Files in area [20] - [Aardigheidjes]
1 NEWFROMCOMMODO 92k Zet "new" wel tussen aanhalingstekens, want dit i...
[From ] SYSOP
[Size ] 93614 [Sat 11 Dec 93 11:49]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:32
Zet "new" wel tussen aanhalingstekens, want dit is wel een stukje geschiedenis.
2 ESCAPEFROMCBM. 6k "Adventure" die via de Installer van Commodore we...
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] ESCAPEFROMCBM.LHA [File 2 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 6040 [Sat 11 Dec 93 13:13]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
"Adventure" die via de Installer van Commodore werkt. (Wordt niet meegeleverd.)
3 KLIDE.LZH 9k Supersnelle lijnen-demo.
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] KLIDE.LZH [File 3 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 9126 [Sun 26 Dec 93 12:50]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
Supersnelle lijnen-demo.
4 ANNOTATE.LHA 72k Shareware teksteditor.
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] ANNOTATE.LHA [File 4 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 73183 [Fri 7 Jan 94 20:37]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:25
Shareware teksteditor.
5 AROACH.LHA 45k ARoach displays disgusting cockroaches on your sc...
[From ] USER
[Filename] AROACH.LHA [File 5 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 45189 [Thu 13 Jan 94 17:16]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:16
ARoach displays disgusting cockroaches on your screen. These creepy crawlies
scamper around until they find a window to hide under. Whenever you move or
resize a window, the exposed orthopteras again scamper for cover.
ARoach is based on Xroach for X-Windows.
It requires at least AmigaDOS Release 2.
6 TEXTRA15.LHA 164k Aardige en gebruikersvriendelijke shareware tekst...
[From ] USER
[Filename] TEXTRA15.LHA [File 6 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 167279 [Sat 29 Jan 94 21:58]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:56
Aardige en gebruikersvriendelijke shareware teksteditor.
7 JISTOJI.LHA 157k Beeldt teksten met Japanse karakters in Old-JIS, ...
[From ] USER
[Filename] JISTOJI.LHA [File 7 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 160402 [Sun 20 Feb 94 9:20]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:54
Beeldt teksten met Japanse karakters in Old-JIS, New-JIS, Shift-JIS of EUC-JIS
af op het scherm.
8 MOTOWB10.LHA 31k Backdrop plaatjes met Motorola logo voor MagicWB ...
[From ] USER
[Filename] MOTOWB10.LHA [File 8 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 31168 [Sun 27 Feb 94 18:32]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:11
Backdrop plaatjes met Motorola logo voor MagicWB of Workbench 2.1 en hoger.
9 LYAPUNOVIA15.L 219k Lyapunovia berekent kleurrijke (niet-mandelbrot) ...
[From ] USER
[Filename] LYAPUNOVIA15.LHA [File 9 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 223939 [Sun 27 Mar 94 16:19]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:15
Lyapunovia berekent kleurrijke (niet-mandelbrot) fractals.
Lyapunovia pictures vary from colorful candy to mean metal (or something),
offering you everything you ever wanted in visual representation of
mathematical abstractions.
The program is Shareware. Is has been thoroughly tested.
Lyapunovia V1.5 features:
-Runs on all Amigas.
-AGA support.
-Optimized version for 68020+ CPUs.
-FPU support.
-Allows a zoom factor of 10,000,000,000,000,000!
-24 bit output. (To 65000 x 65000 pixels.)
10 MOUSEYES.ZIP 14k Een heel schattig progammaatje wat totaal geen nu...
[From ] USER
[Filename] MOUSEYES.ZIP [File 10 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 13374 [Mon 28 Mar 94 22:24]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05
Een heel schattig progammaatje wat totaal geen nut heeft maar gewoon twee
oogjes op de WB zet welke de mouse pointer continue volgen.
Als je b.v. tussen de oogjes gaat staan met de pointer kijken ze scheel en ze
knipperen ook regelmatig.
Als je het programmaatje in de startup-sequence weet in te bouwen of op de
A1200/4000 in de WBStartup directory zet start het iedere keer vanzelf op.
Groetjes Elzaliene
Comment from user [Iljitsch Van Beijnum] on [Mon 28 Mar 94 22:24]
Helaas vermeldt de geschiedenis niet hoe je weer van de oogjes afkomt...
Comment from user [Peter Buijsman] on [Wed 4 Jan 95 22:39]
Je hebt er drie toetsen voor nodig...werkt gegarandeerd.
11 MTVHACK1.LHA 5k Zet het MTV logo in de hoek van je scherm.
[Filename] MTVHACK1.LHA [File 11 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 4537 [Sat 2 Apr 94 0:07]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02
Zet het MTV logo in de hoek van je scherm.
Comment from user [Iljitsch Van Beijnum] on [Sat 2 Apr 94 0:08]
Werkt blijkbaar niet goed onder AGA, allemaal strepen door het beeld...
Comment from user [Peter Buijsman] on [Wed 4 Jan 95 22:39]
Het schijnt ook onder AGA te moeten werken, hoor. Kan er een andere reden voor
zijn dat het bij jou niet werkte?
12 SAYCLOCK.LHA 7k Klein klokje dat de tijd ook zegt. (Ook in het Ne...
[Filename] SAYCLOCK.LHA [File 12 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 7068 [Tue 12 Apr 94 20:06]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Klein klokje dat de tijd ook zegt. (Ook in het Nederlands.)
13 PLOTMAP.LHA 668k Tekent wereldkaarten aan de hand van telemetrie-b...
[From ] USER
[Filename] PLOTMAP.LHA [File 13 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 683563 [Sun 8 May 94 12:45]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 3:48
Tekent wereldkaarten aan de hand van telemetrie-bestanden van de CIA.
14 GERSHNEBLANKER 166k Modulaire screenblanker.
[From ] USER
[Filename] GERSHNEBLANKER322.LHA [File 14 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 169713 [Mon 13 Jun 94 15:37]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:57
Modulaire screenblanker.
Met klassiekers als:
- vliegende broodroosters
- vuurwerk
- wormen
- fade
- puzzel
En nog veel meer! Erg leuk, verassend ook als je de random optie gebruikt.
15 TELEPROMPT.LHA 31k Demo van een TelePrompTer (autocue) programma.
[From ] USER
[Filename] TELEPROMPT.LHA [File 15 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 31590 [Fri 1 Jul 94 15:33]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:11
Demo van een TelePrompTer (autocue) programma.
16 PLABDEMO.LHA 270k Demo van een educatief natuurkundeprogramma.
[From ] USER
[Filename] PLABDEMO.LHA [File 16 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 275802 [Sat 6 Aug 94 23:16]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:32
Demo van een educatief natuurkundeprogramma.
Opportunity With Learning presents Physics Laboratory in Mechanics
17 ANIMPOIN.LHA 158k Zorgt voor een bewegende muispijl onder 3.0.
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] ANIMPOIN.LHA [File 17 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 161137 [Sat 13 Aug 94 16:21]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:54
Zorgt voor een bewegende muispijl onder 3.0.
Speelt 4 en 16 kleuren lores 16 pixels brede anim-brushes af via de muispijl.
Een aantal voorbeelden is bijgevoegd.
18 MRED.LHA 59k Een hele goede ANSI-editor.
[Filename] MRED.LHA [File 18 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 60023 [Sun 21 Aug 94 22:05]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:21
Een hele goede ANSI-editor.
Uitermate geschikt om BBS schermen mee te maken.
19 WBVERLAUF20.LH 11k Zorgt voor een aangenaam kleurverloop op de Workb...
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] WBVERLAUF20.LHA [File 19 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 10687 [Sat 29 Jan 94 21:58]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
Zorgt voor een aangenaam kleurverloop op de Workbench onder 3.0 en AGA.
20 PLANETAR.LHA 59k Zie hoe de planeten ten opzichte van elkaar beweg...
[From ] USER
[Filename] PLANETAR.LHA [File 20 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 59601 [Wed 31 Aug 94 21:08]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:20
Zie hoe de planeten ten opzichte van elkaar bewegen.
Door een datum in te tikken kun je de stand van de planeten bekijken, op die
21 DFA_2.LHA 1078k A very powerful database, this program include ev...
[From ] USER
[Filename] DFA_2.LHA [File 21 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 1103605 [Fri 9 Sep 94 17:21]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 6:08
A very powerful database, this program include everything you could want from
it. It will even call your friends for you. Localization under WB 2.1 and
above. Needs WB 2.0 or higher.
22 AQUAPACK.LHA 529k Om een database van software op de Fish disks en ...
[From ] USER
[Filename] AQUAPACK.LHA [File 22 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 541688 [Sat 29 Oct 94 20:37]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 3:01
Om een database van software op de Fish disks en CDs bij te houden.
23 ARRIBA.LHA 42k Geeft leuke geluidjes bij bepaalde handelingen va...
[Filename] ARRIBA.LHA [File 23 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 42183 [Sun 6 Nov 94 23:57]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15
Geeft leuke geluidjes bij bepaalde handelingen van de gebruiker.
24 SINTERKLAAS.LH 11k Hulp bij het maken van sinterklaasgedichtjes.
[From ] USER
[Filename] SINTERKLAAS.LHA [File 24 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 10406 [Wed 16 Nov 94 23:48]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
Hulp bij het maken van sinterklaasgedichtjes.
Het programma kent een heleboel regels, zodat het aantal verschillende
gedichten in de miljoenen loopt...
25 DISKTALK.LZH 69k Speelt sample bij insteken/verwijderen disk.
[From ] USER
[Filename] DISKTALK.LZH [File 25 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 70142 [Mon 29 Aug 94 23:3]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:24
Speelt sample bij insteken/verwijderen disk.
Short: plays samples when disk inserted/ejected
Type: disk/misc
Uploader: (Nick Ridley)
Author Nico François
DiskTalk 1.0 (1 Nov 1989)
In a long (endless) line of Amiga hacks I present : DiskTalk.
DiskTalk will monitor disk activity and whenever a disk is ejected or
inserted it will play one of two samples. The effect can be hilarious.
Because it's the year of batmania I have included two appropriate samples.
Just try the program out by double-clicking its icon.
"1> Run DiskTalk "
Click the icon once, use the 'Info' command in the 'WorkBench' menu
and enter "SOUNDS= " in the tooltypes.
- The samples are loaded in chip memory, so this program can limit
multitasking a lot. But remember, it's only a hack.
- You can use your own samples very easily, just save them as an IFF file.
- Raw samples can also be read, but they will always be played at 10KHz.
- The effect is a zillion times funnier if you leave DiskTalk running and
you forget it's there.
- Use the close gadget to quit or send a break command (CTRL-C).
- You can crunch the soundfiles with PowerPacker (one of my utilities) to
save some diskspace (samples crunch VERY badly though, +-10%), DiskTalk
will recognize this and decrunch the files.
Have fun,
Reactions, bug reports,... to:
Nico François
Corbielaan 13
B-3060 Bertem
26 TREKIC.LHA 8k Een aantal Startrek icoontjes.
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] TREKIC.LHA [File 26 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 7265 [Wed 9 Nov 94 21:10]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Een aantal Startrek icoontjes.
27 AMIGAWORLD.LHA 586k Database met gegevens over alle landen van de wer...
[From ] USER
[Filename] AMIGAWORLD.LHA [File 27 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 600008 [Sat 3 Dec 94 23:30]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 3:21
Database met gegevens over alle landen van de wereld.
Versie 3.1.
A database program that contains information about every
country on Earth. It enables you to have a look at the data
of one country, or to compare several ones. Among other things
it displays location, capital, area, population, languages,
currency and the flag of each country. Other features are
information on international organizations and map display.
AmigaWorld is very easy to handle, and you can choose between
English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Swedish, Danish and
Finnish output. New features include map display and text information
about continents.
28 BACK-TALK10.LH 119k Computer zegt zomaar dingen (vanuit een file).
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] BACK-TALK10.LHA [File 28 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 121400 [Wed 7 Dec 94 23:40]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:41
Computer zegt zomaar dingen (vanuit een file).
This program uses the narrator.library and translate.library to say random
thing from a user generated file. This archive comes with Back-Talk, the main
player; Creator, a menu driven Talk-File creator; and two sample Talk-Files.
29 C00LNESS.LHA 44k A Ko0l text converter.
[From ] USER
[Filename] C00LNESS.LHA [File 29 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 44307 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:1]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15
A Ko0l text converter.
This is just a cool text converter. It does the following:
"Amiga rules forever.", for example, becomes "AmIGa RuLEZzzZ f0ReVER!!!!1!" or
something similar.
So now you can easily impress your friends with this mature "WaZZuP
30 PHOON21.LHA 179k Berekent plaatje van de maan in haar huidige fase...
[From ] USER
[Filename] PHOON21.LHA [File 30 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 182631 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:01
Berekent plaatje van de maan in haar huidige fase.
Amiga port of the xphoon program, which greates picture of the moon in its
current phase and puts it onto X root window.
This program greates ram:phoon.ilbm file which has that picture written.
OS2.0+, heeft iff.library nodig.
31 KLINGNUM11.LHA 12k Vertaal getallen in Klingon.
[From ] USER
[Filename] KLINGNUM11.LHA [File 31 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 12078 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05
Vertaal getallen in Klingon.
Public Domain program that translates regular numbers into longhand Klingon.
'C' source included, translated output can be re-directed for use by Arexx,
etc. Included example of how to create a Klingon "AVAIL" command. Based on
information from Marc Okrand's "The Klingon Dictionary".
32 LCONTROL101.LH 21k Bestuur LANC videocamera's met de computer.
[From ] USER
[Filename] LCONTROL101.LHA [File 32 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 20946 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07
Bestuur LANC videocamera's met de computer.
LControl is a tool to control video cameras which have a LANC-interface. All
camera actions are supported (from play to slow motion backwards). LControl has
an ARexx port which allows you to program your camera via ARexx.
33 KALENDER.LHA 83k Kalenderprogramma met krachtige mogelijkheden.
[From ] USER
[Filename] KALENDER.LHA [File 33 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 84321 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:29
Kalenderprogramma met krachtige mogelijkheden.
This is my calendar program (still under
development) - it comes with some very
powerfull features (i hope :)
next version (3.0) will become a nice
MUI user interface - and i hope you like it.
for more features and new idears write me
an email!
34 STARDATE.LHA 13k Geeft huidige sterredatum (stardate).
[From ] USER
[Filename] STARDATE.LHA [File 34 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 12798 [Fri 3 Feb 95 20:25]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05
Geeft huidige sterredatum (stardate).
Small little program which sends the current stardate to STDOUT. The archive
includes the source.
35 HACKERTEST.LHA 12k Test of je een hacker bent met dit arexxprogramma...
[From ] USER
[Filename] HACKERTEST.LHA [File 35 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 11475 [Sat 11 Feb 95 20:44]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
Test of je een hacker bent met dit arexxprogramma.
The Quest program was made because I wanted to make an interactive
"Hacker-test" instead of the ordinary file that contained the test originally.
Most of the questions are from the original Hacker-test file, some of them
modified. Others are completely new. The original hacker-test was made by Felix
Lee, John Hayes and Angela Thomas in September 1989. Many thanks to them for
some funny reading!
36 3DTITLER.LHA 103k Blufftitler v1.1, realtime 3d animatie titelprogr...
[From ] USER
[Filename] 3DTITLER.LHA [File 36 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 105353 [Sat 11 Feb 95 20:49]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:36
Blufftitler v1.1, realtime 3d animatie titelprogramma.
Using this program you can make 3-Dimensional texts flying around your screen
in all sorts of 3 dimensions effects, just like leaders on TV !
The text is a 3 Dimensional object. You can define up to 100 keys, animating
the position and rotation of the text AND the position and viewdirection of the
The characters can be sheared and stretched in all directions.
PAL and NTSC versions
AGA and ECS compatible. AGA users will enjoy 24 bit colors and more the 400
different colors on screen ( Thanks to the Copper-Chip)
Genlock Compatibility
Full ASCII support including German/Scandinavian/Spanish and French chars
Special effects : Fade Out/Fade In/Explosion/Implosion
Virtual Reality Mode : flying around your leader in realtime !!!
The possibilty to change the text per key : making stories !
All the preferences flags are stored in the .BT file.
The possibility to speed up/slow down the complete show, for example making
it fit in exactly 3 seconds
This Demo includes 45 DemoShows, ready to run !!!
37 PHENOMENA.LHA 18k Maakt plaatjes van bliksem en explosies.
[From ] USER
[Filename] PHENOMENA.LHA [File 37 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 18287 [Sat 18 Mar 95 20:52]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07
Maakt plaatjes van bliksem en explosies.
by Avi Pilosof, 18/2/1995
Phenomena is an Amiga program which generates IFF pictures of natural
phenomena. Currently, two phenomena are supported, electricity and explosions.
The program will generate animations of the above for use in rendering
programs etc...
Await a PC version, as soon as I get some time.
38 ASPRINGIES-1.0 120k An interactive mass and spring simulator.
[From ] USER
[Filename] ASPRINGIES-1.0.LHA [File 38 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 121920 [Sun 9 Apr 95 21:48]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:41
An interactive mass and spring simulator.
ASpringies is a simulator which allows you to interactively create and edit a
system of masses and springs. The parameters of the masses and springs (such
as mass elasticity and spring K) as well as those of the surrounding system
(such as air viscosity and gravity) can be changed. These systems can be
loaded and saved into a file.
I guess you could use ASpringies for real work, but it's really intended to
be a time waster.
39 DDLI-3.41.LHA 100k Persoonlijkheidstest.
[From ] USER
[Filename] DDLI-3.41.LHA [File 39 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 101534 [Sun 9 Apr 95 21:50]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:34
The DDLI asks you a series of multiple choice questions in order to determine
your psychological type (life pattern). It measures for the same sixteen
psychological types as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) does: ENFJ, ENFP,
ISTP. These are based on four sets of preferences: Extraversion vs.
Introversion, iNtuition vs. Sensing, Feeling vs. Thinking, and Judging vs.
Perceiving. The DDLI has many features that make it easy to use: It lets you
change your answers; It lets you save your answers and resume later; It lets
you skip questions and get back to them; And it tabulates all the results for
you. It also has feautures that the MBTI doesn't have: It asks you to rank each
of your answers; And It asks questions that measure for preferences that the
MBTI doesn't directly measure for.
40 POINTEREYES3.4 31k Ogen kijken naar de muispijl.
[From ] USER
[Filename] POINTEREYES3.4.LHA [File 40 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 31410 [Sun 16 Apr 95 22:37]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:11
Ogen kijken naar de muispijl.
o All settings are saved and loaded from the icon tooltypes.
o The background color and eye color are automatic allowing it to look
as though the eyes are attached to the screen's title bar or you
can choose it's colors.
o The eyes can be auto-centered on the title bar or be located
anywhere on the screen.
o There are two eye sizes. You may choose between the two or let the
program determine which best fits your public screen title bar. The
larger eyes were designed to be used with 11 point fonts.
o You can choose the public screen in which Pointer Eyes appears on.
o If the mouse isn't moved for a while, the eyes will go to sleep, and
periodicaly peek out at you.
o The eyes will blink at random intervals.
o The eyes are rolled periodically.
o Monitors the system preferences files, allowing the WB screen to be
closed/reopened if system preferences are changed.
o You can lock the window in place so you don't accidentlly grab it.
o The eyes can stay behind, in front of all windows, or just float.
o The eyes can follow you around to the front most or active
public screen.
o Low task priority of -2, so it doesn't get in the way of other tasks.
o Small code.
41 MINIMAND.LHA 39k Kleine Mandelbrot en Juliagenerator met IFF save.
[From ] USER
[Filename] MINIMAND.LHA [File 41 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 39531 [Wed 26 Apr 95 22:40]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:14
Kleine Mandelbrot en Juliagenerator met IFF save.
42 NONPRODUCTIVIT 93k Ronald's Non Productivity Tools
[From ] USER
[Filename] NONPRODUCTIVIT.LHA [File 42 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 94698 [Thu 27 Apr 95 22:53]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:32
Ronald's Non Productivity Tools
See your WorkBench (amongst other things) fall apart, shake, flicker and being
infested with all kinds of binary critters...
This is a collection of non productivity tools for the Amiga. According to a
statement of the genius author, the programs in this collection do NOT suck in
any way and guarantee hours of joy & happiness.
43 KEYBANG.LZX 64k Locked het systeem, en zet bij elke toetsaanslag/...
[Filename] KEYBANG.LZX [File 43 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 64977 [Wed 3 May 95 21:10]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:22
Locked het systeem, en zet bij elke toetsaanslag/muisklik een figuurtje op het
scherm en laat een geluidje horen. De schrijver gebruikt het om zijn 1.5 jaar
oude zoontje op zijn computer te laten spelen...
44 TEKSTSTV210.LH 11k TextStyler v2.10 -- Verandert een textfile in een...
[Filename] TEKSTSTV210.LHA [File 44 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 10774 [Sun 21 May 95 22:25]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
TextStyler v2.10 -- Verandert een textfile in een 'coole' tekstfile. Ken een
aantal ingebouwde variaties, en de mogelijkheid eigen vertaaltabellen te maken.
45 YOURFAULT.LHA 18k Vervang systeem error-strings. Leuk!
[From ] USER
[Filename] YOURFAULT.LHA [File 45 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 17418 [Sat 13 May 95 17:34]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06
Vervang systeem error-strings. Leuk!
This little hack patches the Fault() and PrintFault() functions of Amigados.
You can specify the text returned for every error code... eg,
"Bannana in disk drive"
Includes SAS/C source code, demonstrating use of SetFunction()
47 ML11.LHA 12k Beweeg windows "live" over het scherm! En vergroo...
[From ] USER
[Filename] ML11.LHA [File 47 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 12023 [Sun 30 Jul 95 17:58]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05
Beweeg windows "live" over het scherm! En vergroot/verkleint real-time.
New and improved version. Several bugs fixed.
48 WORLDMAP-1.0.L 550k Geeft info en kaarten over/van alle landen.
[From ] USER
[Filename] WORLDMAP-1.0.LHA [File 48 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 562475 [Sat 13 May 95 17:53]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 3:08
Geeft info en kaarten over/van alle landen.
Database containing general information about all the countries in the world
together with graphical representation of time zones, boundaries, flags, etc.
The user can add graphics and text in a very easy way.
Hard drive is recommended (2.5 mb of free space). 1 MB of memory.
49 AMIGATRAINER.L 219k Programma om vreemde talen te leren. V1.3c.
[From ] USER
[Filename] AMIGATRAINER.LHA [File 49 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 223402 [Sun 21 May 95 23:33]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:15
Programma om vreemde talen te leren. V1.3c.
AmigaTrainer (short AT) from Frank Weber is a *very* powerful and flexible
program to learn foreign languages. You enter the words yourself, so they
aren't related to any special language or school book.
To every word there are 2 additions to enter for example other times or the
genus - so every pupil learning Latin should try AmigaTrainer. (Of course these
additions can be switched off.)
Other features:
- Learn function for intensive training
- fast test without typing
- words can be printed - so they needn't to be written
into an exercise book.
- Space-Killer to correct typing errors
- Sounds being played after a right or wrong answer
- wrong words can be repeated and saved
But AmigaTrainer can't only be used for words, but also for other things, for
example chemical elemente and many many more...
Test it - you won't be sorry for it !!!
50 HAIKU2.LHA 3k Maakt random gedichtjes in het Engels.
[From ] USER
[Filename] HAIKU2.LHA [File 50 OF 49] [FREE]
[Size ] 2051 [Sun 21 May 95 23:35]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:01
Maakt random gedichtjes in het Engels.
Simple REXX script - runs under OS/2 too ;) - that generates pseudo-random
Haiku poems in English.
The cold leaf failing;
It is the languid gecko.
Returning, I dive.
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