Files in area [19] - [Unix utility's]
1 LS47LJR.LHA 48k ls commando voor op de Amiga.
[From ] USER
[Filename] LS47LJR.LHA [File 1 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 48620 [Sat 25 Dec 93 13:27]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:17
ls commando voor op de Amiga.
De output ziet er zo uit (met de -l optie)::
-----rwed 2 612 dec 10 17:51 1.fd
-----rwed 1 106 dec 25 14:44 File.dat
-----rwed 1 5 dec 25 14:05 Pointers.file
-----rwed 47 23654 dec 10 17:51 TPTCRON2.LHA
-----rwed 5 2068 dec 25 14:44 User.File
Dirs:0 Files:5 Blocks:56 Bytes:26445
2 TOUCH12.LHA 5k Om files "aan te raken" zodat de datum van de fil...
[From ] USER
[Filename] TOUCH12.LHA [File 2 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 5025 [Fri 7 Jan 94 20:36]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02
Om files "aan te raken" zodat de datum van de file op de huidige datum gezet
wordt. Als de gespecificeerde file nog niet bestaat wordt een lege file
3 QCD10.LHA 12k QCD is een CD commando dat wildcards (? en *) sna...
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] QCD10.LHA [File 3 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 11999 [Thu 13 Jan 94 17:16]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
QCD is een CD commando dat wildcards (? en *) snapt en ook de Unix stijl van
directory aanduiding (/ voor root, . voor de huidige directory, .. voor een
directory hoger) gebruikt indien dat geen conflicten met de Amiga conventies
4 APCNAMES12A.LH 30k APCnames maakt het mogelijk via MSDOS diskettes f...
[From ] USER
[Filename] APCNAMES12A.LHA [File 4 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 29774 [Tue 25 Jan 94 22:40]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:10
APCnames maakt het mogelijk via MSDOS diskettes files uit te wisselen met een
Unix systeem of een Mac zonder dat de oorspronkelijke filenamen verloren gaan.
Sources voor Amiga en Unix bijgevoegd.
5 BFFS13.LHA 185k Berkely Fast File System 1.3. Hiermee kan je Unix...
[From ] USER
[Filename] BFFS13.LHA [File 5 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 188942 [Sat 12 Feb 94 20:27]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:03
Berkely Fast File System 1.3. Hiermee kan je Unix harddrives en floppen lezen
en schrijven.
6 USAGE10.LHA 10k Dit programma doet hetzelfde als Unix "du".
[From ] USER
[Filename] USAGE10.LHA [File 6 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 10096 [Sun 27 Feb 94 18:29]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
Dit programma doet hetzelfde als Unix "du".
7 MAN111.LHA 14k man commando voor op de Amiga.
[From ] USER
[Filename] MAN111.LHA [File 7 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 13907 [Sun 6 Mar 94 22:24]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05
man commando voor op de Amiga.
8 GZIP124X1.LHA 62k GNU zip, pakt .gz files uit. (Niet te verwarren m...
[From ] USER
[Filename] GZIP124X1.LHA [File 8 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 62876 [Tue 12 Apr 94 20:06]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:21
GNU zip, pakt .gz files uit. (Niet te verwarren met PKzip.)
9 UUCODE.LHA 14k UUencode en UUdecode om binaire files in ASCII te...
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] UUCODE.LHA [File 9 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 13842 [Fri 15 Apr 94 19:10]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05
UUencode en UUdecode om binaire files in ASCII te veranderen en terug.
10 IXEMULLIB401.L 77k Betaversie van een kleinere ixemul.library gecomp...
[From ] USER
[Filename] IXEMULLIB401.LHA [File 10 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 77837 [Sat 18 Jun 94 16:47]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:26
Betaversie van een kleinere ixemul.library gecompileerd voor de 68020 en hoger.
Voor gebruik met GCCen de daarmee gecompileerde programma's zoals de meeste GNU
11 AMIGAUW4.LHA 36k Log meerdere keren in op een Unix systeem.
[From ] USER
[Filename] AMIGAUW4.LHA [File 11 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 36442 [Sat 18 Jun 94 16:47]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:13
Log meerdere keren in op een Unix systeem.
Dit is een verbeterde versie van AmigaUW, het programma waarmee het mogelijk is
via 1 seriele lijn met meerdere windows op een Unix host in te loggen.
12 MPACK14.LHA 44k Om files in en uit te pakken in MIME.
[From ] USER
[Filename] MPACK14.LHA [File 12 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 44261 [Mon 27 Jun 94 15:09]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15
Om files in en uit te pakken in MIME.
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) wordt gebruikt om binaire files
over het Internet te mailen.
13 MULTIUSER18_BI 128k MultiUserFileSystem, maakt het mogelijk dat versc...
[From ] USER
[Filename] MULTIUSER18_BIN.LHA [File 13 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 130949 [Thu 14 Jul 94 11:02]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:44
MultiUserFileSystem, maakt het mogelijk dat verschillende gebruikers een Amiga
delen zonder dat ze ongewenste zaken met elkaars files kunnen uithalen. Om te
kunnen werken als multiuser geinstalleerd is moet je eerst inloggen. Wat je dan
kunt doen hangt af van de Unix stijl lees en schrijfrechten in directory's en
files. Er kunnen meerdere mensen tegelijk onder verschillende accounts ingelogd
zijn. (Bijvoorbeeld via de seriele poort.)
15 VIM30.LHA 276k Vi IMproved. A clone of the UNIX text editor Vi.
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] VIM30.LHA [File 15 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 281985 [Thu 18 Aug 94 19:16]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:34
Vi IMproved. A clone of the UNIX text editor Vi.
Very useful for editing programs and other plain ASCII text. Full Vi
compatibility (except Q command) and includes most Ex commands. Extra features
above Vi: Multilevel undo, multiple windows, command line history, improved
command line editing, command typeahead display, command to display yank
buffers, possibility to edit binary files, file name stack, support for Manx
QuickFix, shows current file name in window title, on-line help, rectangular
cut/paste, etc., etc., etc...
Version 3.0. Also runs under UNIX and MSDOS.
Author: Bram Moolenaar, et. al.
16 MAN2ANSI.LHA 13k Converts UN*X manuals to Amiga ANSI.
[From ] USER
[Filename] MAN2ANSI.LHA [File 16 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 12429 [Wed 23 Nov 94 22:50]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05
Converts UN*X manuals to Amiga ANSI.
17 DAGGEX091.LHA 1693k Xwindows voor de Amiga (AmiTCP support) versie 0....
[From ] USER
[Filename] DAGGEX091.LHA [File 17 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 1733145 [Mon 29 Aug 94 23:5]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 9:38
Xwindows voor de Amiga (AmiTCP support) versie 0.91.
0.91 release of DaggeX with AmiTCP and Picasso-II support
NOTE: needs '020+
18 DAGGEXBIN_1_0B 384k DaggeX update naar 1.0b, heeft 0.91 nodig.
[From ] USER
[Filename] DAGGEXBIN_1_0B.LHA [File 18 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 392947 [Mon 29 Aug 94 23:5]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 2:11
DaggeX update naar 1.0b, heeft 0.91 nodig.
DaggeX 1.0b binary + xhost binary. Needs a previous full dist to work.
19 LHA_1_00_TAR.Z 85k Lha voor Unix.
[From ] USER
[Filename] LHA_1_00_TAR.Z [File 19 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 86073 [Tue 30 Aug 94 10:58]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:29
Lha voor Unix.
Archiver for .lha and .lzh files for UNIX
20 MANFILT12.LHA 17k Filter codes uit Unix manpages.
[From ] USER
[Filename] MANFILT12.LHA [File 20 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 17354 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:1]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06
Filter codes uit Unix manpages.
manfilt will filter out those pesky control codes in unix man pages.
Specifically, it will filter out bold sequences and underline sequences.
21 TAR.LHA 19k Tar, bekend van Unix.
[From ] USER
[Filename] TAR.LHA [File 21 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 18856 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:1]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07
Tar, bekend van Unix.
22 UNIXCMD.LHA 185k Pakket Unix commando's voor de Amiga.
[From ] USER
[Filename] UNIXCMD.LHA [File 22 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 189151 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:04
Pakket Unix commando's voor de Amiga.
The following commands are included: cmp, comm, convert, cut, date, dc, file,
find, fold, head, ln, newform, nl, paste, split, strings, tail, tee, test, tr,
Two extra commands are also included: compute (various numeric operations of a
file) and extract (extract bytes from a file).
23 CSH540.LHA 247k C-Shell (csh) 5.40, CLI vervanger. OS2.0+.
[From ] USER
[Filename] CSH540.LHA [File 23 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 252386 [Fri 10 Feb 95 17:20]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:25
C-Shell (csh) 5.40, CLI vervanger. OS2.0+.
C-Shell is a replacement for the AmigaDOS command line interface. Many
builtin Unix-like commands, very fast script language, filename completion,
command-name completion, comfortable command line editing, pattern matching,
AUX: mode, object oriented file classes, abbreviation of internal and external
commands. Supports multiple users.
C-Shell is easy to install and to use. Online help for all commands,
functions and various subjects. ARP-free!
24 DOSWEDGE22.LHA 41k Unix directory's voor AmigaDOS, versie 2.2.
[From ] USER
[Filename] DOSWEDGE22.LHA [File 24 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 41484 [Sat 11 Feb 95 20:51]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:14
Unix directory's voor AmigaDOS, versie 2.2.
DosWedge patches into dos.library to give you Unix like directories. You can
use "." ".." "~" and "~username" if you have MultiUserFileSystem. This is done
at the dos level so it will effect all programs not just the AmigaDOS shell.
Also you may use environment variables for filenames and directories.
1. Support for Unix directory names . .. ~ and ~username.
2. MultiUserFileSystem support.
OS release 2.04 or newer.
"matrix.library" version 23.2103 (included in archive).
Multiview or Amigaguide to read the documentation.
Commodore installer.
25 EXECUTE_UPD.LH 25k Run Unix scripts vanaf de AmigaDOS Shell. OS2.0+.
[From ] USER
[Filename] EXECUTE_UPD.LHA [File 25 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 24980 [Sat 18 Mar 95 20:50]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:09
Run Unix scripts vanaf de AmigaDOS Shell. OS2.0+.
Purpose: Allows execution of any UNIX script from the AmigaDOS Shell.
This is a direct replacement of the DOS command Execute.
From the DOS Shell, you can execute any UNIX shell script.
It passes the script on to the specified interpreter
for execution. Usually, #!/bin/sh, but may be awk, sed,
perl etc ....
If the 'S' bit on the script is set, the script can be
executed by simply typing the script_file_name at the
DOS prompt.
Execute will not interfere with the normal operation of
Amiga DOS or Arexx scripts.
Requirements: OS 2.04 and up. Any Amiga.
Ixemul.library is not required.
26 AAVD14.LHA 33k Unix/X OLVWM virtual desktop kloon.
[From ] USER
[Filename] AAVD14.LHA [File 26 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 33023 [Sat 18 Mar 95 20:55]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:12
Unix/X OLVWM virtual desktop kloon.
aavd - almost a virtual desktop - V1.4
V1.4 of the problaby best freeware OLVWM virtual
desktop clone. AAVD simulates the Virtual Desktop
window found on the OLVWM window manager for X-Windows.
With AAVD you may easily activate/move/resize/
center/depth-arrange/zoom/close all intuition
windows from a miniture of the screen. You may
also snapshot a couple of screenpositions that
may be recalled later with a simple keypress.
V1.4 includes:
o new and better gui
o some more keyboard commands
o fewer bugs
o various improvments
27 SPLITIT.LHA 17k Split files voor UNIX->AMIGA overdracht.
[From ] USER
[Filename] SPLITIT.LHA [File 27 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 16536 [Sun 9 Apr 95 21:42]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06
Split files voor UNIX->AMIGA overdracht.
This little utility was born in the need to transfer files via disk from a
UNIX to a Amiga-System. The problem is, that you'll have to use
MS-DOS-formatted disks for this job. This means also that you are limited in
space (1.44 MB) and filename length (8.3 characters only). What
SplitIt! does for you is to split large files into chunks of a requested
size with MS-DOS-compatible names and also creates a batch-file to rejoin the
files on Amigas later.
28 FIDED39124.LHA 20k File splitter for transferring UNIX->AMIGA.
[From ] USER
[Filename] FIDED39124.LHA [File 28 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 19635 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:16]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07
File splitter for transferring UNIX->AMIGA.
This is yet another FileID-extractor for FILE_ID.diz as found in
AmiExpress-BBS-system. What makes it different from other FileID-extractors is
- Huge graphical user interface
- Extracts faster than other programs
- Multidirectory support
- No external programs (exept LHa) required
Supported filetypes are : Exe, Dms, Txt, Lha/Lzh
This is Version 39.126 (first release), suggestion etc. welcome...
29 BASE64.LHA 3k De-/encodeert base 64. OS2.0+.
[From ] USER
[Filename] BASE64.LHA [File 29 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 2838 [Sun 16 Apr 95 22:44]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:01
De-/encodeert base 64. OS2.0+.
This program was designed to encode/decode data using the base64 encoding
scheme, which is widely used in MIME messages. Text and especially binary data
is converted into a 7-bit-clean format, to ensure correct transport in
virtually every major computer network. 'base64' will create a MIME message
header if you wish. Requires 'dos.library' V36 (OS 2.x) or better. Returns
RETURN_WARN on error and RETURN_OK otherwise, so it can be easily used in shell
30 MAPUX.LHA 90k Unix system 7 voor de Amiga 1200.
[From ] USER
[Filename] MAPUX.LHA [File 30 OF 29] [FREE]
[Size ] 91345 [Sun 3 Dec 95 22:31]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:31
Unix system 7 voor de Amiga 1200.
[U] Upload file [D] Download [F] File list [A] Change areas
[N] New file scan [=] Global list [P] Private area [O] Edit signature
[R] Read file [I] View archive [^] Goto msg area [@] Send message
[M] Main menu [G] Goodbye [H] Help [B] Send filelist
[?] Display menu [RET] Next file [*] Search file
Area: [19] [Unix utility's] [0/1-17] => █