Files in area [40] - [Muziek] 1 SOUNDMACHINE.L 46k Speelt geluidssamples af en converteert tussen IF... [From ] SYSOP [Filename] SOUNDMACHINE.LHA [File 1 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 46532 [Sat 11 Dec 93 11:49] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:16 Speelt geluidssamples af en converteert tussen IFF, RAW, VOC en WAV. 2 PT315.LHA 96k Protracker 3.15, misschien is de volgende house-h... [From ] SYSOP [Filename] PT315.LHA [File 2 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 97628 [Fri 7 Jan 94 20:36] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:33 Protracker 3.15, misschien is de volgende house-hit wel van jouw hand... 3 FMSYNTH.LHA 73k FM synthesizer. Ingewikkeld, maar leuk! Een aanta... [From ] SYSOP [Filename] FMSYNTH.LHA [File 3 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 74090 [Wed 12 Jan 94 0:19] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:25 FM synthesizer. Ingewikkeld, maar leuk! Een aantal voorgeprogrammeerde geluiden is bijgevoegd, evenals de theorie van de FM geluids synthese. 4 VCLI7.LHA 27k Voice Command Line Interface v7.0. Geef je Amiga ... [From ] SYSOP [Filename] VCLI7.LHA [File 4 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 27367 [Thu 13 Jan 94 17:16] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:10 Voice Command Line Interface v7.0. Geef je Amiga mondelinge commando's! Je hebt wel een audiodigitizer en een microfoon nodig. 5 SMARTPLAY.LHA 112k Moduleplayer die zich netjes aan de programmeer/m... [From ] SYSOP [Filename] SMARTPLAY.LHA [File 5 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 114327 [Sun 16 Jan 94 13:45] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:39 Moduleplayer die zich netjes aan de programmeer/multitask regels houdt, snel is en weinig CPU tijd gebruikt. 6 GUITARTUNER10. 14k Genereert tonen om je gitaar te stemmen. [From ] USER [Filename] GUITARTUNER10.LHA [File 6 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 13927 [Tue 25 Jan 94 22:40] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05 Genereert tonen om je gitaar te stemmen. 7 SOUNDEFFECT211 162k Om verschillende bewerkingen op samples los te la... [From ] USER [Filename] SOUNDEFFECT211.LHA [File 7 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 165361 [Mon 14 Mar 94 23:39] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:56 Om verschillende bewerkingen op samples los te laten. 8 EDPLAYER11.LZH 125k MOD-player met CD-speler interface, Arexx-poort e... [From ] USER [Filename] EDPLAYER11.LZH [File 8 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 127679 [Sat 14 May 94 11:13] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:43 MOD-player met CD-speler interface, Arexx-poort en VU-meters. 9 XMODULE28BETA. 61k Converteer van het ene moduleformaat naar het and... [From ] SYSOP [Filename] XMODULE28BETA.LHA [File 9 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 61694 [Sat 6 Aug 94 23:17] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:21 Converteer van het ene moduleformaat naar het andere. (Let op: beta!) 11 QUADRACOMP.LHA 271k Om muziekmodules mee te maken. [From ] USER [Filename] QUADRACOMP.LHA [File 11 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 276918 [Wed 15 Jun 94 17:43] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:33 Om muziekmodules mee te maken. A music tracker which uses the internal Amiga sound capabilities. Features: Uses standard intuition windows; Handles the Protracker and Extended Module (EMOD) formats; Built-in synth in the sample editor; More and longer samples can be used than in normal trackers; Amusing realtime sample displays. Binary only. Package also includes QuadraPlayer, a relatively small, freeware module player, that handles both Protracker modules and Extended Modules (EMOD's). The music is shown visually in the Monoscope, VU-Meters and SpectraScope. Version 1.0, binary only. .version 2.03 .date 1993.12.03 .author Bo Lincoln & Calle Englund 12 QUADRAPLAYER.L 43k Moduleplayer, versie 1.2. [From ] SYSOP [Filename] QUADRAPLAYER.LHA [File 12 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 43574 [Wed 7 Dec 94 23:42] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15 Moduleplayer, versie 1.2. QuadraPlayer is fontsensitive, uses any public screen, and can be iconified. Some realtime sample displays are included (funny to look at!). Now also featuring a real-time FFT sample analyzer... Supports Protracker and Extended modules. 13 TRACKER_4_3.LZ 136k Portable ST/PT player source. [From ] USER [Filename] TRACKER_4_3.LZH [File 13 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 138309 [Tue 30 Aug 94 10:59] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:47 Portable ST/PT player source. This is a fully-fledged protracker/soundtracker module player that is mostly portable. It now runs succesfully on the AMIGA, silicon graphics, sparc, linux... This version includes support for the AMIGA and a man page. There is no amiga binary downloadable yet. You will have to find a C compiler. This is an interim release, it is currently BETA on the amiga, and full-fledged on unix machines. Your amiga may crash while using this program. You've been warned ! This version includes numerous improvements over the previous versions released on the net: more reliable, new machines, new features. There should be a tracker-sun-bin, a tracker-solaris-bin, and tracker-amiga-bin available for those unfortunate enough not to have a compiler (in the near future). 14 AMISOX33.LHA 317k Amiga Sox 3.3, om samples te converteren. [From ] USER [Filename] AMISOX33.LHA [File 14 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 323675 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:1] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:48 Amiga Sox 3.3, om samples te converteren. This is Amiga release 3.3 of SOX, the Sound Exchange. It is strictly an Amiga port of the generic release of SOX r6 patchlevel 11. I have attempted to verify that all operations work properly, as they have in the past, but I cannot be exhaustive on this point. Documentation is a bit outdated, but the included Unix manuals are as up-to-date as anyone's. For those who don't yet know, SOX is intended as a general-purpose sound file converter. It is written in (more or less) standard C, and is not optimized for the Amiga. It is not fast, but it is thorough and something of a standard. SOX handles almost all current audio formats, and includes a number of nifty effects to boot: - 8SVX - AIFF - .voc - Sun/Next (.au) - RIFF-WAVE (.wav) - several weirdo PC formats - anything raw you can imagine - high-, band-, and low-pass filter - reverse - amplify - echo - vibro 15 FILTER2.LHA 45k Filter je samples. [From ] USER [Filename] FILTER2.LHA [File 15 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 45706 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:1] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:16 Filter je samples. Draw box on FFT plot, set +/-dB, filter. Filter2 does a FFT on a sound sample, and then allows you to drag a box around an area and specify the dB decrease or increase desired for that area. Snaps, hiss, and pops in looped samples are trivial to eliminate with this tool. 16 MPEGAUDIO.LHA 162k MPEG audio codec w/ source; supports layer I+II [From ] USER [Filename] MPEGAUDIO.LHA [File 16 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 165124 [Thu 01 Sep 94 01:1] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:56 MPEG audio codec w/ source; supports layer I+II 17 MULTIPLAYER132 123k Modplayer voor OS2.0+. [From ] USER [Filename] MULTIPLAYER132.LHA [File 17 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 125060 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:1] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:42 Modplayer voor OS2.0+. MultiPlayer 1.32 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ General-purpose multitasking player for music modules. Supports over 20 Popular module formats such as Protracker and MED. Provides volume, balance, and speed controls (with NTSC/PAL speed presets), both master and per-module. Allows you to build module "programs" which are played in random order, in sequence, or only when you select them. Allows you to load and save these programs and use them like normal modules. Allows module selection through two Workbench 2.0 AppWindows and AppIcons. Supports 2.0 commodities exchange so it can stay resident without any windows, and you can pop it up with a hot key. Provides four optional, individiually selectable "flashy" windows: a standard note/volume spectrogram, a stereo waveform scope, a four-channel scope, and a miniature scrolling note display (looks like a tracker program, but you can't read the notes). Auto-detaches from the CLI and uses a custom overlay system for minimal memory usage. Includes an ARexx port similar to that of RxTracker. Compatible with any Amiga model, any processor, multitasks well, no special memory requirements. Freely distributable with full source code under the GNU General Public License. 18 POWERPLAYER.LH 157k Gebruikers- en systeemvriendelijke modplayer. [From ] USER [Filename] POWERPLAYER.LHA [File 18 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 159830 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:1] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:54 Gebruikers- en systeemvriendelijke modplayer. A very powerful, user friendly and system friendly module player. It can handle nearly all module-formats, can read powerpacked & xpk-packed modules and comes along with its own powerful cruncher that uses the lh.library. Has a simple to use userinterface and an ARexx port, has locale-support and a nice installer script for CBM's installer utility. Binary only. Stephan Fuhrmann Erikstr. 30 24837 Schleswig Germany 19 SPECTRUM.LHA 72k Spectrumanalyser voor Protracker modules. [From ] USER [Filename] SPECTRUM.LHA [File 19 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 73673 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:1] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:25 Spectrumanalyser voor Protracker modules. This program displays a real-time audio spectrum for a protracker module as it plays. It can also drive the parallel port bits (PB0-PB7) in response to the presence of certain frequencies. This can be used for triggering external hardware as the protracker module is playing (although I can't see myself using it :-) ). This program doesn't support compressed or 15 sample module formats. 20 TRACKER_AMIGA4 29k Modplayer voor Unix, PC en Amiga (Amigaversie). [From ] USER [Filename] TRACKER_AMIGA4_3.LZH [File 20 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 29176 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:1] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:10 Modplayer voor Unix, PC en Amiga (Amigaversie). This is a fully-fledged protracker/soundtracker module player that is mostly portable. This archive includes only the amiga binaries and complements the main tracker-4_3.lzh archive. 21 UPD140.LHA 23k Speelt samples via arexx. [From ] USER [Filename] UPD140.LHA [File 21 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 23173 [Fri 30 Dec 94 12:36] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:08 Speelt samples via arexx. This release has a few much requested options: Random ID: Register several instances for the same ID and UPD will pick one at random. Queue mode: Specify a fade of -1 (or start with the -Q option) to force UPD to play every single request to end before starting the next one. NOTE: Due to raising a family I have not implemented the following: Parsing of incoming requests while playing - requires a more or less complete rewrite. Automatic detach - my current compiler (Aztec 5.0d) fails to produce a properly working executable (crashes on exit) according to their examples and I haven't found time to implement it myself. Enjoy! / Jonas ( 22 AGMSPLAYS8.LHA 26k Speelt samples direct van (harde-)schijf. [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] AGMSPLAYS8.LHA [File 22 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 26460 [Sun 15 Jan 95 22:04] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:09 Speelt samples direct van (harde-)schijf. Voor gebruik van bijvoorbeeld hele lange samples (max. 2 gigabyte) die normaal nooit in het geheugen passen. Volledig multitasking. 23 AGMSRECSN5.LHA 42k Sampelt direct naar (harde-)schijf. [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] AGMSRECSN5.LHA [File 23 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 42666 [Sun 15 Jan 95 22:04] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15 Sampelt direct naar (harde-)schijf. Maak met dit programma en een willekeurige sampler op de parallele poort een sample van max. 2 gigabyte, of zoveel als er op je schijf past. Op een A500 op 7.14 Mhz kan je met een HD samplen tot maximaal 8000 Hz. Op een A1200 kan je tot 14000 Hz komen. Toch is de geluidskwaliteit best goed te noemen, ook op een A500. Tip: filter met een equalizer tijdens het opnemen het hoog boven de frequentie waarmee je opneemt. Dat voorkomt geslis en andere bijgeluiden. 24 SOUNDBOX195.LH 100k Converteer en speel samples. (Tot 14 bits.) V1.95... [From ] USER [Filename] SOUNDBOX195.LHA [File 24 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 102366 [Sat 28 Jan 95 12:12] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:35 Converteer en speel samples. (Tot 14 bits.) V1.95. Requires: Kick 2.04+, ARexx, (opt. Locale and AmigaGuide V39+) Languages: English, German (only german docs yet... Sorry!) This tool converts RAW,IFF,VOC,WAVE,AIFF,MAUD and Maestro samples into each other format. Additionally, some effects are available to e.g. optimize the sample or amplify it to maximum volume. Main features: - handles up to 16 bit stereo samples - plays 14 bit hq via standard audio hardware - ARexx interface and full online help system - styleguided, font sensitive, localized 25 PLAY-HANDLER.L 8k Something like /dev/audio for sparks. [From ] USER [Filename] PLAY-HANDLER.LHA [File 25 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 7685 [Sat 28 Jan 95 12:18] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 Something like /dev/audio for sparks. 26 PLAY16_1.3.LHA 25k Speelt WAV, IFF, MAUD, etc, 14 bit output, v1.3. [From ] USER [Filename] PLAY16_1.3.LHA [File 26 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 24829 [Fri 3 Feb 95 20:23] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:09 Speelt WAV, IFF, MAUD, etc, 14 bit output, v1.3. -- Play16 version 1.3 - a versatile soundplayer for the Amiga -- Features in brief ----------------- - autodetects and plays several soundfiles, up to 16 bit / 56 kHz / stereo - always correct playback speed, even for sounds >28 kHz - realtime playback from harddisk, optimized assembler routines - optional 14 bit output (less noise but not as good as true 16 bit) - automatic or manual audio filter control - plays mono sounds on *both* channels, not only on the left one - plays (and loops) files that are larger than memory - preloading for exactly timed start of playback - fast uLaw decompression - system friendly audio channel allocation - supported Filetypes are: * Microsoft RIFF-WAVE (.WAV) mono / stereo, 8 / 16 bit, linear / uLaw * Sun/NeXT Audio (.AU) mono / stereo, 8 / 16 bit, linear / uLaw * MacroSystem MAUD (.MAUD) mono / stereo, 8 / 16 bit, linear * Apple/SGI/Amiga AIFF (.AIFF) mono / stereo, 8 / 16 bit, linear * Amiga IFF-8SVX (.IFF) mono / stereo, 8 bit, linear * Any raw sound data as long as it matches one of the following: - 8 bit signed - 8 bit unsigned - 16 bit signed, Intel format (LSB first) - 16 bit signed, Motorola format (MSB first) What's new since V1.2? ---------------------- V1.3 - 14 bit output (finally!) - Any file Play16 can't recognise is considered raw data unless you set the STRICT keyword - Fixed a bug in WAV filetype length determination - Advanced audiofilter control / original state will be restored after playback - More information about sound (AUTHOR or ANNO-Chunk) is being printed out if VERBOSE>=1. However, Play16 will *not* search the whole file for that string. If it doesn't come before the sound data -- bad luck :-) 27 OCTAMEDV4.LHA 299k Maak modules met 8 stemmen. [From ] USER [Filename] OCTAMEDV4.LHA [File 27 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 305822 [Fri 10 Feb 95 17:09] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:42 Maak modules met 8 stemmen. Music editing software, 8 voices 28 GFFT-1.12.LHA 294k Fast Fourier spectrum analyse van samples. [From ] USER [Filename] GFFT-1.12.LHA [File 28 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 300751 [Sun 9 Apr 95 21:51] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:41 Fast Fourier spectrum analyse van samples. GFFT is an FFT-based spectrum analysis program with many features. By operating from stored sample data files, it offers higher resolution and/or accuracy than real-time analyzers. It accepts 8, 12, or 16-bit data in in IFF 8SVX, AIFF, and AVR formats, or in unformatted files, and can accept data points entered through a console in floating point. GFFT can be operated from either a Workbench GUI or from a CLI in interactive or batch modes. It has built-in help facilities for all operating modes with a 170+ Kb help file. GFFT can produce high quality spectrum plots on screen, plotter, or printer, or save to Postscript or TeX files, or output spectral data in text form to a console or file. (GNUPLOT, a separate program by other authors, is required for plotting features. GFFT is designed to invoke and control GNUPLOT automatically.) It can plot in 2D (Amplitude vs Frequency), or 3D (Amplitude vs Frequency vs Time). It allows the selection of logarithmic X and/or Y axes, the dB scaling of X, and arbitrary 3D rotation. GFFT can show multiple spectra in the same plot, or append spectral data bands from earlier sessions. GFFT provides 8 selectable FFT window types, including Blackman-Harris 92 dB. It can apply a special weighting for pink noise testing. Smoothing, calibration, ranging, and quantization are also available. There are no arbitrary limits to the number of frequency bins or smoothing points, or to the length of data which can be analyzed. 29 PRO-WIZARD-2.0 234k Converteer modules naar Protracker formaat. [From ] USER [Filename] PRO-WIZARD-2.0.LHA [File 29 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 238798 [Sun 9 Apr 95 21:53] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:20 Converteer modules naar Protracker formaat. Pro-Wizard is a multi-converter for Amiga music files packed with tools like NoisePacker, ProPacker, ProRunner, and so on... It converts all these weird formats in the standard Protracker format! New Features in this V2.0: - Written in * 100% Assembler *! - User-friendly : mouse / gadgets / menus / keyboard! - XPK-libraries support. - Multi-Select allowed in the Loading requester!! - File-Ripper !!!!! - 12 new formats ----> 40 recognized formats! - Possibility to enable/disable each format. - Palette requester, Screen Mode requester, Save Prefs. - Graphic User Interface! - Recognition help inside the program (VIEW function)! - Iconify function! 30 DMODP35B.LHA 450k D.A.S.ModulePlayer 3.5b. (Heeft MUI en OS2.0+ nod... [From ] USER [Filename] DMODP35B.LHA [File 30 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 460240 [Wed 26 Apr 95 22:36] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 2:34 D.A.S.ModulePlayer 3.5b. (Heeft MUI en OS2.0+ nodig.) Shareware module player with MUI interface. Installation: Install with the provided installer script for (ex-)Commodore installer program. (2.04 owners: Copy the installer program from the MUI archive if you don't have it already) 31 NOISECONVERTER 102k Multi-Converter for 4ch Tracker Style Mods. [From ] USER [Filename] NOISECONVERTER.LHA [File 31 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 103994 [Thu 27 Apr 95 22:37] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:35 Multi-Converter for 4ch Tracker Style Mods. Noiseconverter is a FREEWARE tool to rip and convert Protracker related Modules like Propacker, Prorunner, Noisepacker etc. It is able to load those formats and save the modules in the format you like (Protracker, Quadracomposer, Art of Noise and lots more). It requires Kickstart 2.04 (V37) and Reqtools.library. From Kickstart 3.0 on locale.library is supported. Currently English, German and Dutch catalog files. Some features: - completely font sensitive gadtools window, style guide conform, easy to use - Keyboard support for simple one key strokes - decrunches almost every file using XPK and XFDMaster.library - supports localization (Kick2.1+) - direct Eagleplayer support (Grab module from / send module to Eagleplayer + additional commands) - complete module informations including playtime calculation - auto detect of the module formats - built in Ripper for almost all supported formats including depacking ability for most usual file packers. That means you can load an intro or file demo of your choice and when it was packed with a cruncher supported by XFDMaster.library it will be decrunched automatically and the ripper will start immediately after that. No need to put your mouse away and use Command line commands for that task. - automatically adds the right prefixes for the saved formats (of course compatible to the Eagleplayer/ExoticRipper ones) - written of course 100 % in Assembler - saves the last used paths into "env:" and "envarc:" so every time you start Noiseconverter you can continue where you stopped your work, of course uses separate paths for load and save operation - able to remove wrong tempo commands used in modules like e.g. "Mod.face another day" by Jogeir Liljedahl, "Prun.techdust" by hobbes/Infect or "Prun.Russian Theme" by TDK - able to rebuild damaged or wrong Patterndatas produced e.g. by the old "Perverter" tool, as second example I only want to mention "Mod.Project X Title" (it seems that most people only have got the damaged version) - possibility to alter the modulename - renaming of samples + saving as IFF8SVX supported - currently 19 different module formats at saving including splitting of modules into songs + samples - own, correct working Prorunner 2.0 saver included - option to set the author`s name into the module - online help - Virtual Memory support, VMM and Gigamem tested - written on a turbocharged machine, enforcer and mungwall proof - support for Chipsaver, ExoticBoot and Exotic mempatch 32 HIP206.LHA 129k Hippo Player v2.06 [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] HIP206.LHA [File 32 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 131418 [Sun 21 May 95 22:19] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:44 Hippo Player v2.06 HippoPlayer is a multiformat moduleplayer for Amiga. It works on ANY Amiga model, offering lot's of features while still not using lot's of memory. HiP has almost full keyboard control, can load XPK, LhA, Zip files, supports over 15 different musicformats, including ProTracker, SID, TFMX, Scream Tracker ]I[, FastTracker and MultiTracker. 33 ADPCM_PACKAGE. 73k Zeer effectieve sample compressie utils. [From ] USER [Filename] ADPCM_PACKAGE.LHA [File 33 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 73929 [Sat 13 May 95 17:37] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:25 Zeer effectieve sample compressie utils. This sample compression package consists of: - a CDRipper for Thoshiba CDRoms - a converter for any sound format to ADPCM using datatypes - a stand alone ADPCM replayer with wildcard support - an ADPCM DeliPlayer for use with DeliTracker - an ADPCM datatype for use with e.g. MultiView Even better: ALL THIS IS PUBLIC DOMAIN, FULL SOURCE CODE INCLUDED! What is ADPCM? -------------- ADPCM is a lossy sample compression method allowing a very high compression ratio. The drawback of this compression technique is an audible noise level, but this is still acceptable. Example ------- You can rip off a 3 minute music track from CD ("Cotton Eye Joe", 22050Hz, Mono) and store it in 982999 bytes. This can be further reduced by about 10% using an ordinary packer. You can listen to this audio track with DeliTracker just like an ordinary sound module. // \X/ Flowerpower 35 JACKTHERIP140. 25k Moduleripper. [From ] USER [Filename] JACKTHERIP140.LHA [File 35 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 25594 [Sat 13 May 95 17:43] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:09 Moduleripper. Version 1.38 Music Ripper That can rip 56+ Module Formats and a number of crunched files as well as IFF pictures and Animations. 36 AUDIOLAB.LHA 206k AdioLab, software 16bit audio DSP. (030,HD,OS2.1) [From ] USER [Filename] AUDIOLAB.LHA [File 36 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 210182 [Sat 13 May 95 17:51] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:11 AdioLab, software 16bit audio DSP. (030,HD,OS2.1) An hard-disk based 16bit audio recording,editing,processing,mixing system, originally designed for AAA / 3210DSP equipped machines, now available on standard Amigas. Operates on single-channel audio files directly from/to disk (2 gigabytes maximum recording size) in 16bit resolution (a realtime spatial enhancer is available during playback). Allows: - importing recordings from PC,MAC,Amiga formats - importing recordings from other devices (DAT,CD,stand-alone samplers) as long as you can transfer PCM data on Amiga HD. - direct digital tranfer from AudioCDs (Apple CD300(+) compatible CD-ROM drive required) to HD - recording from parallel port (hardware mono sampler required) direct to disk - building Relative Edit Lists (joining different fragments on different files) - building Absolute Edit Lists (assigning timecodes to different fragments on different files) - using a standard Amiga as a near-16bit quality output device. - mixing eight 16bit recordings in realtime/direct-from-disk - performing realtime/direct-from-disk DSP operations - playing realtime/direct-from-disk PC,MAC,Amiga formats without requiring conversion (8SVX-DPCM recordings are decompressed in realtime during playback) - controlling/playing AudioCDs (Apple CD300(+) compatible CD-ROM drive required) - triggering realtime/direct-from-disk playback via Arexx,MIDI or keyboard - exporting recordings to PC,MAC,Amiga formats - calculating FIR filter coefficients via sinc windowing - testing FIR filter coefficients linking a text-editor with the DSP (automatic impulse-response and frequency-response display) - generating files containing test signals - more... Supports: - multitasking - screemode selection - on-line documentation Requires: - a 68030 (or faster) CPU - a fast and large hard-drive - 2MB ram (4MB recommended) - a 640x400 screen resolution (800x600 recommended) - OS2.1 (or higher) This is the Junior version (with most of the functions locked and reduced documentation). 37 MAPLAY1_2.LHA 146k Converteer MPEG audiostreams naar IFF. [From ] USER [Filename] MAPLAY1_2.LHA [File 37 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 149411 [Sun 30 Jul 95 17:59] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:50 Converteer MPEG audiostreams naar IFF. This is a port of the maplay1.2 mpeg audio player/converter. This version is capable of writing 8SVX stereo files. 68040 and 68000 binaries. 38 DELITRACKER214 757k Uitgebreide, modulaire moduleplayer, v 2.14. [From ] USER [Filename] DELITRACKER214.LHA [File 38 OF 36] [FREE] [Size ] 775036 [Sat 13 May 95 17:47] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 4:19 Uitgebreide, modulaire moduleplayer, v 2.14. This politely multitasking program will play all popular sound program modules available on the amiga. Currently it supports over 100 (!) different module formats plus one special format for modules which contain their own player. ProTracker and PT-like players are internal; additional players are loaded from disk. That means you can very easily add/update players by placing them into the DeliPlayers directory. There are many reasons for using DeliTracker; here is only a small list: system friendly and multitasks happily allocates the sound channels supports more than 100 different module formats correct playspeed in PAL/NTSC (uses timer.device) does not interfere with modem use supports xpkmaster.library for decrunching can play mods from fastmem provides random play & songend detection converts many pt-clones back to protracker has sizeable scopes decrunches lha-files full Arexx support supports module lists pubscreen support hotkey (commoditiy) enforcer and mungwall proof supports full CLI or workbench (tooltypes) environment uses gadtools.library for layout supports the Toccata and the MaestroPro soundboard[U] Upload file [D] Download [F] File list [A] Change areas [N] New file scan [=] Global list [P] Private area [O] Edit signature [R] Read file [I] View archive [^] Goto msg area [@] Send message [M] Main menu [G] Goodbye [H] Help [B] Send filelist [?] Display menu [RET] Next file [*] Search file Area: [40] [Muziek] [0/1-17] => █