 95 18:00] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:27 Aminet Download Tool v2.1 release 1.1. This is the second release (1.1) of my port to AmiTCP of Aminet Download Tool 2.1, which uses Amiga Curses by Simon J. Raybould. Changes since last release: Fixed bugs: - Should now work with TIA (untested) - Makes more sense of ENV variables and more aware of Amiga filenames. (No more 'couldn't create local file'...) 117 tin130gamma.lh 182k TIN 1.3 PL0 Beta 950726. UUCP/NNTP Newsreader [From ] USER [Filename] tin130gamma.lha [File 117 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 185985 [Sun 13 Aug 95 11:3] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:02 TIN 1.3 PL0 Beta 950726. UUCP/NNTP Newsreader This is version TIN 1.3 PL0 BETA 950726 of TIN - an NNTP (with AmiTCP) and local newsreader. While the word "BETA" is still in the name, the code is as stable (probably more so) than any previous version of TIN that has been released for the Amiga. Some bugs have been fixed relative to the last release of TIN 1.3, but perhaps the most important reason for making this release is the significant speed increase when entering and indexing newsgroups. The binary distributed here is compiled with optimization, and has no debug information in it. I can often track down bugs given a good bug report, but if you would like to track down a bug which you find, the source code is available at The changes between the standard release of TIN and this version are in the file tin950726.diff. An AS225 version of TIN can also be compiled with this source. The changes since the last TIN release are too many to mention here, see the CHANGES for a complete list of changes to the source. tin.lsm Info on where to get TIN source code (1.3 not yet available). readme.first This file. Amigaguide file of manpage and installation notes. actived An executable for creating UULIB:active. tin.exe The TIN executable itself. CHANGES Changes since TIN 1.3PL0 950131. intro.txt Paul Kramer's TIN introduction. (Not amiga specific). To those who haven't got amigaguide, you will be able to read this file easily enough with any text reader, you just can't use the hot links :(. Note that you do not need actived for reading news via NNTP. Note also that tin.exe is pure (even if the pure bit gets lost in the archive!). You may make it resident if you wish. Note that well this executable works well on a BBS, the accompanying tind program has not been built (or tested). Nor are any of the DLG scripts present in this archive. A sysop who is familiar with TIN may still use this if they try hard enough (hint: A fake user subscribed to all your groups running "tin.exe -u" will update all your .overview files). If using NNTP, the server provides the .overview files. I would advise that you remove users old .tin/tinrc files. - Mark Tomlinson ( 118 AMIWIN20D.LHA 1465k Amiga Xwindows systeem. [From ] USER [Filename] AMIWIN20D.LHA [File 118 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 1499864 [Sun 3 Dec 95 22:27] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 8:20 Amiga Xwindows systeem. 119 ALYNX.LHA 278k Amiga Lynx, text-only webbrowser. [From ] USER [Filename] ALYNX.LHA [File 119 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 284147 [Sun 3 Dec 95 22:28] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:35 Amiga Lynx, text-only webbrowser. 120 AMIPHONE0.5B.L 58k Bel over het Internet met je Amiga. [From ] USER [Filename] AMIPHONE0.5B.LHA [File 120 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 59168 [Sun 3 Dec 95 22:28] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:20 Bel over het Internet met je Amiga. 121 MUFS_TELNETD.L 139k Telnet daemon met muFS support. [From ] USER [Filename] MUFS_TELNETD.LHA [File 121 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 141828 [Sun 3 Dec 95 22:28] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:48 Telnet daemon met muFS support. 122 ACUSEEME2_02.L 64k CUseeme, videoconferencing over het net. [From ] USER [Filename] ACUSEEME2_02.LHA [File 122 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 64885 [Sun 3 Dec 95 22:28] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:22 CUseeme, videoconferencing over het net. 123 FTPMOUNT.LHA 108k Mount FTP site als filesystem. [From ] USER [Filename] FTPMOUNT.LHA [File 123 OF 61] [FREE] [Size ] 109845 [Sun 3 Dec 95 22:30] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:37 Mount FTP site als filesystem., and those picky optimizer warnings. Compiled with SAS/C 6.51. MATH=IEEE PARAMETERS=BOTH STRINGMERGE UNSIGNEDCHARS ERRORREXX NOMULTIPLEINCLUDES OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZERSIZE VERBOSE STACKEXTEND ONERROR=CONTINUE OPTIMIZERDEPTH=4 This has been tested briefly on my system: A2000 (68030), AmigaOS 2.1, AmiTCP 3.0ß2, PPP connection to the internet. No guarantee of any kind is offered or assumed. Use at your own risk and enjoy. [U] Upload file [D] Download [F] File list [A] Change areas [N] New file scan [=] Global list [P] Private area [O] Edit signature [R] Read file [I] View archive [^] Goto msg area [@] Send message [M] Main menu [G] Goodbye [H] Help [B] Send filelist [?] Display menu [RET] Next file [*] Search file Area: [82] [TCP/IP clients en servers] [0/1-17] => █