Files in area [13] - [Disk utility's] 1 DSKSPD42.LHA 75k DiskSpeed V 4.2 Test the Speed of any device (Lik... [From ] USER [Filename] DSKSPD42.LHA [File 1 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 76586 [Sun 2 Jan 94 14:45] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:26 DiskSpeed V 4.2 Test the Speed of any device (Like Hd, Ram, Floppy) 2 MULTIDOS.LHA 34k Met MultiDOS kan je PC schijven lezen en schrijve... [From ] USER [Filename] MULTIDOS.LHA [File 2 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 33999 [Fri 28 Jan 94 21:47] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:12 Met MultiDOS kan je PC schijven lezen en schrijven, net als met CrossDOS. 3 FILL1_2.LHA 42k Kopieert een directory met files op zo'n manier n... [From ] USER [Filename] FILL1_2.LHA [File 3 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 42550 [Mon 13 Jun 94 15:36] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15 Kopieert een directory met files op zo'n manier naar schijf dat de schijven zo vol mogelijk zijn en je er dus zo min mogelijk nodig hebt. 4 SETRETRY371.LH 3k Stel de retrycount in voor drives. Handig om MS-D... [From ] USER [Filename] SETRETRY371.LHA [File 4 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 2919 [Mon 13 Jun 94 16:23] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:01 Stel de retrycount in voor drives. Handig om MS-DOS geformatteerde disks sneller te herkennen met CrossDOS en dergelijke. 5 TRACKDISKPREFS 18k Stel zaken omtrent de diskdrives in. [From ] SYSOP [Filename] TRACKDISKPREFS.LHA [File 5 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 17463 [Sun 3 Jul 94 20:49] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06 Stel zaken omtrent de diskdrives in. 6 HEADC371.LHA 8k Utility dat de koppen van een drive over de hele ... [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] HEADC371.LHA [File 6 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 7655 [Tue 16 Aug 94 22:02] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 Utility dat de koppen van een drive over de hele disk stuurt. Het is bedoeld om als je een schoonmaak-disk in de drive hebt de koppen over de hele disk te bewegen zodat de koppen zoveel mogelijk 'verse' schoonmaak vloeistof tegen komen. 7 PFS612.LHA 32k Perfect File System v6.12 [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] PFS612.LHA [File 7 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 32672 [Sun 21 Aug 94 21:52] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:11 Perfect File System v6.12 The standard AmigaDos filesystem (OFS) is very slow. Commodore has tried to improve the performance of their filesystem a number of times. Workbench 2.0 added the fast filing system (FFS), and now, with Workbench 3.0, we have the fast filing system with directory caching (FFS-DC). This makes directoryscan faster but writing to disk and directory-operations like delete and rename are slower than ever. This made me decide to write a filesystem that does better. I used all the knowledge I gained from my computer science study to make it as good as possible. The professional filing system (PFS) has the following features: High performance - write: 2-3 times faster - read: 50% faster - directoryscan: 10-20 times FFS, 3 times FFS-DC - delete/rename/protect etc: 10-20 times faster Other features - full AmigaDos compatibility - upto 10% more data on a disk - better faulttolerance - parralel access almost without performance loss - disks NEVER get invalidated This version of the filesystem is for floppy disks only. Both double density and high density disks are supported. A version suitable for harddisk is being worked on and will be available to registered users only. PFS will work on any Amiga with kickstart 2.0 or higher. It accepts both double- and highdensity diskdrives. A harddisk or at least two diskdrives is recommended. 8 BTNTAPE.LHA 72k Handler voor SCSI tapedrives. [From ] USER [Filename] BTNTAPE.LHA [File 8 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 73266 [Wed 15 Jun 94 17:43] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:25 Handler voor SCSI tapedrives. The "Better Than Nothing" SCSI tape device handler. It provides flat-file access to a SCSI tape drive from application programs using simple calls to DOS or C library I/O functions. It can also be used with the Amiga TAR utility for disk backups. It uses your existing SCSI adapter's device driver for access to the bus. This version fixes a number of bugs and includes several new features including file number tracking and append-only and read-only safety modes. .version 3.0 .author Robert Rethemeyer 9 WFV.LHA 7k Wait For Validation bij het booten. [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] WFV.LHA [File 9 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 6891 [Sun 21 Aug 94 21:49] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 Wait For Validation bij het booten. Als je dit in je startup-sequence zet wordt de rest ervan pas uitgevoerd nadat alle volumes gevalidate zijn. 10 CLICKNOT.LHA 3k Laat klikken van diskdrives stoppen. [From ] USER [Filename] CLICKNOT.LHA [File 10 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 2488 [Fri 28 Oct 94 23:58] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:01 Laat klikken van diskdrives stoppen. OS 2 of hoger. 11 DISKCAT_V2_1.L 24k Disk-catalogus programma. [From ] USER [Filename] DISKCAT_V2_1.LHA [File 11 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 23735 [Mon 29 Aug 94 10:2] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:08 Disk-catalogus programma. Short: DiskCat v2.1 is a configurable disk Librarian. Type: biz/dbase Uploader: Author: DiskCat is a configurable disk Librarian. By a menu selection all disks that are inserted are automaticly searched and the usefull information copied. A 45 charter commet can be entered for each file. 2.04 + is required to run diskcat. 12 SMARTCACHE.LHA 9k Diskcache voor floppy's. (Gebruikt chipram.) [From ] USER [Filename] SMARTCACHE.LHA [File 12 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 8566 [Mon 29 Aug 94 23:3] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 Diskcache voor floppy's. (Gebruikt chipram.) Short: Floppy disk caching program Author: Thomas J. Czarnecki Version: 1.77a Source: Fish collection A small (about 3K) 100% assembly language program that patches itself into the 'trackdisk.device' to provide a whole cylinder 'Caching' mechanism for all the floppy disk drives (including the new HD floppy drives) that you have connected to your Amiga. This program has been designed to boost the floppy performance by using your excess memory in a shared cache scheme. This program is a must for floppy based systems, that have the free memory! Tested under 1.3 through 2.1. Thomas J. Czarnecki 3526 Republic Avenue Racine, WI 53405-3856 USA 13 SCSIUTIL.LHA 60k Om SCSI commando's aan SCSI apparaten te sturen. [From ] USER [Filename] SCSIUTIL.LHA [File 13 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 60692 [Mon 29 Aug 94 23:3] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:21 Om SCSI commando's aan SCSI apparaten te sturen. Short: Do low-level operations on a SCSI dev. Author: (Gary Duncan) Version: 2.02 Type: disk/cdrom Source: Fish collection Requires: Runs on any Amiga with WB1.3 and above Date: 1993.06.19 CLI utility to issue commands to a SCSI disk using a specific SCSI id number. Commands include inquiry, seek, start/stop motor, read sector(s), play audio CD sectors, insert, eject, read capacity, etc. 14 PROBESCSI008.L 27k Geeft VEEL informatie over aangesloten SCSI appar... [From ] USER [Filename] PROBESCSI008.LHA [File 14 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 27553 [Mon 29 Aug 94 23:3] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:10 Geeft VEEL informatie over aangesloten SCSI apparaten. Short: New tool to read your SCSI settings. Type: disk/misc Uploader: Author: May 5, 1994 ProbeSCSI is a Shell command which queries the specified SCSI devices for their SCSI configuration settings, and outputs this in great detail. It can also gives you a list of currently attached SCSI devices with some info about them, such as Device Type, Size, SCSI Version etc... Basically it is a combination of other existing tools like SCSIUtil, SCSI-Direct, InquirePage, BadBlocks and SCSIping (a SunOS tool). My main goal was to make one tool which can replace all the above, and while I was programming it, I added extra features for the curious SCSI-device users amoung us ;) Bug reports, fixes, enhancements, etc. are welcome. Ron Klinkien ( 15 SD31.LHA 133k SuperDuper, kopieert razendsnel diskettes. [From ] USER [Filename] SD31.LHA [File 15 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 135528 [Mon 29 Aug 94 23:3] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:46 SuperDuper, kopieert razendsnel diskettes. Short: High-speed disk copier and formatter. Type: disk/copy Uploader: Author: SuperDuper is an exciting, high-speed disk copier and formatter. Typical timings are 99s for a disk-to-disk verified copy, or 38s for a four disk non-verified format. Also available are buffering in RAM, on a hard disk image file or on any sector-based Amiga device, like RAD:, VDO:, FMS:, etc. Real-time compression using the Xpk standard allows to copy in one pass most disks on 1M Amigas, especially in conjunction with a special utility which "hides" external drives to the system (but not to SuperDuper). Bells and whistles include high density floppy support, voice, automatic date increment, a list of the disks copied, and automatic start of operations based on disk insertion/ejection sensing. SuperDuper 3.0 is freeware and works on any Amiga under 2.0 and beyond. 16 STATRAM3.LHA 10k Maak meerdere restbestendige ramdisks. [From ] USER [Filename] STATRAM3.LHA [File 16 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 9292 [Mon 29 Aug 94 23:3] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04 Maak meerdere restbestendige ramdisks. Short: Recoverable ram drive. Multiple units, CrossDOS compatable. Type: disk/misc Uploader: Author: and StatRam3.lha 9292 bytes V3, revision 37.7 of StatRam, the recoverable ram drive. Almost rewritten, with many new features : * Multiple Units. You can now run up to 10 separate recoverable StatRam Volumes simultaneously. * Supports most FileSystems, including DOS0 to DOS5 (FFS, OFS, DirCache) and CrossDOSFileSystem. * Almost any combination of cylinders and blocks supported, meaning a Volume can be configured to look like a disk and be DiskCopy'able. * You can boot PCTask or CrossPC from a 1.44MB volume. * Completely recoverable, even after very heavy system crashes or use of rekicked KickStart files. * Using any AmigaDOS filesystem, the memory used is dynamically recovered as soon as you delete a file. Uses almost no memory until you copy files to it. * Now supports recovery of files by DiskSalv or similar if an errant task trashes it. * Can be configured to use Fast, Chip or Any memory. * Use directly as destination for DMS unarchiving. * AmigaGuide docs. Enjoy!. 17 ARESTAURE203.L 30k Haal gewiste files terug. [From ] USER [Filename] ARESTAURE203.LHA [File 17 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 30257 [Mon 29 Aug 94 23:3] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:11 Haal gewiste files terug. Short: Restores accidentally deleted files 18 DTA100.LHA 10k DataTransferAnalysis (Drive Speed) [From ] USER [Filename] DTA100.LHA [File 18 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 9502 [Sat 3 Dec 94 23:31] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04 DataTransferAnalysis (Drive Speed) 19 DSKPROT2.LHA 6k Beveiligt elke schijf tegen copieren op een ander... [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] DSKPROT2.LHA [File 19 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 5575 [Mon 2 Jan 95 1:43] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02 Beveiligt elke schijf tegen copieren op een andere diskdrive dan waarmee de beveiliging is opgezet. 20 FILEMOUNT.LHA 8k Maakt virtuele 'devices' aan in een file op een s... [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] FILEMOUNT.LHA [File 20 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 7970 [Mon 2 Jan 95 1:43] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 Maakt virtuele 'devices' aan in een file op een schijf. 21 PCFLOP2AMI.LHA 19k Uitleg hoe je een PC-drive aan een Amiga kan kopp... [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] PCFLOP2AMI.LHA [File 21 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 19058 [Mon 2 Jan 95 1:44] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07 Uitleg hoe je een PC-drive aan een Amiga kan koppelen. (DD & HD) Uitgebreide (leerzame) documentatie!! 22 SINGFILE.LHA 12k Controleert op dubbele bestanden op een disk. [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] SINGFILE.LHA [File 22 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 11440 [Mon 2 Jan 95 1:44] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04 Controleert op dubbele bestanden op een disk. 23 UNDEL11.LHA 16k UNdelete. Haalt gewiste bestanden weer terug. [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] UNDEL11.LHA [File 23 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 15644 [Mon 2 Jan 95 1:45] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06 UNdelete. Haalt gewiste bestanden weer terug. 24 RDB-INFORMER.L 12k Print informatie uit het Rigid Disk Block. [From ] USER [Filename] RDB-INFORMER.LHA [File 24 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 12239 [Thu 12 Jan 95 17:05] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05 Print informatie uit het Rigid Disk Block. RDB-Informer V0.2 Prints out information stored in the Rigid Disk Block of a device 25 VDISK25.LHA 20k Asdg-ram achtige recoverable ram drive, v2.5. [From ] USER [Filename] VDISK25.LHA [File 25 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 19643 [Thu 12 Jan 95 17:14] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07 Asdg-ram achtige recoverable ram drive, v2.5. vdisk.device is a driver for a recoverable RAM disk. It started 2 years ago as a hack of ASDG-RAM (written by Perry S. Kivolowitz). These hacked versions (1.3 -> 1.12) were not distributed. As of version 2.0, it has been entirely rewritten, with many new features added : - Up to 16 units with virtually unlimited size (512 MB) - Dynamic memory allocation and (optionnaly) deallocation - Full support of all AmigaDOS Filesystems. - Will survive the heaviest system crashes as long as its own data is not corrupted. - In case of a recovery failure, the cause can be reported by a support command. VDisk requires AmigaDOS 2.04 or higher (V37). CHANGES V 2.5 : - vdisk now retries failed memory allocations with MEMF_PUBLIC when BufMemType was set to allocate a specific type of memory. This should cause less write errors. - French doc included after numerous requests. 26 ASSIGNW14.LHA 18k Vangt 'Please insert volume xxx: in any drive' op... [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] ASSIGNW14.LHA [File 26 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 17787 [Tue 24 Jan 95 19:45] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06 Vangt 'Please insert volume xxx: in any drive' op, en geeft je uitgebreide keuzes wat je kan doen. (Retry, Assign, Mount, Deny of Cancel) Een en ander neemt slechts 3K geheugen in. Een ware must dus... 27 SMARTCOPY1_3.L 15k Kopieert files naar meerdere disks. Versie 1.3. [From ] USER [Filename] SMARTCOPY1_3.LHA [File 27 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 15147 [Fri 3 Feb 95 20:24] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06 Kopieert files naar meerdere disks. Versie 1.3. Easy-to-use file copier with GUI. Good for copying a bunch of files from a harddisk to floppy disks, as it figures which files will fit and only copies those files. If more disks are required, you will be prompted for them. This is a big update to version 1.2. Some improvements are: - Files can be sorted by size. - Multiple destination devices can be selected. - Files can be copied or moved. - Files can be selected individually. - Copying to the RAM: disk is possible. - Better documentation. 28 FTRASH.102.LHA 42k Stuurt gewiste files automatisch naar trashcan. [From ] USER [Filename] FTRASH.102.LHA [File 28 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 42595 [Fri 10 Feb 95 16:53] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15 Stuurt gewiste files automatisch naar trashcan. FTrash is a commodity that helps you avoiding accidental deletion of data and much more. Files you deleted are moved to a Trashcan (if one exists) and are cleaned up later according to your liking. Once installed FTrash works completely invisible and wont bother you. (Until you hit a delete button accidentally on your new source code - then you might remember it ;-) Additional gimmicks are Mac-like trashcans and various configurable requesters. Executable is only 14+k. 29 ARTIC1_63.LHA 74k Stacker-achtige diskcompressie. [From ] USER [Filename] ARTIC1_63.LHA [File 29 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 75068 [Fri 10 Feb 95 23:50] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:26 Stacker-achtige diskcompressie. Device Based compressor like Staker on the PCs or CompressDisk.device or DiskExpander with some interesting features: - no need to compress a whole partition/disk - files are stored as FILES - both compressed and uncompressed files are handled - FAST compression, VERY FAST decompression New features in version 1.63. -Mostly small bug fixes :-) see the docs ! New features in version 1.6: -Fixed a very nasty bug in the handler caused by my C compiler code generator. -68020+ version rewritten in highly optimized assembler. The new compression algorithms are 10% faster on cruching, and 40 % faster on decrunching than the previous 68020+ version !! -You can now avoid the compression of already compressed files like Lha or GIF files, dentifying them by their filenames via an AmigaDos pattern. All operations handled by the manager. -A special configuration file is now handled. It contains the volume label, its creation date and the patterns. 30 READRDB.LHA 27k Lees en schrijf Rigid Disk Block voor backup. [From ] USER [Filename] READRDB.LHA [File 30 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 26850 [Sun 19 Feb 95 0:24] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:09 Lees en schrijf Rigid Disk Block voor backup. Can read an RDB (Rigid Disk Block) and save it to a file, as for backup purpose, and write it back later on the hard disk. Gives also the state of the reselection flag and all of rdb_Flags. English and French documentation in AmigaGuide© form. 31 DEVHANDLER102. 16k Console + AUX + Rawdisk handler [From ] USER [Filename] DEVHANDLER102.LHA [File 31 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 16336 [Sun 19 Feb 95 0:18] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06 Console + AUX + Rawdisk handler This handler drives: (1) Named consoles (needed for TALK-like utilities) with own screen management (2) Very good AUX handler (3) Raw disk / stream devices looking as files (4) Soft links to external files (icons etc.) Multiuser protections are supported if multiuser.library present. 32 FILER3_23.LHA 213k Directory utility voor OS 2.04+. [From ] USER [Filename] FILER3_23.LHA [File 32 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 217410 [Tue 28 Mar 95 9:30] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:13 Directory utility voor OS 2.04+. Filer is an Intuition controlled file manager for OS 2.04 and newer. It is ShareWare, see documentation for registration details. You can use Filer for copying, deleting and renaming files or creating directories. You can create, list and extract archives with it or use it as an universal viewing tool. Filer even is able to control your whole system as a replacement for the Workbench. Some of Filer's features are: - font-sensitive, resizable and Style Guide compliant GadTools GUI - ARexx interface - highly configurable - keyboard support - class support - archive support - Envoy support 33 GCAT433.LHA 52k Simpel disk-catalogusprogramma. OS2.0+. [From ] USER [Filename] GCAT433.LHA [File 33 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 52990 [Tue 28 Mar 95 9:33] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:18 Simpel disk-catalogusprogramma. OS2.0+. Gcat is a fairly simplistic disk catalogger, providing quick & easy building of sorted catalogs, either alphabetic or by disk name. Capable of catalogging up to 5,000 filenames per list, subject to memory availability. (This maximum would use about 500K of fast ram). Vn43 is a debug upgrade and has many improvements suggested by users. Uses Req library file requester. Runs from CLI or WB. Features: ---------- Simplicity & convenience Runtime help Menus or Hotkeys for most operations Start new, or continue existing catalogs Hard copy print, or 'print to disk' Adjustable page length for hard copy Change sort mode during run Reminder of last disk included Deletions from catalog - single, or multiple by mouse-drag on screen Very fast scroller & sort Provision for editing catalog entries or inserting extra entries Option to start new catalog, or load & add to existing catalog Choice or change of input drive during runs Choice of Workbench or author's colours Full documentation Memory allocated as required (and as available). Tested with Enforcer (no 'hits'). While this catalogger does not provide certain features such as exclusion filtering, or avoidance of duplicate entries, it does provide a nice, easy utility. 34 CACHEIT-1.0.LH 6k Diskcache voor floppy's. [From ] USER [Filename] CACHEIT-1.0.LHA [File 34 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 5380 [Sun 9 Apr 95 21:46] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02 Diskcache voor floppy's. I don't use floppy disks very often. But when I used them I was bored by the slow speed. To get rid of this, I wrote CacheIt. CacheIt is a small floppy- caching commodity that hardly doesn't take up any memory when no disks are in drive and gives a great speed up for your floppies. Another requirement for CacheIt was, that it would free its memory when the system needs it. This is done by a low memory handler. It works fantastically: I worked a lot with disks and my system was down at 10 KB Chip and 10 KB FastMem, when I tried to start a terminal program. No problem: CacheIt released as much track buffers as necessary and the terminal program started! 35 BACKMAN023B.LH 98k Harddisk backup programma (MUI/MUFS/XPK). [From ] USER [Filename] BACKMAN023B.LHA [File 35 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 99461 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:10] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:34 Harddisk backup programma (MUI/MUFS/XPK). 36 CLEARRAM.LHA 11k Wist alles behalve env, t en clipboards uit RAM:. [From ] USER [Filename] CLEARRAM.LHA [File 36 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 10264 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:11] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04 Wist alles behalve env, t en clipboards uit RAM:. Clears RAM: while leaving the directories ENV, T and Clipboards as well as intact. Useful for all who use their RAM-Disk quite often and are bored to delete files by hand. 37 DISKRESET_10.L 5k Reset computer als disk verwijderd wordt. [From ] USER [Filename] DISKRESET_10.LHA [File 37 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 4134 [Sun 16 Apr 95 22:30] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02 Reset computer als disk verwijderd wordt. A little utility that reboots the computer when a disk is removed from any drive. Useful for those who uses RAD: as a Workbench disk. Requires WB2.0 or higher. Source in assembly language included. Public domain. 38 RDP391.LHA 136k Partitioneer je harddisk (a la HDToolbox). [From ] USER [Filename] RDP391.LHA [File 38 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 139069 [Sun 16 Apr 95 22:49] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:47 Partitioneer je harddisk (a la HDToolbox). RDPrep v.3.91, Freeware archive of partitioning utility from MicroBotics. This latest version of MicroBotics friendly yet powerful RDPrep SCSI hard disk partitioning utility is now available to all Amiga users as "freeware" (free, but still copyright MicroBotics). Can be used on third party interfaces by changing the tooltype device driver name. Can be used to prep A1200 IDE drives. Includes latest version of RDPrepX as well. This is a suggested replacement for the RDPrepX within the archive proper. {^_^} 39 RDBFLAGS-1.3.L 8k Verander Rigid Disk Blok vlaggen. [From ] USER [Filename] RDBFLAGS-1.3.LHA [File 39 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 7866 [Sun 16 Apr 95 23:00] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 Verander Rigid Disk Blok vlaggen. This program lets you modify various flags in the RDB (Rigid Disk Block) of your harddisk drives. These flags are "Last Disk", "Last Target-ID", "Last LUN", "No Reselection" and "Sync Transfer". AmigaOS 2.0 (or higher) required. RDBFlags is not for Newbies and Wimps. Use at your own risk! Source code for SAS/C 6.55 is included. Thanks to Ralph Babel (author of "The Amiga Guru Book"). 40 FREESPACE.LHA 12k Geeft grafisch de vrije ruimte op alle drives aan... [From ] COSYSOP [Filename] FREESPACE.LHA [File 40 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 11493 [Thu 20 Apr 95 23:04] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04 Geeft grafisch de vrije ruimte op alle drives aan. 42 DISKSALV2-11.3 111k Red wat er te redden valt van kappotte harddisk. [From ] USER [Filename] DISKSALV2-11.31.LHA [File 42 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 112943 [Sat 22 Apr 95 23:22] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:38 Red wat er te redden valt van kappotte harddisk. A disk repair, salvage, and undelete utility for all standard disk devices and file system types. Has a full Intuition interface and runs from Workbench or Shell. It can fix most problems in-place, and can reverse a partial or QUICK format. It can copy out from disks that can't be fixed due to physical damage, with a destination going to any AmigaDOS disk device or pipe (eg, TAPE:). In English, locale catalogs included for Danish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Finnish, and Swedish, short manuals in English and Swedish. 43 FLAT-1.3.LHA 17k Speciale file system handler zoals onder Unix. [From ] USER [Filename] FLAT-1.3.LHA [File 43 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 17314 [Sat 22 Apr 95 23:22] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06 Speciale file system handler zoals onder Unix. A filing system handler which implements block-mapped filing devices such as available under Un*x. Read and write calls are mapped to low-level system IO operations which allow to treat devices such as df0:, dh0:, rad:, etc. as big data files. These `virtual' files can be copied, read and written just like any standard AmigaDOS file. It is even possible to copy a whole disk with the CLI `Copy' command or to archive disks with LhArc and the like. Written as a supplement for the Amiga `tar' program. 44 NOIDE13.LHA 8k Zet IDE interface uit op 4000. [From ] USER [Filename] NOIDE13.LHA [File 44 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 7875 [Thu 27 Apr 95 22:26] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 Zet IDE interface uit op 4000. NoIDE Release 1.3 Version 39.36 © 10th April 1995 Matthew Frost 1. What is NoIDE? NoIDE is A HACK to disable the ROM based IDE device driver on an OS3.x equipped Amiga A4000 equipped with no actual IDE hard drive but some additional drive e.g. a SCSI drive preventing a 9-25 second boot delay while the system tries to look for a device when no IDE drive is present on the system. It should also work on SCSI equipped A1200s too - but I haven't tested this out. Why I wrote it. I used to have a problem on my Amiga 4000/030 that my IDE harddrive was slow to spin up and used to (occasionally) take longer than the 9 seconds that Commodore allowed for in the 3.0 ROMs. This meant that I got a boot screen on every COLD reboot. Now that I have got an A4091 card and a SCSI-II drive I have removed my old IDE drive and that gave me a 9 second delay before the system would even touch the SCSI drive. Not too inconvenient though. However, having upgraded again to 3.1 ROMS I found that Commodore had changed the timeouts to at least 25 if not 30 seconds and this REALLY got on my nerves. A 25 second wait EVERY time I rebooted the machine! I thought there must be some way to prevent the IDE device from being checked. So I came up with this hack - and it IS a hack - problem solved for the moment. Why Commodore didn't put a battmem option to disable the interface on the system is beyond me - Even a jumper on the motherboard would have been nice. Anyone know how to do it in hardware by an adapter on the IDE cable?? 2. Requirements What do you need to use NoIDE? * An Amiga 4000/0x0 ;) - Don't try using it on anything else, it won't do anything useful except - turn off your Commodore SCSI Hard Disk until you cold reboot. - (e.g. A3000, A590 & A2091) * Kickstart 3.x * No IDE drive connected * You are booting from some other form of hard disk e.g. SCSI 45 SLEEPER20.LHA 17k Stopt (na een tijdje) de motor van SCSI drive. [From ] USER [Filename] SLEEPER20.LHA [File 45 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 17324 [Thu 27 Apr 95 22:42] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06 Stopt (na een tijdje) de motor van SCSI drive. This is the Version 2.0 of Sleeper. Sleeper stops unused SCSI-Harddisks. You may put it in your WBStartup-drawer and select the parameters via ToolTypes. This Program is Copyright 1994-1995 by Ch. Dworzak, but you may freely distribut it, you may delete it, you may change it, you may even sell it (if you find somebody who pays you :-) as long, as you don't remove my Name on it. --- Comment from user [Iljitsch Van Beijnum] on [Sun 30 Apr 95 0:39] --- Werkt met al mijn SCSI drives op de 3000! (Bejaarde Quantum 100 MB, nieuwe Quantum 525 MB en NEC 210 CD drive.) Maar niet op de 1200, IDE noch SCSI (Dataflyer SCSI+). 46 FM30B12.LHA 183k Directory utility met interne multitasking. [From ] USER [Filename] FM30B12.LHA [File 46 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 187003 [Thu 27 Apr 95 22:43] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:03 Directory utility met interne multitasking. Complete rewrite of FileMaster 2.2. Main features include: - Internal multitasking - 1-8 user configurable directory windows 47 HDOFF_1.2.LHA 9k Schakel A1200 en A4000 IDE drive na een tijdje ui... [From ] USER [Filename] HDOFF_1.2.LHA [File 47 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 8577 [Thu 27 Apr 95 22:52] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03 Schakel A1200 en A4000 IDE drive na een tijdje uit. HDOff is a program like NoiseSaver for the A1200 and A4000. It stops the HD motor x minutes after the last access. Now supporting 2nd HD`s. 49 MFS20.LHA 22k Maakt van PC0: en DF0: een enkele device. [From ] USER [Filename] MFS20.LHA [File 49 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 21620 [Thu 27 Apr 95 22:48] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:08 Maakt van PC0: en DF0: een enkele device. MultiFileSystem isn't a file system in the usual way: it is an interface to other file systems. When you mount it, you tell it which file systems it should use; afterwards, when a disk is inserted, MultiFileSystem will recognize it and pass the commands to the appropriate file system. This means that with a single device name, for example DF0:, you can access any conceivable file system! This is version 2.0. By popular demand, it is now possible to assign user-defined names to the various file systems used. 50 MRBK220.LHA 266k MRBackup Professional V2.2.0. [From ] USER [Filename] MRBK220.LHA [File 50 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 272218 [Thu 27 Apr 95 22:56] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:31 MRBackup Professional V2.2.0. 51 DUPFINDER10.LH 10k Vindt dubbele files (met verschillende namen) op ... [From ] USER [Filename] DUPFINDER10.LHA [File 51 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 9948 [Sat 13 May 95 17:41] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04 Vindt dubbele files (met verschillende namen) op je harddisk! Description ----------- This freeware program is used to locate identical files on your harddisk(s). There are already a few programs around that does the same thing, but as far as I know there is no other program that finds duplicate files with *different* file names. This is especially useful for BBS's where someone often uploads the same files under different names, but I'm sure everyone will find such files on their hard disk. Even the Aminet CD people should try this :-) 52 FITTER_200.LHA 65k Uitgebreid HD-naar-floppy kopieerprogramma. [From ] USER [Filename] FITTER_200.LHA [File 52 OF 50] [FREE] [Size ] 66198 [Sat 13 May 95 17:46] [Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:23 Uitgebreid HD-naar-floppy kopieerprogramma. The all new Fitter V2.0 is a program that automates the copying of files from your hard drive to floppy disks, although any device(s) can be used as a source and destination. Free up your well needed hard drive space and let Fitter automatically keep track of where your files are for easy retreival. Fitter is ideal if you collect GIFs, MODs, demos, programs, etc. while on the 'net or your on-line service. Expect to see many vast improvements over previous versions of Fitter, including: o Online Amigaguide help by using the Help key (requires amigaguide.library) o The Add Files routine has been completely rewritten. Fitting now happens on the fly, instead of creating a fitting list before the session starts. Files are "fitted" dynamically. Many aspects of Add Files have been automated for better ease of use, and practicality. o An exlusive copy program was written for Fitter, internally. A choice between using this one and AmigaDOS COPY is always available. Fitter's copy has a % completed indicator, and can be interrupted or aborted at any time. You can even summon on line help *during* the copy! o An Add Files progress log is maintained for Add Files sessions. o Disk formatting now spawns a CON: window showing the progress of the AmigaDOS FORMAT command. o Fitter now performs block-based fits, to give superior efficiency. In other words, Fitter determines a file "fit" on the disks by checking blocks available. o Fitter has been enhanced with an entirely new window/feature: the Search & Deletion window. In this window, you can now interactively scan the contents of your disk catalog, search for files, perform deletions to your disks and catalog, and more. Fitter keeps an ongoing log of your deletions. o Fitter now has automatic (and interactive) 'discrepancy checking'. This feature automatically informs you if your disk's contents are not consistent with your catalog and performs updates accordingly. This feature activates just about whenever you insert a disk from your catalog. o Fitter still contains the convenient and quick file comment adding/editing feature. Make use of the filenote the way AmigaDOS designers intended you to! o and more![U] Upload file [D] Download [F] File list [A] Change areas [N] New file scan [=] Global list [P] Private area [O] Edit signature [R] Read file [I] View archive [^] Goto msg area [@] Send message [M] Main menu [G] Goodbye [H] Help [B] Send filelist [?] Display menu [RET] Next file [*] Search file Area: [13] [Disk utility's] [0/1-17] => █