Files in area [16] - [Commodity's (OS2.0+)] 1 BUSYPTR.LZH 9k Verandert de pointer als een programma bezig is i... [From ] USER [Filename] BUSYPTR.LZH [File 1 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 8725 [Sat 11 Dec 93 13:13] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 Verandert de pointer als een programma bezig is in een zelf te maken brush, eventueel geanimeerd. 2 CXHANDLER15.LH 14k Vervanger voor het Exchange programma. [From ] SYSOP [Filename] CXHANDLER15.LHA [File 2 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 14256 [Thu 11 Aug 94 1:01] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05 Vervanger voor het Exchange programma. 3 MAGICMENU106.L 61k Commodity die voor pop-up menu's zorgt. [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] MAGICMENU106.LHA [File 3 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 61963 [Wed 17 Aug 94 13:07] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:21 Commodity die voor pop-up menu's zorgt. In plaats van de menubalk bovenaan het scherm krijg je met de rechter muistoets een venstertje waarin je een keuze uit de menu's kan maken. Documentatie in het Duits. 4 FRACTAL.LHA 17k Screenblanker die fractallen tekent. [From ] SYSOP [Filename] FRACTAL.LHA [File 4 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 16858 [Fri 28 Oct 94 23:58] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06 Screenblanker die fractallen tekent. Algemene en 68881 versie. 5 APPMENU22.LHA 32k Voeg items toe aan Workbench Tools menu. [From ] SYSOP [Filename] APPMENU22.LHA [File 5 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 32489 [Wed 9 Nov 94 21:10] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:11 Voeg items toe aan Workbench Tools menu. 6 DEFICON.LHA 15k Commodity om ikoonloze files een ikoon te geven. [From ] SYSOP [Filename] DEFICON.LHA [File 6 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 14898 [Wed 9 Nov 94 21:10] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05 Commodity om ikoonloze files een ikoon te geven. 7 MMB_SHIFT20.LH 6k Gebruik middelste muisknop als shift. [From ] USER [Filename] MMB_SHIFT20.LHA [File 7 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 5497 [Wed 9 Nov 94 21:10] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02 Gebruik middelste muisknop als shift. Handig voor multi-selecteren. 8 CAPSLOCKEXT.LH 8k Zorgt dat caps lock op ALLE toetsen werkt. [From ] USER [Filename] CAPSLOCKEXT.LHA [File 8 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 7322 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 Zorgt dat caps lock op ALLE toetsen werkt. A Commodity that extends the effect of the CapsLock key to every key on the keyboard, and allows the Shift key to temporarily cancel the CapsLock key. This causes CapsLock to act like a SHIFT-lock key on a typewriter. 9 CYCLETOMENU_21 53k Maak van cyclegadgets pop-upmenu's. [From ] USER [Filename] CYCLETOMENU_21.LHA [File 9 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 53593 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:18 Maak van cyclegadgets pop-upmenu's. CycleToMenu is a commodity that turns the standard cycle gadgets into popup menus or "expanding" gadgets. This way, selecting the desired option is easier and faster. New feature from version 2.0: - Using an overlay for the configuration window and other rarely used functions. Even if the program is slightly longer, normally it uses 11Kb of memory less than the previous version! - Added the "Centre on current item:" option. It also allows to obtain a better MUI-like look. - Fixed a bug in the GT_PostFilterIMsg() function's patch. It solves also a problem with the "Overscan" gadget of the screenmode-requester of the reqtools.library. - Added the French language support. - Added an optional MagicWB-style icon. 10 EVENT12.LHA 52k Doet bepaalde dingen op bepaalde tijden. [From ] USER [Filename] EVENT12.LHA [File 10 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 52784 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:18 Doet bepaalde dingen op bepaalde tijden. Event! is an event scheduler commodity which performs actions like displaying messages or starting programs when a certain time is reached or a specified file changes (on notification). Any event may also be started by using a hotkey. Main features include: ---------------------- * the font sensitive user interface with keyboard shortcuts * localization (English, German & Danish) * the powerful ARexx-Port with many commands * written in highly optimized assembly language * the ability to calculate when a specific event will occur (also for time definitions using wildcards) * the checking for events by a separate task for maximum reliability * the small clock window which optionally follows to any active public screen * logfile support * successfully tested with enforcer & mungwall NEW FEATURES * Danish localization * Performance and scope of WHENWILL-commands highly improved * AmigaGuide Online Help * all known bugs fixed SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Any Amiga with a clock running V37, V38 is necessary to get local languages. 11 MUIMOUSOMETER3 73k Meet kilometers muisverplaatsing, heeft MUI2.0 no... [From ] USER [Filename] MUIMOUSOMETER311.LHA [File 11 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 73729 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:25 Meet kilometers muisverplaatsing, heeft MUI2.0 nodig. MousoMeter V3.11 meassures your mouse-movement on your mousepad in kilometers. The mousebuttons are also recognized. Some statistics are also included. About Window for non-laced WB fixed! 12 STEAMYWINDOWS. 9k Geeft geselecteerde task hogere prioriteit. [From ] USER [Filename] STEAMYWINDOWS.LHA [File 12 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 8292 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 Geeft geselecteerde task hogere prioriteit. SteamyWindows A small yet very useful commodity that increases the priority of the owner task of the active window, and restores the task's priority when the window becomes inactive unless someone else modified the task's priority meanwhile. This is version 1.0, includes source in Oberon-2. Author: Franz Schwarz 13 CBE39.LHA 43k ClipBoard Enhancer, geef clipboard "geschiedenis"... [From ] USER [Filename] CBE39.LHA [File 13 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 43828 [Fri 3 Feb 95 20:14] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15 ClipBoard Enhancer, geef clipboard "geschiedenis". Makes use of all 256 ClipBoard units by saving all Cut/Copy actions in a review history list. Key file now ensures latest version is always easily available to registered users. 14 AAVD13.LHA 26k OLWVM achtige virtual window manager. [From ] USER [Filename] AAVD13.LHA [File 14 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 25894 [Fri 10 Feb 95 17:17] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:09 OLWVM achtige virtual window manager. aavd - almost a virtual desktop - V1.3 V1.3 of the problaby best freeware OLWVM virtual desktop clone. AAVD simulates the Virtual Desktop window found on the OLVWN window manager for X-Window. With AAVD you may easily activate/move/resize/center/deapth arrange/zoom/close all intuition windows from a miniture of the screen. You may also snapshot a couple of screenpositions that may be recalled later with a simple keypress. V1.3 includes: o Safer patches o Tool types support o Keyboard support o Improved and safer window manipulating o New switches: NOTITLEBAR and DEVIDE o Lesser bugs 15 TOOLM21G.LHA 176k Extra graphics voor Toolmanager. [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] TOOLM21G.LHA [File 15 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 179477 [Wed 15 Feb 95 20:25] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:00 Extra graphics voor Toolmanager. 16 TOOLMA21.LHA 490k Toolmanager v2.1 Zet icons/brushes op de WorkBen... [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] TOOLMA21.LHA [File 16 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 501284 [Thu 16 Feb 95 19:06] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 2:48 Toolmanager v2.1 Zet icons/brushes op de WorkBench om programma's te starten, eventueel begeleid door een geluid (sample). Kan ook programma's toevoegen aan het 'TOOLS' menu van de WorkBench. Heel handig, volledig GUI bestuurbaar. OS2+ Werkt goed samen met MagicWorkbench. 17 ARQ-1.83.LHA 45k Maakt requesters geanimeerd! [From ] USER [Filename] ARQ-1.83.LHA [File 17 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 46025 [Sun 9 Apr 95 21:58] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:16 Maakt requesters geanimeerd! Replaces the standard system requesters with nice animated requesters which you can also attach different sounds to. Also includes "upd" a small sound sample player daemon. 18 MAGICCX-1.0.LH 576k Modulair commodity systeem. [From ] USER [Filename] MAGICCX-1.0.LHA [File 18 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 589331 [Sun 9 Apr 95 21:59] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 3:17 Modulair commodity systeem. MagicCX is the definite commodity/system enhancer for any Amiga running OS 2.x or better. It is a very powerful and flexible system. - It incorporates many, many features known from other commodities, while offering new, unseen features - External preferences program allows full control over MagicCX - It offers a special module design, known from Workbench. You may install/use modules/functions by simply dragging them to a Modules directory, if not used, move them to a storage directory. - Offers ModulesManager program for Users of OS 3.x and up - Comes with manuals in English and German - Localized under OS 2.1 and up. English, German translations available - Utilizes Installer for installing MagicCX to your system - Compact system installation. Only a few files will be spread around your system. All others are kept in a single directory - Only basic functions (window activation and such) are built into the main program. The remaining features were put into external modules - MagicCX comes with 18 (for now) different modules you may choose from. - Flexible blanker system with two internal blankers and 8 (for now) external blanker modules - Utilizes powerful gadget layout library - Plenty of features, take a look. 19 EXCHANGEV200.L 47k Vervanging voor Exchange commodity. [From ] USER [Filename] EXCHANGEV200.LHA [File 19 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 48042 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:20] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:17 Vervanging voor Exchange commodity. 20 POPSHELL.LHA 53k Commodity voor shells en public screens. [From ] USER [Filename] POPSHELL.LHA [File 20 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 54127 [Sun 16 Apr 95 22:38] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:19 Commodity voor shells en public screens. PopShell is a commodity to open shells on any public screen with any hotkey you may configure. Runs on Amigas with OS2.0 or higher. Its features include: - configuration window, nearly everything you might think of is configurable fast and easy, - uses internal or external created public screens, - can open public screens on demand for any application. This version, V6.13, is the second release, an Update to PopShell6.9. PopShell has nothing in common with other tools with same or similar name... This is the nearly completely usable FreeWare version. Registered version available from the authors. 21 BEEPAMANIAC07. 29k Vervangt systeempiep onder 2.0 en hoger. [From ] USER [Filename] BEEPAMANIAC07.LHA [File 21 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 29445 [Sun 16 Apr 95 22:56] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:10 Vervangt systeempiep onder 2.0 en hoger. First there was DisplayBeep that alerts the user by flash the screen, then came DisplayBeep with sound extension that alerts the user with a beep or sampled sound and/or flash the screen. Now comes BeepAManiac, a small Commodity that patches the standard Intuition DisplayBeep function. BeepAManiac lets you play infinite number of sounds. Each time the DisplayBeep is called, BeepAManiac plays a random sound. This is much more pleasant to listen then the same old standard boring sound. BeepAManiac V0.7 requires WB2.0 or higher. BeepAManiac is very small and uses very little memory. You can configure BeepAManiac to use from 8K to 128K size sampled sounds. BeepAManiac can also play two simultaneous sounds at the same time if the DisplayBeep is call twice in the row. V0.7 is now a Commodity. 22 WINARNG067BETA 34k Rearrange your windows, no more chaos ;-) [From ] USER [Filename] WINARNG067BETA.LHA [File 22 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 34038 [Sun 16 Apr 95 23:02] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:12 Rearrange your windows, no more chaos ;-) WinArrange is a small utility to rearrange your windows on the active screen. * many different sorting methods: e.g. horizontal, shuffle, chess, user-defined * abillity to ignore windows for sorting (e.g. workbench window) * executable since AmigaOS 2.04 (37.175) * nearly all features AmigaOS provides are supported * continuing support and development Operating system: at least AmigaOS 2.04 (AmigaOS 3.1 is highly recommended!) 23 POWERSNAP-2.2A 55k Cut/paste tekst in ELK window. [From ] USER [Filename] POWERSNAP-2.2A.LHA [File 23 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 56246 [Sat 22 Apr 95 23:23] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:19 Cut/paste tekst in ELK window. PowerSnap is a utility that allows you to use the mouse to mark characters anywhere on the screen and paste them somewhere else, like in the CLI or in a string gadget. PowerSnap will check what font is used in the window you snap from and will look for the position of the characters automatically. It recognizes all non proportional fonts of up to 24 pixels wide and of any height so this should cover most fonts used. Snapping and pasting text is done using the mouse, making PowerSnap fast and easy to use. 24 CYCTOMEN21.LHA 53k Laat bij gadgets alle mogelijkheden zien in een m... [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] CYCTOMEN21.LHA [File 24 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 53593 [Sun 30 Apr 95 12:00] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:18 Laat bij gadgets alle mogelijkheden zien in een mooi scrollbalkje, ipv een per keer. 25 REMIND1.5B.LHA 51k Soort agenda. Helpt je dingen te herinneren. Veel... [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] REMIND1.5B.LHA [File 25 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 52057 [Wed 3 May 95 21:02] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:18 Soort agenda. Helpt je dingen te herinneren. Veel functies/mogelijkheden. Erg bruikbaar. 28 MCXPREFS19.LHA 71k Preference manager voor Multi CX v1.72+ (68030+... [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] MCXPREFS19.LHA [File 28 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 71779 [Wed 31 May 95 22:49] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:24 Preference manager voor Multi CX v1.72+ (68030+) 30 SELECT_1_02.LH 17k Helpt windows en schermen te selecteren. [From ] USER [Filename] SELECT_1_02.LHA [File 30 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 17224 [Sat 13 May 95 17:44] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06 Helpt windows en schermen te selecteren. This little commodity helps you to select windows and screens. Version 1.02. 31 FFIND13.LHA 26k Commodity om files te vinden. V1.3. [From ] USER [Filename] FFIND13.LHA [File 31 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 26151 [Sat 13 May 95 17:46] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:09 Commodity om files te vinden. V1.3. This program is used for finding things, still you probably worked that out from the name ;-). I wrote it mainly because I have access to several Amigas (TM), each with several rather large hard-drive's. I found there was a need to quickly find the location of files on the machines as many of them have files stored in different locations. There was also the article in the Amiga Shopper magazine on a file finding utility. I modified their code a bit (Ok so now in version 1.3 its a lot) and added substantial amounts, and came up with this program. Current features in version 1.3 -> Find any file on a disk, using standard AmigaDos(TM) file matching patterns. -> Fully implemented as a commodity, with user definable hotkey etc. -> Limit search size parameters, only files in a certain size range are checked. -> Limit date range parameters, only files in a ceratain date range are checked. -> Window is sizable. -> Interface is an "AppWindow", when a file or directory is droped on the interface its path is entered in the path gadget. -> Now able to search multiple paths. 32 SCREENTABV1_25 59k Schakel tussen schermen en windows a la Windows..... [From ] USER [Filename] SCREENTABV1_25.LHA [File 32 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 59903 [Sat 13 May 95 17:51] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:20 Schakel tussen schermen en windows a la Windows... This commodity enables you to switch between different screens or windows by using a special key combination (e.g. 'LAmiga + Tab'). When you press it, a little window appears on the frontmost screen and lets you cycle through all screen (window) titles. When releasing the keys, the chosen screen (window) will come to front. Requires at least Kickstart/Workbench 2.04. Binary only. New in version 1.25: - now you can also cycle through the windows of a screen - optional use of a background pattern (looks better) - possibility to define a font to be used when there's less space - easier pattern input - several bug fixes and changes ... 33 MCX210.LHA 45k Multi CX v2.10 Een alles in 1 commodity. [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] MCX210.LHA [File 33 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 45181 [Tue 26 Sep 95 22:00] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:16 Multi CX v2.10 Een alles in 1 commodity. MultiCX is the smallest Multi-Function-Commodity for the Amiga, thought as a replacement for many larger and sometimes badly programmed programs. It is a 100% pure commodity, which means that it does not use any patches (SetFunction), no interrupts and no special input handlers. So it can safely be disabled or removed at any time. 34 KARMAHELP20.LH 33k Realtime HELP lookup from ALL your documentation ... [From ] SYSOP [Filename] KARMAHELP20.LHA [File 34 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 33089 [Sun 30 Jul 95 18:02] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:12 Realtime HELP lookup from ALL your documentation files. ==================================================== ==================== KarmaHelp2 ==================== ==================================================== DESCRIPTION : KarmaHelp is a small commodity ~~~~~~~~~~~ KarmaHelp does these things: * Scans a predefined directory (the place you keep your textfiles) * Creates an AmigaGuide file with entries for all the files found * Displays the AmigaGuide database with AmigaGuide or Multiview * Operates on any files that support datatypes. Plays tunes, views pictures, shows anims, and more, just by clicking the filename. * Launches any external programs necessary to play tunes, view pix, etc. * Allows files to be organized in any way that you find convenient. * Provides true On-Line Help, linking a program to it's helptext. If your Amiga supports datatypes, KarmaHelp can display pictures, play sounds or perform any other action the datatype is capable of. Place the files in a place of your choosing and click the "button". Multiview will be called to "read or play" the file. You must have OS 3.0 or up to use this feature. If your system doesn't support datatypes, you can tell KarmaHelp which external programs to call when you "view or play" a file. To accomplish this magic, KarmaHelp must be told which filereader, picture viewer, or mod player you prefer. You can set these options as tooltypes. You can define any number of directories to be scanned and displayed by pressing the hotkey you associate with that directory. DOCUMENTATION: Complete AmigaGuide help ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REQUIREMENTS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any Amiga KS 2.04 and up AmigaGuide (not included) Amigaguide.library (not included) Advanced Features System Requirements: Any Amiga KS 3.0 or up AmigaGuide (not included) Amigaguide.library (not included) Multiview (not included) Optional Requirements: Datatype Aware Picture Viewer Music player Jpeg viewer Anim player Mpeg player Any other external program that operates on files. DISTRIBUTION: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================= ====== ====== ====== KarmaHelp is PostCardWare ====== ====== Freely Distributable ====== ====== Copyright 1995 by ====== ====== Christopher Landmark Naas ====== ====== All Rights Reserved. ====== ====== ====== ============================================= CONDITIONS OF USE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you use KarmaHelp for whatever purpose, you have to let me know. Either EMail me or send me a postcard. *********************** WARNING ************************** * * * If you DO use KH and DON'T abide by the conditions of * * use as set forth above, the Norwegian Secret Police * * will find you and make you eat Goat Cheese. * * * *********************** WARNING ************************** SEND YOUR POSTCARDS TO: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christopher Landmark Naas Solveien 3a 1533 Moss Norway EMAIL ME AT: ~~~~~~~~~~~ TESTED ON: ~~~~~~~~~ A4000/040 A3000 A1200/030 A1000/010 OS 2.1, 3.0, 3.1 35 MMBCOMMODITY.L 13k Commodity for the 3-Buttons-Mouse. V1.6. [From ] SYSOP [Filename] MMBCOMMODITY.LHA [File 35 OF 32] [FREE] [Size ] 12680 [Sun 30 Jul 95 18:02] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05 Commodity for the 3-Buttons-Mouse. V1.6.[U] Upload file [D] Download [F] File list [A] Change areas [N] New file scan [=] Global list [P] Private area [O] Edit signature [R] Read file [I] View archive [^] Goto msg area [@] Send message [M] Main menu [G] Goodbye [H] Help [B] Send filelist [?] Display menu [RET] Next file [*] Search file Area: [16] [Commodity's (OS2.0+)] [0/1-17] => █