Files in area [80] - [Netwerk (drivers/stacks)]
1 PARNFS.LHA 75k Verbeterd Parnet filesystem.
[From ] USER
[Filename] PARNFS.LHA [File 1 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 76165 [Sat 11 Dec 93 11:49]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:26
Verbeterd Parnet filesystem.
2 PARBENCH31.LHA 124k Deze file bevat alles (inclusief een installaties...
[From ] USER
[Filename] PARBENCH31.LHA [File 2 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 126319 [Sat 11 Dec 93 11:49]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:43
Deze file bevat alles (inclusief een installatiescript) om parnet aan de praat
te krijgen.
3 SCOTTDISK11.LH 33k Gebruik de harddisk van een PC via de parallelle ...
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] SCOTTDISK11.LHA [File 3 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 33366 [Thu 31 Mar 94 22:43]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:12
Gebruik de harddisk van een PC via de parallelle poort op je Amiga.
(Je sluit dus de Amiga op de PC aan via de parallelle poort. De PC is gedurende
dit gebeuren niet voor andere dingen te gebruiken.)
4 AMIGANOS_2_9I. 385k AX.25 netwerkpakket (voor packetradio).
[From ] USER
[Filename] AMIGANOS_2_9I.LHA [File 4 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 393523 [Mon 29 Aug 94 10:3]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 2:12
AX.25 netwerkpakket (voor packetradio).
5 DNET2_10_13.LH 499k Complete installatieset voor DNET.
[From ] USER
[Filename] DNET2_10_13.LHA [File 5 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 510110 [Mon 29 Aug 94 10:3]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 2:51
Complete installatieset voor DNET.
6 AMICOM2.1A.LHA 197k AX25 packet radio programma.
[From ] USER
[Filename] AMICOM2.1A.LHA [File 6 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 201681 [Sat 3 Dec 94 23:29]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:08
AX25 packet radio programma.
This is the latest version of Amicom (2.1a of June 94). The soft is
Freeware to all radio amateurs. It allows you to control your TNC. It
works with _ALL_ TNCs (KISS/HOST) and even works with BAYCOM modem types!
The main changes from version 2.0 are some technical changes to the drivers
and FBB support, as well as a totally new 100% Baycom driver.
This version also contains all the docs in English. They were translated
by myself. I also made an AmigaGuide file, I uploaded it to the
aminet/text/hyper directory, so you should get that file too if you want
the AmigaGuide text (recommended...!). Version 2.1a includes the new
drivers for Kiss.drv and BayCom.drv to include DAMA correctly.
Hope you like it... I sure do a lot!
And don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions, but
please read the docs completely first...
7 TWINEXPRESS.LH 104k Wissel files uit met een PC via een seriele kabel...
[From ] USER
[Filename] TWINEXPRESS.LHA [File 7 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 106068 [Mon 29 Aug 94 23:5]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:36
Wissel files uit met een PC via een seriele kabel.
Amiga->IBM or IBM->Amiga serial transfer system Files for both machine types
included as well as docs. Very easy to use and very nice. Fast as well. You may
also execute commands on the other system with this program.
8 PRONET10.LHA 38k ParNet software replacement. V1.0.
[From ] USER
[Filename] PRONET10.LHA [File 8 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 38443 [Thu 22 Dec 94 14:59]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:13
ParNet software replacement. V1.0.
ProNET ProNET is a replacement for ParNet. It's a network package for two
Amigas using the parallel port, which supports changeable disks, OS2&3
dospackets and more. Still works on OS1.3 except the handler which requires
OS2.0+. This is version 1.0, freeware, binary only.
Author: Michael Krause
11 SCSINETZ.LHA 19k SCSI netwerk tussen Amiga en PC.
[From ] USER
[Filename] SCSINETZ.LHA [File 11 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 18679 [Sun 16 Apr 95 22:49]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07
SCSI netwerk tussen Amiga en PC.
SCSINetz: SCSI-Vernetzung zwischen AMiga & PC
Dies ist eine Anleitung/Erfahrungsbericht um einen
Amiga mit SCSI-Controller und einen PC mit SCSI-
Controller über SCSI zu vernetzen.
12 SANAMON11.LHA 5k Bekijkt inkomende packets van SANA2 device.
[From ] USER
[Filename] SANAMON11.LHA [File 12 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 4966 [Thu 27 Apr 95 22:56]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02
Bekijkt inkomende packets van SANA2 device.
When debugging networks on UNIX machines you have a tool 'etherfind'
or 'tcpdump' that can filter and print out packets on the network.
Sanamon is something similar but simpler, it asks the device driver
for certain hardware packet types or orphan packets (i.e. packets
that no other software is reading and that would be discarded).
Sanamon shows you the size and type of incoming packets and can
print a hex dump of the packet's contents.
There is a problem with running sanamon concurrently with other
networking software. As the SANA-2 specs only allow one reader to
see a packet, sanamon will "steal" some packets and miss those
that are passed to the other software.
The new 2.0 revision of SANA-2 supports "packet filters", with this
it is possible to pass packets to multiple clients, so that your
networkinng software and sanamon will see all packets.
Unfortunately, very few SANA-2 drivers implement the packet filter option.
13 RHSLIP388.LHA 48k SLIP en CSLIP SANA2 devicedrivers. Inclusief sour...
[From ] USER
[Filename] RHSLIP388.LHA [File 13 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 49052 [Fri 22 Apr 94 1:05]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:17
SLIP en CSLIP SANA2 devicedrivers. Inclusief source en verbeterd ten opzichte
van de SLIP drivers van Commodore.
14 PLIP3811.LHA 31k Parallel Line IP SANA-2 device driver.
[From ] USER
[Filename] PLIP3811.LHA [File 14 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 31572 [Fri 1 Jul 94 15:32]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:11
Parallel Line IP SANA-2 device driver.
Om twee Amiga's via de parallelle poorten een IP connectie te laten maken.
Heeft wel netwerksoftware nodig, zoals AmiTCP. Haalt zo'n 40 kilobyte per
Inclusief source en 68000, 68020 en 68040 versies.
15 GWCSLIP.LHA 9k CSLIP driver met ingebouwde dial-scripttaal.
[From ] USER
[Filename] GWCSLIP.LHA [File 15 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 8726 [Wed 9 Nov 94 21:10]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
CSLIP driver met ingebouwde dial-scripttaal.
16 PPP1_30.LHA 112k SANA-II ppp driver, evalutatie versie v1.30.
[From ] USER
[Filename] PPP1_30.LHA [File 16 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 113735 [Thu 12 Jan 95 17:02]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:38
SANA-II ppp driver, evalutatie versie v1.30.
This archive contains the evaluation version and all common files for
PPP.device V1.30, a SANA-II compatible PPP implementation.
PPP.device is intended for use with AmiTCP 2.3, 3.0 beta, 4.0 demo, 4.1
commercial or Enlan-DFS. It will NOT work with AmiTCP V2.2 or lower.
It works with AS-225 and Envoy, too, but the required configuration is not
described in the documentation.
Minimum requirements:
- Any Amiga with Kick/WB2.04 or higher
- AmiTCP V2.3 or higher or AS-225 or Envoy or Enlan-DFS
Note to everyone updating from PPP V1.23 or lower:
If you update to V1.30 from V1.23 or lower you MUST also update all of the
utility programs (PPPInfo etc.). Older versions of the utility programs are
incompatible to PPP V1.30 and vice versa.
17 IWAN1-110.LHA 7k SANA2 devicedriver voor de BSC ISDN kaart.
[From ] USER
[Filename] IWAN1-110.LHA [File 17 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 6817 [Thu 27 Apr 95 22:56]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
SANA2 devicedriver voor de BSC ISDN kaart.
The iwan.device is a SANA2 Driver for the BSC ISDN-Master. It transfers TCP/IP
Packets using HDLC Frames. This is compatible to ISDNPKT, ISPA and others.
18 AX25DEVICE.LZH 56k SANA2 AX25 netwerk driver voor KISS TNC.
[From ] USER
[Filename] AX25DEVICE.LZH [File 18 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 57335 [Thu 27 Apr 95 22:46]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:20
SANA2 AX25 netwerk driver voor KISS TNC.
A SANA2 network driver for KISS TNCs (Terminal Node Controllers) such as those
used by amateur radio operators. One use of this device driver is to allow
AMITCP to operate with amateur radio networks.
19 AMITCP-BIN-22. 573k Amiga TCP/IP netwerksoftware.
[From ] USER
[Filename] AMITCP-BIN-22.LHA [File 19 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 586109 [Wed 16 Mar 94 15:33]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 3:16
Amiga TCP/IP netwerksoftware.
Hiermee kan je je Amiga opnemen in een TCP/IP netwerk en gebruik maken van
zaken als telnet, ftp, irc, gopher en nfs. Uiteraard kan je ook twee of meer
Amiga's aan elkaar knopen om van elkaars schijven gebruik te maken.
Je kan gebruik maken van een netwerkkaart met SANA-2 devicedriver of de seriele
(met meegeleverde driver) of parallelle poort.
20 AMITCP-22TO23. 144k Update van AmiTCP 2.2 naar 2.3.
[From ] USER
[Filename] AMITCP-22TO23.LHA [File 20 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 146468 [Fri 1 Apr 94 12:34]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:49
Update van AmiTCP 2.2 naar 2.3.
21 AMITCP-DEMO-40 738k AmiTCP is nu een commercieel programma, dit is de...
[From ] USER
[Filename] AMITCP-DEMO-40.LHA [File 21 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 755384 [Tue 1 Nov 94 21:26]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 4:12
AmiTCP is nu een commercieel programma, dit is de demo.
AmiTCP is een TCP/IP protocol stack voor de Amiga. Vereist OS 2.0 of hoger.
22 AMITCP3BETA2.L 2498k Laatste vrij kopieerbare AmiTCP, incl. source.
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] AMITCP3BETA2.LHA [File 22 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 2557901 [Sat 13 May 95 17:35]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 14:13
Laatste vrij kopieerbare AmiTCP, incl. source.
AmiTCP is a set of programs that enables the Amiga to connect to a TCP/IP
network. AmiTCP lets the user use commands such as ftp, telnet from your Amiga.
AmiTCP also lets remote users connect to your machine from other TCP/IP hosts.
AmiTCP is a TCP/IP protocol stack for implementing basic Internet protocols on
top of any SANA-II network device driver, such as one for SLIP or Ethernet.
23 MLINK132.LHA 123k Directe Internettoegang zonder SLIP.
[From ] USER
[Filename] MLINK132.LHA [File 23 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 125930 [Sat 13 May 95 17:46]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:42
Directe Internettoegang zonder SLIP.
Multilink (or Mlink) is a package which simulates a direct connection to
the internet. If you have an account on a UNIX machine connected to the
internet, you can run Multilink on the UNIX machine and your Amiga, and
Multilink will allow you to use all those wonderful Amiga networking
applications such as Grapevine, DaFTP, telnet and Amosaic without having to
have a real SLIP or PPP connection.
Multilink requires at least AmigaDOS 2.1 and an account on a UNIX host
connected to the internet.
24 PC2AM204.LHA 22k PC<->Amiga SerNet (of TWIN)-achtig filesystem.
[From ] USER
[Filename] PC2AM204.LHA [File 24 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 22391 [Sat 13 May 95 17:50]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:08
PC<->Amiga SerNet (of TWIN)-achtig filesystem.
This program allows you to connect an Amiga and a PC by serial cable and access
PC's drives and disks from Amiga as ordinary directories in special device
(Usually PC:).
A wanted to release new wersion when a GUI and fast serial device will be
finished, but some bugs that might cause impossibility of using this program
and some requests changed my decision, so I'm releasing new version now. Look
into history what's new.
25 SOCKET_LIB12.L 18k Run AS225R2 programma's onder AmiTCP.
[From ] USER
[Filename] SOCKET_LIB12.LHA [File 25 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 17907 [Sun 3 Dec 95 22:29]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06
Run AS225R2 programma's onder AmiTCP.
26 FTPMOUNT10.LHA 113k Mount FTP: om ftp-sites te benaderen alsof ze een...
[Filename] FTPMOUNT10.LHA [File 26 OF 24] [FREE]
[Size ] 115606 [Sun 21 Apr 96 22:22]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:39
Mount FTP: om ftp-sites te benaderen alsof ze een amiga drive zijn.
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Area: [80] [Netwerk (drivers/stacks)] [0/1-17] => █