Files in area [10] - [Utility's]
1 ZAP244.LHA 10k Zap is a binary file view/edit program. You can e...
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] ZAP244.LHA [File 1 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 10037 [Sun 3 Apr 94 11:16]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
Zap is a binary file view/edit program. You can examine and modify the file in
hexadecimal and ASCII mode. Zap keeps the file in memory, so moving in the file
and searching is very fast, but available memory limits the size of files that
zap can handle.
NOTE: This (and later) version of Zap requires Kickstart/Workbench 2.04 or
2 KICKA3000.LHA 9k Om een niet-3000 kickstart file te laden op de Am...
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] KICKA3000.LHA [File 2 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 8911 [Sun 3 Apr 94 11:16]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Om een niet-3000 kickstart file te laden op de Amiga 3000 op zo'n manier dat de
harddisk te gebruiken blijft. Heeft Skick of soortgelijk nodig.
3 CATEDIT.LHA 77k Om catalog files te vertalen, je hebt geen catalo...
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] CATEDIT.LHA [File 3 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 78202 [Fri 15 Apr 94 19:10]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:27
Om catalog files te vertalen, je hebt geen catalog description file nodig,
alleen de catalog zelf en natuurlijk Workbench 2.1 of hoger.
4 SYSINFO324.LHA 50k SYSteem INFOrmatie versie 3.24.
[From ] USER
[Filename] SYSINFO324.LHA [File 4 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 51083 [Tue 26 Apr 94 22:15]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:18
SYSteem INFOrmatie versie 3.24.
5 SETBATT12.LHA 7k Hiermee kan je een paar zaken aangaande de SCSI h...
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] SETBATT12.LHA [File 5 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 6949 [Sun 29 May 94 22:00]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Hiermee kan je een paar zaken aangaande de SCSI host adapter in 't
batterij-geheugen van de A3000 instellen.
6 EDITKEYS15.LHA 40k Met dit programma kan je keymaps veranderen.
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] EDITKEYS15.LHA [File 6 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 40405 [Mon 30 May 94 21:19]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:14
Met dit programma kan je keymaps veranderen.
Lijkt het je bijvoorbeeld handig dat de punt toets een komma geeft, dat is dit
het programma wat je nodig hebt. Werkt ook met AmigaDOS 1.3.
7 MEMDAEMON.LHA 3k Memdaemon zorgt voor nep-fastram om programma's d...
[From ] USER
[Filename] MEMDAEMON.LHA [File 7 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 2734 [Mon 13 Jun 94 15:52]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:01
Memdaemon zorgt voor nep-fastram om programma's die per se fast ram willen
hebben ook op een systeem met alleen chipram te runnen.
8 NEWEDIT.LHA 31k Geeft AmigaDOS stringgadgets een aantal extra fun...
[From ] USER
[Filename] NEWEDIT.LHA [File 8 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 30774 [Mon 13 Jun 94 15:53]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:11
Geeft AmigaDOS stringgadgets een aantal extra functies zoals copy en paste
van/naar het clipboard.
9 TOOLTYPE214.LH 26k Edit tooltypes van ikonen met een texteditor.
[From ] USER
[Filename] TOOLTYPE214.LHA [File 9 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 25697 [Mon 13 Jun 94 16:23]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:09
Edit tooltypes van ikonen met een texteditor.
10 IFFARRANGER22. 36k Verander/verwijder chunks uit een IFF file.
[From ] USER
[Filename] IFFARRANGER22.LHA [File 10 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 36229 [Fri 22 Jul 94 0:05]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:13
Verander/verwijder chunks uit een IFF file.
11 AGARUN13.LHA 4k Run demo's en spellen zonder Early Startup Contro...
[From ] USER
[Filename] AGARUN13.LHA [File 11 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 3896 [Sat 23 Jul 94 19:22]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02
Run demo's en spellen zonder Early Startup Control.
Zet de Amiga niet niet-AGA stand en runt dan een op te geven commando. Zo
werken programma's die op zich geen bezwaar hebben tegen 3.0 en een 68020 of
hoger maar niet tegen mode promotie/productivity kunnen.
12 CLOSEWINDOW.LH 16k Dit programma kan alle (per ongeluk) overgebleven...
[Filename] CLOSEWINDOW.LHA [File 12 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 15755 [Wed 10 Aug 94 21:01]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06
Dit programma kan alle (per ongeluk) overgebleven windows op een screen
sluiten. Handig als je een programma wilt afsluiten dat nog wat windows open
heeft staan die niet willen sluiten.
13 DASHBOAR17.LHA 22k Utility dat met wijzertjes geheugen en processor ...
[Filename] DASHBOAR17.LHA [File 13 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 22266 [Tue 16 Aug 94 22:05]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:08
Utility dat met wijzertjes geheugen en processor informatie geeft.
Een wijzertje geeft aan hoe druk de processor het heeft, en een ander wijzertje
geeft aan hoeveel geheugen er nog vrij is. Ook is er een soort lopende band
(history buffer) van verschillende dingen te zien.
14 SCREENMENU101. 5k Ga naar een ander scherm via een menu.
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] SCREENMENU101.LHA [File 14 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 4636 [Thu 11 Aug 94 1:01]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02
Ga naar een ander scherm via een menu.
15 EXGEXE12.LHA 6k Vervangt tool in een ikoon door een ander.
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] EXGEXE12.LHA [File 15 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 6008 [Sat 13 Aug 94 11:34]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Vervangt tool in een ikoon door een ander.
Zo krijg je dus niet meer "unable to open your tool ..." als je nieuwe
programma's uitprobeert die bijvoorbeeld AmigaGuide willen openen terwijl je
altijd Multiview gebruikt.
16 NORTON.LHA 100k Amiga Dos-Shell a la PC
[From ] USER
[Filename] NORTON.LHA [File 16 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 101510 [Wed 24 Aug 94 16:04]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:34
Amiga Dos-Shell a la PC
17 BOOTUTE.LHA 45k Draai oudere software op AGA machines.
[From ] USER
[Filename] BOOTUTE.LHA [File 17 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 45193 [Wed 15 Jun 94 13:56]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:16
Draai oudere software op AGA machines.
Ook handig voor gebruikers met versnellerkaarten.
.version 1.0
.date 1994.03.01
.author Paul Toyne
.restrictions Requires a PAL display.
.requirements Requires WB2.0+ (V36+).
18 ADDPOWER.LHA 18k Stel een aantal speciale OS2.0 functies in.
[From ] USER
[Filename] ADDPOWER.LHA [File 18 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 17530 [Wed 15 Jun 94 17:42]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06
Stel een aantal speciale OS2.0 functies in.
A utility that adds some miscellaneous useful features to the 2.0+ OS.
Includes: file requesters in any program, stop drive clicking, fix menus
and pen colors of pre-2.0 programs, wildcard * = #?, make screen borders
black, open any window on front screen. All features are independantly
configurable. Workbench and AmigaDOS interfaces with online AmigaGuide
documentation. Binary only.
.version 37.14
.date 1994.02.06
.author Ian J. Einman
.requirements Requires OS 2.0+ Requires AmigaGuide.library for online help
19 THEGURU.LHA 38k Geeft info over GURU meditations.
[From ] USER
[Filename] THEGURU.LHA [File 19 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 38345 [Wed 15 Jun 94 17:42]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:13
Geeft info over GURU meditations.
The Guru is a program that helps you to understand the strange GURU
message numbers like 8000000B. This is the first public release.
.version 2.3
.date 1994.02.03
.author E.Lensink
20 QUICKGRAB11.LH 15k Om schermen te "grabben" en naar disk te schrijve...
[From ] USER
[Filename] QUICKGRAB11.LHA [File 20 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 14822 [Sat 14 May 94 11:13]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05
Om schermen te "grabben" en naar disk te schrijven.
21 SWAZINFO.LHA 42k Vervangt Workbench informatie window.
[From ] USER
[Filename] SWAZINFO.LHA [File 21 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 42349 [Fri 17 Jun 94 10:48]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15
Vervangt Workbench informatie window.
SwazInfo replaces the workbench.library (V39+) icon information
function giving the user greater control when editing the icon
information. It is now possible to set protection bits for owner,
group and others. The icon image may be changed by simply dropping an
alternative icon into the window.
.version 1.0
.date 1994.12.16
.author David Swasbrook
.requirements Requires matrix.library (included). Requires WB3 (V39)
22 CACHECLK.LHA 8k Klok, geheugen en een disk cache programma in een...
[Filename] CACHECLK.LHA [File 22 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 8056 [Wed 21 Sep 94 21:00]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Klok, geheugen en een disk cache programma in een!
Dit programma zet een (verplaatsbaar) balkje op je scherm met daarin de tijd en
het beschikbare geheugen. Tevens buffert dit programma de diskdrives. Het werkt
beter dan het Amiga-Dos programma ADDBUFFER, aangezien dat CHIP-mem gebruikt
(kostbaar) en alleen hele tracks kan onthouden.
Het aantal buffers van dit programma kan je instellen door op de balk te
klikken en dan de rechtermuisknop in te drukken.
23 FAKEKEY.LHA 7k Kan toetsenbord simuleren.
[From ] USER
[Filename] FAKEKEY.LHA [File 23 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 6373 [Mon 26 Sep 94 20:25]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Kan toetsenbord simuleren.
Fakekey is een programma dat een teken kan doorzenden naar een andere task,
alsof je het zelf op het toetsenbord intikte. Nooit meer die eeuwige zelfde
toetsen indrukken na het starten van een bepaald programma!
24 TYPISTO.LHA 21k Leer sneller typen ...
[From ] USER
[Filename] TYPISTO.LHA [File 24 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 20719 [Sun 2 Oct 94 13:21]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07
Leer sneller typen ...
25 SNAP.LHA 38k Knip tekst uit en snap het terug via het clipboar...
[From ] USER
[Filename] SNAP.LHA [File 25 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 37928 [Sat 29 Oct 94 21:12]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:13
Knip tekst uit en snap het terug via het clipboard.
(Werkt op alle tekst, in tegenstelling tot de ingebouwde knip en plak van
26 ALTKEY.LHA 9k Met +num.keypad het ASCII teken op je sche...
[Filename] ALTKEY.LHA [File 26 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 8551 [Sun 6 Nov 94 23:53]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Met +num.keypad het ASCII teken op je scherm.
Precies zoals een PC dat ook doet. Je houdt de linker ALT ingedrukt, tikt op
het numerieke blok een nummer en het betreffende teken staat op je scherm.
27 PGPAMI26.LHA 625k Pretty Good Privacy 2.6, encryptieprogramma.
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] PGPAMI26.LHA [File 27 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 639244 [Sat 5 Nov 94 11:41]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 3:34
Pretty Good Privacy 2.6, encryptieprogramma.
Short: PGPAmiga 2.6ui
Type: util/crypt
This archive contains the latest version of the high-security public key
encryption program Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), including various
contributions, the latest FAQ and full AmigaGuide
PGPAmiga 2.6ui replaces the 2.3a.* series and is capable of reading and
generating the new packet-type used by PGP 2.6.1, because PGP 2.6 is not
available outside the USA or Canada. You must not use this version in
the USA or Canada, because the encryption engine violates PKP's patent
on the RSA algorithm. It is perfectly legal in the rest of the world,
Peter Simons
Short: PGPAmiga 2.6ui
Type: util/crypt
This archive contains the latest version of the high-security public key
encryption program Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), including various
contributions, the latest FAQ and full AmigaGuide
PGPAmiga 2.6ui replaces the 2.3a.* series and is capable of reading and
generating the new packet-type used by PGP 2.6.1, because PGP 2.6 is not
available outside the USA or Canada. You must not use this version in
the USA or Canada, because the encryption engine violates PKP's patent
on the RSA algorithm. It is perfectly legal in the rest of the world,
Peter Simons
28 MNOTE11.LHA 17k Notepad voor OS 2.0 en hoger.
[From ] USER
[Filename] MNOTE11.LHA [File 28 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 16791 [Sat 19 Nov 94 14:15]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06
Notepad voor OS 2.0 en hoger.
29 GHOSTRIDERV10. 120k Hardware monitor a la Action Replay.
[From ] USER
[Filename] GHOSTRIDERV10.LHA [File 29 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 122044 [Tue 22 Nov 94 15:18]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:41
Hardware monitor a la Action Replay.
Short: New generation hardware monitor a la Action Replay (all Amigas).
Type: dev/moni
GhostRider is a new hardware monitor (a la Action Replay) for use on all
Amigas. GR features most "standard" functions, but also many things not
normally found in this type of software.
GhostRider (GR) is a new hardware monitor written in pure assembler. The
most important difference between GR and other monitors of this kind is
that GR is build up from scratch - not a (simple) modification of some
old CON-based monitor. Before starting this project I tried to figure
out what single feature of a monitor is more important. Since a monitor
is to be used by many different people, I decided that the most
important feature would be the ability of configuration according to the
user's needs. Therefore GR comes with a preference editor which will
allow you, the user, to configure the "feel" of GR... See below for a
list of some of the features in GhostRider:
- Works on all (well, most :) Amigas; AGA, ECS, NTSC, PAL,
- Does _NOT_ rely on the system to be around.
- Fast screen handling.
- Powerfull input parser, support use of symbols.
- Copper-list locater.
- System, NMI, reset (also GURU) & BreakPoint entry modes.
- Text snapping/pasting with the mouse.
- Full dis/assembler support for the M68k family (well, not the 'o6o).
- "Standard" block dump as well as editor environments for
disassembling, HEX-viewing, ASCII-viewing and Memory-Peeking (bitmap).
- Memory hunt featuring; long strings, jokers (wildcards), NOT-data,
case(in)-sensitive text hunt, branch hunt and PC-relative hunt.
- Memory fill featuring; long strings and jokers.
- Breakpoint support.
- Full control of CustomRegister contents at exit.
- Results from hunt/compare operations are kept in a buffer for fast and
easy access.
- Capable of resuming (some) interrupted commands.
- Disk system with UN*X like parsing of path.
- Includes system interface (ghostrider.library) which allow usage in
your own programs (for easy debugging).
- Full documentation in AmigaGuide format.
GhostRider should run on all systems, but the DeckRunner and Preference
Editor require Kickstart 2.04+ (V37+).
30 DOSTRACE.LHA 19k Geeft info over wat DOS doet.
[From ] USER
[Filename] DOSTRACE.LHA [File 30 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 19136 [Thu 3 Nov 94 21:14]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07
Geeft info over wat DOS doet.
Bijvoorbeeld als je een programma runt, laat DOSTrace zien welke fonts,
library's, devices en files geopend worden.
31 FMATH404.LHA 19k Fast Math.libs. Volledig in assembly geprogrammee...
[From ] USER
[Filename] FMATH404.LHA [File 31 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 18614 [Sat 26 Nov 94 12:04]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07
Fast Math.libs. Volledig in assembly geprogrammeerde math libs. Vervangt die
van Commodore. Voor 68020, 68030 en 68040, vooral bij 68040 snelheidswinst.
32 60HZEMULATOR1_ 13k Schakelt ook Amiga's met oude Agnus naar NTSC.
[From ] USER
[Filename] 60HZEMULATOR1_05.LHA [File 32 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 12891 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05
Schakelt ook Amiga's met oude Agnus naar NTSC.
This tool allows dynamic switching between 50Hz (PAL) and 60Hz (NTSC) for all
Amigas, even those without the ECS Agnus. Examine the source to see how it's
33 GRABKICK.LZH 10k Kopieert Kickstart van ROM naar een file.
[From ] USER
[Filename] GRABKICK.LZH [File 33 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 10033 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
Kopieert Kickstart van ROM naar een file.
GrabKick A tool to copy the contents of any Kickstart ROM into a file. Note
that there are many legitimate reasons for wishing to make a file copy of a ROM
image. I don't condone using this program for any illegal uses however. You
should be aware of the laws in your region with regard to fair use of software,
including software contained in ROMS. Version 1.1, includes source.
Author: Ralf Gruner
34 BUSTEST.LHA 15k Test geheugensnelheid, OS2.0+.
[From ] USER
[Filename] BUSTEST.LHA [File 34 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 15271 [Tue 30 Aug 94 11:2]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06
Test geheugensnelheid, OS2.0+.
bustest is a small utility to measure data transfer speed to and from memory.
It requires AmigaOS2.0 or higher.
determine a 16kByte chunk of memory and time read and write operations with the
pretty exact CIA timers. After that the overhead of the measurement is
compensated. During measurement other tasks are locked out, but _interrupts_
are not. However, interrupt activity shouldn't influence the measurement unless
you send lots of data to the serial port or sit on a heavy duty network.
35 IDLELED.LHA 5k Laat CPU gebruik via powerled zien.
[From ] USER
[Filename] IDLELED.LHA [File 35 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 4210 [Thu 22 Dec 94 14:54]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02
Laat CPU gebruik via powerled zien.
36 EXEPT49.LHA 11k ExecPatch 4.9 - KS 37.175+ versneller patch.
[From ] USER
[Filename] EXEPT49.LHA [File 36 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 11220 [Thu 22 Dec 94 15:04]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
ExecPatch 4.9 - KS 37.175+ versneller patch.
ExecPatch 4.9 (25 May 1994)
Copyright (C) 1993-1994 Arthur Hagen.
This software is FreeWare, and NOT in the Public Domain!
Requires KickStart 36.xx or above, CLI use only.
Should work with all processor types / FPU-configurations.
Requires a few hundred bytes of FAST-mem to be present.
The Amiga is a multitasking machine (no kidding!), and will happily
switch its CPU use between several tasks and processes too fast for the
user really to notice. This task switching system is the whole basis
for the Amiga's multitasking capabilities, and has, naturally, been
coded in efficient assembly to reduce overhead as much as possible.
Even so, several of the basis multitasking functions of the system
could be optimised even further, thus speeding up the machine when
several tasks are running simultaneously, and/or the CPU use is high.
So, I wrote this little utility that will replace some of the systems
key functions with more speed-optimised, but excactly equal code. Just
put ExecPatch in your S:User-Startup or similar.
37 IPATCH33.LHA 10k IPatch 3.3 - Interruptversneller patch.
[From ] USER
[Filename] IPATCH33.LHA [File 37 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 9411 [Thu 22 Dec 94 15:11]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
IPatch 3.3 - Interruptversneller patch.
IPatch - Interrupt patch 3.3
(C) 1993 Arthur Hagen
FreeWare - *ArtWare
[ This advertising space is for sale]
Yet another useless ArtWare-utility. This one works only for
kickstart 37.175, and will replace some of the default system
interrupt servers (which are about the most heavily used code on the
Amiga) with more optimised code doing excactly the same.
Some system speed increase when multitasking should be the result -
even more if you have available 32-bits ram. Note - the speed
increase will not be appearent or very low in speed-test-programs, as
these usually disables interrupts when testing the system perform-
IPatch should be totally transparent to the system, and should not
cause any other software to malfunction. No warrants given, though -
some badly written software may set the interrupt vectors in a non-
system-friendly way, and could cause problems.
IPatch WILL score "Enforcer-hits" and show altered vectors in virus-
test programs, but this is due to how IPatch does its job by patching
To use IPatch, run it from CLI, or put it in your S:Startup-Sequence
or S:User-Startup. If you experience problems (gurus) with IPatch,
try SoftIPatch instead - this is a somewhat "kinder" version that
doesn't bang the hardware vectors at all. But it is a weeny bit
38 VBRMOV23.LHA 7k Verplaats vector base naar fast ram.
[From ] USER
[Filename] VBRMOV23.LHA [File 38 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 7068 [Thu 22 Dec 94 15:14]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Verplaats vector base naar fast ram.
VBRMove 2.3 - (C) 1991-1994 Arthur Hagen
Posted to the Public Domain
Any Amiga version.
Any KickStart/WorkBench version above 1.1.
Processor: 68010/68012/68020/68030/68040.
RAM: Minimum 256k CHIP-mem and 1k FAST-mem.
If you have an Amiga with a 680xx (xx >= 10) processor, as well as
fast-memory, you might take advantage of the processors ability to have
the vector base set anywhere in memory instead of just at address zero.
On the Amiga, address 0 and upwards is defined as chip-memory, which is
slower than fast-mem. By setting the Vector Base Register (VBR), the
interrupt-vectors could be located anywhere in memory, and by moving
them to fast-mem, all routines that uses interrupts or similar will be
speeded up marginally. VBRMove will allocate 1k in TRUE fast-mem (not
slow-mem) if possible, copy the old frame and set the VBR to point
there. Just include VBRMove in your startup-sequence (or similar) to
take advantage of this. VBRMove is both reentrant and relocatable,
which means that it is both pure and romable.
Some programs (and viruses) set the interrupt vectors directly in the
lowest 1k of your memory without neither testing the VBR first nor
using the system routines, and if you have run VBRMove or any similar
program first, these vectors will never be called. So, if you want
110% compatibility with all code, DON'T run VBRMove or any similar
I especially feel I should warn you about demos and game programs
(especially those made by german or french programmers), as they as a
rule break all rules! If you intend to use some of these programs, I
recommend that you run "VBRevoM" prior to executing them. VBRevoM? It
is a small program that moves the reset vectors back to address 8+, and
frees the 1k that VBRMove allocated. (Actually VBRMove also does this,
but acts as a on/off-switch. VBRevoM will always make sure that the
VBR is unset after running.)
39 MUI23USR.LHA 663k MagicUserInterface V2.3.
[From ] USER
[Filename] MUI23USR.LHA [File 39 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 678109 [Fri 30 Dec 94 12:27]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 3:47
MagicUserInterface V2.3.
40 WATCH10.LHA 12k Run commando als er een file of dir verandert. (O...
[From ] USER
[Filename] WATCH10.LHA [File 40 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 11777 [Thu 5 Jan 95 11:43]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
Run commando als er een file of dir verandert. (OS2.0+)
Watch is a shell command which enables you to watch files and directories and
perform any shell command if the file/dir is changed.
Notification is a new 2.0 feature and you need at least that version of
41 CPULOAD.LHA 8k Laat CPU gebruik zien.
[From ] USER
[Filename] CPULOAD.LHA [File 41 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 7952 [Thu 5 Jan 95 11:28]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Laat CPU gebruik zien.
Run it to see what happens. For further information see the readme. Source
included. Freeware. You will love it.
42 REQUESTER.LHA 2k Auto-retry/cancel een requester na een tijdje.
[From ] USER
[Filename] REQUESTER.LHA [File 42 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 1995 [Thu 12 Jan 95 17:07]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:01
Auto-retry/cancel een requester na een tijdje.
Retry is a program wedge. When you run it once it wedges into the system and
makes all system requesters (AutoRequest and EasyRequestArgs for those of you
who program) timed requesters. By default, after 10 seconds Retry will simulate
a click on the RETRY gadget box. You can also specify the timeout period on the
command line when you run it, e.g.
Retry 30
this will make the timeout period 30 seconds. To disable Retry you simply run
it a second time. To indicate that Retry has exited it will flash all the
screens (DisplayBeep(NULL)).
Cancel is the same as Retry except it will automatically CANCEL the system
requesters after the timeout period.
43 PROMOTIONPREFS 49k Schermmode promotie programma. Versie 2.01.
[From ] USER
[Filename] PROMOTIONPREFS.LHA [File 43 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 49561 [Fri 13 Jan 95 23:06]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:17
Schermmode promotie programma. Versie 2.01.
o Offers both mode and task/screen specific promotion.
o Supports utilization of BestModeID() function to find best suitable mode.
o Style conform external preferences editor.
o Localized, font-sensitive user interface.
o Saves preferences to IFF configuration file.
V2.01 is mainly a bugfix release:
o removed a bug that caused enforcer hits when reading the prefs file.
(thanks to Peter Marquardt for reporting)
there is still a bug with CED 3.5 - GetProgramName() causes it - no idea
how to fix this
o the requesters now block the main window and show busypointers
44 REKEYIT1_4.LHA 27k Verander toetsequivalenten voor WB menu's.
[From ] USER
[Filename] REKEYIT1_4.LHA [File 44 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 26971 [Fri 13 Jan 95 23:22]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:09
Verander toetsequivalenten voor WB menu's.
ReKeyIt v1.4 is a small program which will allow you to customize the WB menu
keyboard shortcuts to your liking. Includes a preference style editor available
in both an MUI and BGUI interface.
45 AASTARTER12.LH 20k Gebruik Early Startup Control met VGA monitor. OS...
[From ] USER
[Filename] AASTARTER12.LHA [File 45 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 20276 [Sat 28 Jan 95 10:31]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07
Gebruik Early Startup Control met VGA monitor. OS3.0+.
Version 1.2 (22.01.95)
© 1994,95 Stefan Scherer
The program AAStarter modifies the "Amiga Early Startup Control". With
this change you can use the boot menu with monitors which can't display
15kHz screen modes. The boot menu is then opened with a DblNTSC screen
This program needs the AA chipset. It also needs the kickstart 39 or
higher. This program has been tested with various kickstarts (39.106,
40.62 and 40.70).
46 ZOOM_V14.LHA 16k Simpele zoomer voor de Workbench.
[From ] USER
[Filename] ZOOM_V14.LHA [File 46 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 16266 [Sat 28 Jan 95 12:00]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06
Simpele zoomer voor de Workbench.
47 MCALC15.LHA 98k Krachtige calculator, heeft MUI nodig.
[From ] USER
[Filename] MCALC15.LHA [File 47 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 99989 [Sat 28 Jan 95 12:05]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:34
Krachtige calculator, heeft MUI nodig.
Well, you probably say "Heck, another MUI-based calculator", but just check it
out :
MUIProCalc is a MUI-based calculator much like Jimmy Yang`s Calc 3.0. It still
lacks the plotter, but it offers a quite flexible history facility for
inserting previously entered expressions. Different output formats offered and
plenty of functions the user may choose from. Furthermore the look of the
calculator may be customized. ARexx Port for ease of calculating from within an
editor. Some functions are able to return TeX compatible output. Results or
inputs may be copied to the Clipboard.
Changes to version 1.4
- Added new function to menu/ARexx. DELETEHISTORY will delete
an entry from the history list.
- Added support for GRADS
- Introduced exg operator, which exchanges the contents
of two memories
- Added great support for physical constants. 31 listed
- Added full features linear regression support
- Added standard deviation support
- Added (n k) n-over-k function, 1/x, and the y-th root of x
- Increased number of internal memories from 3 to 18 (I-Z)
- Changed function group to use Registers/Cycle Gadget,
according to your MUI settings.
- MCalc requested any muimaster.library, even though version
7 (MUI 2.x) was required
- Some of the input gadgets didn`t react on key nor mouse
- Recompiled scanner using Flex 2.4.7
- The format identifier for binary values has been changed;
I forgot to change the output format identifier as well.
48 MEMCHECK12.LHA 7k Klein geheugentestprogrammaatje. OS2.0+
[From ] USER
[Filename] MEMCHECK12.LHA [File 48 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 6669 [Fri 3 Feb 95 20:20]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Klein geheugentestprogrammaatje. OS2.0+
MemCheck is a small utility that allows you to test all parts of memory that
can be found in your system. It includes two different memory tests.
This archive includes version 37.13 of MemCheck (Release 1.2).
49 CACHECONTROL.L 5k Stel CPU cache en burst in. OS2.0+
[From ] USER
[Filename] CACHECONTROL.LHA [File 49 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 4928 [Fri 3 Feb 95 20:27]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02
Stel CPU cache en burst in. OS2.0+
CacheControl (CC) is a small >=OS 2.0 utility, which controls the flags of your
processor (if >=68020). It opens a fontsensitiv GUI on default publicscreen.
50 FILER3_23.LHA 213k Directory Utility voor OS2.04+.
[From ] USER
[Filename] FILER3_23.LHA [File 50 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 217410 [Fri 10 Feb 95 16:54]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:13
Directory Utility voor OS2.04+.
Filer is an Intuition controlled file manager for OS 2.04 and newer. It is
ShareWare, see documentation for registration details.
You can use Filer for copying, deleting and renaming files or creating
directories. You can create, list and extract archives with it or use it as an
universal viewing tool. Filer even is able to control your whole system as a
replacement for the Workbench.
Some of Filer's features are:
- font-sensitive, resizable and Style Guide compliant GadTools GUI
- ARexx interface
- highly configurable
- keyboard support
- class support
- archive support
- Envoy support
51 FULLBENCH120.L 7k Haalt menubalk weg van de Workbench.
[From ] USER
[Filename] FULLBENCH120.LHA [File 51 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 6521 [Fri 10 Feb 95 16:56]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Haalt menubalk weg van de Workbench.
This program will find the Workbench Window and resize it so that it fills
the entire screen. It also sets the WorkBench Screen ShowTitles=FALSE.
When using a WorkBench backdrop picture, the WBPicture prefs picture looks
kinda wierd when the Titlebar is showing at the top. Also when using a big
screen font the titlebar wastes a lot of Workbench space.
Place Fullbench in your WBStartup drawer.
Fullbench only makes sense to use when you have a backdrop Workbench and
requires AT LEAST Kickstart V37 and has been tested with WB2.04 and WB3.1.
There should be no problems that I can see with it in the future
The code is provided to do with as you wish and I welcome any comments
etc. This is FREEWARE.
52 EASYREQPATCH10 7k Maak requesters pijl-relatief. OS3.0+.
[From ] USER
[Filename] EASYREQPATCH10.LHA [File 52 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 6208 [Sat 11 Feb 95 20:58]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Maak requesters pijl-relatief. OS3.0+.
EasyReqPatch 1.0 - Makes system requesters pointer relative. Needs OS 3.x and
53 ANGIE14A.LHA 39k Meer dan 100 intuition functies onder een zelf te...
[Filename] ANGIE14A.LHA [File 53 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 39274 [Wed 15 Feb 95 20:29]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:14
Meer dan 100 intuition functies onder een zelf te definieren hotkey.
54 LENS.LHA 15k Vergroot een deel van de Workbench of ander scher...
[From ] USER
[Filename] LENS.LHA [File 54 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 14588 [Fri 24 Feb 95 21:29]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05
Vergroot een deel van de Workbench of ander scherm.
This is Lens, Version 1.1, released on Feb. 12, 1995.
Lens is a handy magnification program that will run on the Workbench or any
other screen. The Lens window will display a magnified view (either zoomed in
or out) of the region around your mouse pointer on the host screen. The
program has many options, including independent zooming of the X and Y
dimensions, freeze view while the Lens window is inactive, adjustable sampling
rate (how often Lens looks at the screen), and a jump screen function for
hopping from screen to screen. The archive includes the Lens executable and
documentation in AmigaGuide format.
55 NEWALERTH.LHA 20k Geeft extra informatie TIJDENS een guru of alert.
[Filename] NEWALERTH.LHA [File 55 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 20424 [Mon 13 Mar 95 21:02]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07
Geeft extra informatie TIJDENS een guru of alert.
56 BLOCKMEM.LHA 6k Markeer een bepaald geheugenadres/blok als 'bezet...
[Filename] BLOCKMEM.LHA [File 56 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 5599 [Mon 13 Mar 95 21:03]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02
Markeer een bepaald geheugenadres/blok als 'bezet'.
Dit geheugen wordt dan niet meer aangesproken door programma's. Handig als je
een kapotte geheugenchip hebt die je er niet zo maar even uit kan halen.
57 UPD140.LHA 23k Sound Deamon. Speelt samples af op AREXX commando...
[Filename] UPD140.LHA [File 57 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 23173 [Mon 13 Mar 95 21:06]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:08
Sound Deamon. Speelt samples af op AREXX commando.
58 PRIMAN11.LHA 35k Priority Manager. Window met alle tasks, met de m...
[Filename] PRIMAN11.LHA [File 58 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 34983 [Mon 13 Mar 95 21:08]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:12
Priority Manager. Window met alle tasks, met de mogelijkheid de prioriteit van
deze aan te passen, of te 'killen'.
59 MEMSUCK.LHA 2k Zuigt het geheugen uit je systeem.
[From ] USER
[Filename] MEMSUCK.LHA [File 59 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 1531 [Fri 24 Feb 95 21:34]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:01
Zuigt het geheugen uit je systeem.
A wonderful Sucks product
You probably already know the problem: YOU HAVE TO MUCH RAM. MEMSUCKER © v1.0
is the tool you nead. It helps you get rid of all that anoying memory.
When MEMSUCKER © v1.0 prompts you for "how much memory you want to suck out",
then you just type in the number of bytes.
Very Advanced:
If you fail to enter a valid number of bytes, then MEMSUCKER © v1.0 take
safety precautions -Try it out!
About product:
100% assembly to make it fast, flexible and dynamic to fit on any machine.
However it do require 68020++. MEMSUCKER is one of those large and complex
systems that only runs on big machines.
Supporting Author:
If you use MEMSUCKER © v1.0 then feel obliged to send me atleast
$5000 (hex) in US currency naturally also if you want the source code.
My Email address is:
Send me anything from loveletters to hate-messages and bombs.
60 OLE1V10A.LHA 278k The OLE System 1.10 - In the first release of thi...
[From ] USER
[Filename] OLE1V10A.LHA [File 60 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 284516 [Fri 24 Feb 95 21:35]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:35
The OLE System 1.10 - In the first release of this package, "OLE" stood for
Objects and Links Exchanged.
In the first release of this package, "OLE" stood for Objects and Links
Exchanged. During its developement I've found potentiality that I'd never have
thought. So, because of my laziness, I don't need to change the name "OLE",
but the reader has to known that, from now on, its meaning is increased and
still is increasing, day by day.
"Good ideas develop with development."
Rocco "the dwarf" Coluccelli
61 ABCSAMIGARESET 4k Reset tool.
[From ] USER
[Filename] ABCSAMIGARESET.LHA [File 61 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 3785 [Sat 18 Mar 95 20:28]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02
Reset tool.
The ABCS Amiga Reset features :
- Normal reset.
- Hard reset.
- Clear memory.
- Checksum.
Usefull for removing rad-disks, clearing the memory without switching off and
to change the checksum of exec to force the next reset to clear exec.
62 AGA.LHA 3k Schakel AGA uit zonder resetten.
[From ] USER
[Filename] AGA.LHA [File 62 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 2194 [Sat 18 Mar 95 20:39]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:01
Schakel AGA uit zonder resetten.
Use this tool for switching aga off, start games from workbench without
rebooting and switching aga off ...
63 DCLOCK16.LHA 43k Users claim: Best Amiga clock program ! (OS2.0+)
[From ] USER
[Filename] DCLOCK16.LHA [File 63 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 43028 [Sat 18 Mar 95 21:01]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:15
Users claim: Best Amiga clock program ! (OS2.0+)
DClock is a digital clock program for the Amiga Workbench.
Features include:
- DClock has it's own small window which can be placed
anywhere on the Workbench screen.
- DClock comes with a completely menu-driven GUI. No
commandline options are necessary.
- Timer and alarm clock function with the ability to
run user-defined Shell commands (including ARexx-
scripts if you use the RX command, and Shell-scripts).
- Date function
- Fore- and background colors of the window are user-
- All settings can be saved and will automatically be
loaded upon startup. This includes the position of
the DClock window, the colors, and the settings of
the alarm clock.
- Iconify function
o Any Amiga with KS 2.04+
o reqtools.library V38+ (not part of this distribution)
DClock makes use of the reqtools.library, which is not part
of this distribution. It is available on Aminet or on the
Amiga software library (fish) disks. Thanks to Nico Francois
for his great product.
64 BOOTSELECTOR.L 9k Selecteer startup zonder scherm te openen.
[From ] USER
[Filename] BOOTSELECTOR.LHA [File 64 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 8417 [Sat 18 Mar 95 21:10]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:03
Selecteer startup zonder scherm te openen.
This little program chooses between two startup-sequences by checking the RMB
while running. So if you dont't like useless booting-screens and want to switch
between different startup-sequences (e.g with BootManager) you may put this
Program into you startup-sequence and anotherone startup-sequence than the
normal will be executed if you press RMB while booting your machine.
65 PUBSCR.LHA 146k Maakt public screens.
[From ] USER
[Filename] PUBSCR.LHA [File 65 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 149323 [Sat 18 Mar 95 21:11]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:50
Maakt public screens.
Program able to create public screens. Supports on-line help,. user options,
icons for various screens, etc.
66 KARMAHELP13.LH 11k Realtime help-programma voor ALLE documentatiefil...
[From ] USER
[Filename] KARMAHELP13.LHA [File 66 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 10951 [Tue 28 Mar 95 9:36]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
Realtime help-programma voor ALLE documentatiefiles.
KarmaHelp scans your defined HELP directory, creates and loads an AmigaGuide
file with links to all your documentation files. All features controlled
through tooltypes, pops up when CX_POPUP key combination is pressed.
You really have to try it to understand what it's all about. :)
67 SYSTEMPREFS211 64k Preferences voor CPU and RAMSEY. OS2.0+.
[From ] USER
[Filename] SYSTEMPREFS211.LHA [File 67 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 65419 [Sun 9 Apr 95 21:43]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:22
Preferences voor CPU and RAMSEY. OS2.0+.
Requires: Kick 2.04+, (opt. locale), 68010+ should be present Languages:
English, German
This is a preference editor for steering the processor caches, RAMSEY, VBR and
Audio Filter.
Main features:
- Font adaptive GUI
- Supports Instruction- and Data-Caches, Copyback, Write Allocate
- Supports RAMSEY FastMode (60ns RAM access --> SPEED! :-)
- Supports audio filter
- Supports VBR to Fast RAM
- Sets up while startup
- Comes with a nice preferences icon... :-)
- Does now even have an English guide :-)
This is the second aminet release. Freeware, Binary only.
68 ARTM-2.04.LHA 79k Laat systeem activiteit zien.
[From ] USER
[Filename] ARTM-2.04.LHA [File 68 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 79907 [Sun 9 Apr 95 21:59]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:27
Laat systeem activiteit zien.
Amiga Real Time Monitor. Displays and controls system activity such as tasks,
windows, libraries, devices, resources, ports, residents, interrupts, vectors,
memory, mounts, assigns, locks, fonts, hardware, res_cmds, a little
SystemMonitor and display the last Alert.
69 PUBLICAN.LHA 11k Public screen support utility.
[From ] USER
[Filename] PUBLICAN.LHA [File 69 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 11138 [Sun 9 Apr 95 21:41]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
Public screen support utility.
Publican is a public screen support utility. It allows you to set the default
public screen, set global public screen behaviour flags and obtain the name of
the frontmost public screen (and write it to StdOut or a local/global
70 PERFMETER-2.2. 18k Laat CPU- en geheugengebruik zien.
[From ] USER
[Filename] PERFMETER-2.2.LHA [File 70 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 17967 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:00]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06
Laat CPU- en geheugengebruik zien.
PerfMeter is the X's PerformanceMeter-style little meter, which shows CPU
usage, CPU load, chip, fast and public memory, and uptime. The items can be
selected from the Project menu.
71 RSYS-1.3.LHA 356k Systeemmonitor.
[From ] USER
[Filename] RSYS-1.3.LHA [File 71 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 364260 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:01]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 2:02
Very comprehensive system monitor. Provides information on just about
everything you could possibly want information on! (Plus some...) Documentation
in German, but program speaks english. Version 1.3, includes source.
72 SNOOPDOS-1.7.L 41k Monitors calls to AmigaDOS functions.
[From ] USER
[Filename] SNOOPDOS-1.7.LHA [File 72 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 41053 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:02]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:14
Monitors calls to AmigaDOS functions.
Monitors calls to AmigaDOS functions. Opens a console window and displays
details of all calls made by any program on the system to the CurrentDir(),
DeleteFile(), Execute(), LoadSeg(), Lock(), and Open() functions in the
AmigaDOS library. This can be very useful for trying to figure out what
resources a failing program is attempting to find.
73 ABCSAGASWITCH. 3k Aga Switch Tool.
[From ] USER
[Filename] ABCSAGASWITCH.LHA [File 73 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 2194 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:03]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:01
Aga Switch Tool.
Use this tool for switching aga off, start games from workbench without
rebooting and switching aga off ...
74 MEMCHECKBH.LHA 5k Test geheugen op errors.
[From ] USER
[Filename] MEMCHECKBH.LHA [File 74 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 4781 [Sun 9 Apr 95 22:28]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02
Test geheugen op errors.
MemCheck is a program to test your memory for hardware errors - and to prevent
them from affecting your other pro- grams. It tests each individual memory
circuit by attempting to switch all the bits in memory into the opposite state
then reading them to find out whether they actually have taken the other value.
Thus each bit is toggled and any hardware errors will be found. After testing
the memory is restored to its original state.
Because fiddling with the whole of the memory would tend to irritate other
programs (to say the least!) all other programs are paused while it runs.
75 DALASTALERT30. 106k Geeft info over laatste GURU.
[From ] USER
[Filename] DALASTALERT30.LHA [File 75 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 108127 [Sat 18 Feb 95 13:36]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:37
Geeft info over laatste GURU.
76 CONVTEL11.LHA 13k Converteert 'oude' telefoonnumers naar het formaa...
[Filename] CONVTEL11.LHA [File 76 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 13017 [Thu 20 Apr 95 23:00]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05
Converteert 'oude' telefoonnumers naar het formaat dat de PTT vanaf 01-10-95
graag zou willen zien. Commodity, dus 2.0+
77 AZAP-2.21.LHA 118k Binaire editor voor files, geheugen, disks...
[From ] USER
[Filename] AZAP-2.21.LHA [File 77 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 120209 [Sat 22 Apr 95 23:22]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:41
Binaire editor voor files, geheugen, disks...
AZap is a "new generation" binary editor able to edit files, memory or devices
like hard disks. It can open several windows at the same time, and while this
program cannot be considered as a tool to help you to recover a disk, it has a
lot of useful functions (print block, fill block, search string, etc...).
78 DEGRADER-1.30. 17k Degradeer het systeem zodat oude programma's werk...
[From ] USER
[Filename] DEGRADER-1.30.LHA [File 78 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 16573 [Sat 22 Apr 95 23:23]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:06
Degradeer het systeem zodat oude programma's werken.
Degrades your machine to try and get badly written programs to work. Allows
you to block memory, add non-autoconfig memory at reset, turn audio filter on
or off, intercept privilege violation errors, switch off cache/burst modes and
can slow down a fast machine. Also can swap the boot drive and force 50Hz or
60Hz. Will do things straight away, after one reset or after every reset.
79 CD32GOODIES.LH 18k Handige hulpmiddelen voor de CD32.
[From ] USER
[Filename] CD32GOODIES.LHA [File 79 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 18190 [Wed 26 Apr 95 22:33]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:07
Handige hulpmiddelen voor de CD32.
since i connected my CD32 to the A4000 i needed some tools to do simple jobs on
the CD32, here they are for you:
CD32CTRL -> controls special CD32 features
JOYPAD -> scans the buttons of the joypad (for scripts)
CDMOTOR -> a cdrom drive motor stopper daemon
CDAUDIO -> a VERY SIMPLE cdrom audio player (for cli)
SAVEKICK -> grabs the CD32 kick. not very useful..
LAUNCHER -> a simple client/server software
other tools will follow (this is the result of some hours): a high speed serial
net like parnet but with twinexpress speed and control features for (CD) audio
and an AREXX network port.
80 CPU112.LHA 13k Stel je CPU in (68010 of hoger).
[From ] USER
[Filename] CPU112.LHA [File 80 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 12328 [Wed 26 Apr 95 22:35]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:05
Stel je CPU in (68010 of hoger).
CPU-Control 1.12 (18-Apr-95)
CPU-Control is a CPU-like utility for Kickstart/WB 2.0 including a GUI.
The main difference to other tools of this kind is, that CPU-Control
recognizes external changes of any of its parameters. Because of this
special feature it needs some CPU-Time (not much), but in iconified state
it needs no processor time at all. Additionally CPU-Control allows moving
VBR (VectorBaseRegister) to Fast-RAM, which significantly speeds up all
Traps/Interupts. Many CLI Options have been included to allow usage in
scripts, so it's a good idea to put "CPU-Control vbr nw" in your Startup-
81 RUN68017.LZH 30k Bootst 30 instructies voor de 68020 na op een 680...
[Filename] RUN68017.LZH [File 81 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 30307 [Mon 29 May 95 23:28]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:11
Bootst 30 instructies voor de 68020 na op een 68000.
Sommige software voor 68020 werkt nu ook met de 68000 processor.
82 FILEWATCHER01. 10k Maakt een AppIcon om file in de gaten te houden.
[From ] USER
[Filename] FILEWATCHER01.LHA [File 82 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 10117 [Thu 27 Apr 95 22:55]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:04
Maakt een AppIcon om file in de gaten te houden.
A program like Scott Ellis's Sabot, but this one can be stopped once started.
83 SHRUB_114.LHA 21k Laat directory-bomen (nouja, struiken) zien.
[From ] USER
[Filename] SHRUB_114.LHA [File 83 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 21283 [Sat 13 May 95 17:47]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:08
Laat directory-bomen (nouja, struiken) zien.
Shows the directory structure of drawers in a list. *Very* fast. Has support
for directory links; viewing of files and file information (as the
Icon/Information menu on Workbench). Can print out the listing and save it as a
text file. Can search for files.
84 EXCALC.LHA 190k GUI 52 cijferige calculator met vergelijkingen. O...
[From ] USER
[Filename] EXCALC.LHA [File 84 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 194100 [Sun 21 May 95 23:33]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 1:05
GUI 52 cijferige calculator met vergelijkingen. OS2.0+.
ExCalc is the first calculator available for any computer which provides
calculations which can be accurate to over 50 digits! As well all decimals are
represented exactly so you never loose pennies during a calculation. All this
power is made more accessible through the choice of a GUI interface or command
line entry of complete equations -- not just numbers. Any entered equation can
be recalled just by clicking on a history window. You also have access to
sixteen memory locations which can store any number.
Other features:
o full scientific, transcendental, power, and logarithmic operations
o programmer functions like and, or, shift, rotate, etc., on 172-bits!
o scrolling history window of equations, memory, or results
o choice of radian, degree, or gradian angle measurements
o from 8 to 52 digits
o numbers from -1E9999 to 1E9999
o exact decimal number representation
o convenience functions like square and cube roots, reciprocal, etc
o storage of equations and memory as long as your computer is on
o custom fonts with square root and cube root characters
o complete calculator engine source code (in Oberon-2) is included
Author: Michael Griebling, 150 Clark Blvd., Suite One, Brampton,
Ontario, Canada, L6T 4Y8.
Requires OS 2.0+, 1 Meg RAM, hard drive recommended but not necessary.
Shareware V1.0 includes Oberon-2 source code, CLI and GUI binaries.
85 OKAYDOKEY.LHA 5k Satisfy requesters automatically
[From ] SYSOP
[Filename] OKAYDOKEY.LHA [File 85 OF 85] [FREE]
[Size ] 4615 [Sun 30 Jul 95 18:02]
[Dwnlds ] 10 [Dwnld Tm] 0:02
Satisfy requesters automatically
Attempts to close the specified window requester by inducing key events
into the input stream.
OkayDokey can be called from a shell or the Workbench.
From the shell, OkayDokey supports the following arguments:
SCREEN is the public screen on which to look for a specific window
requester. Case Sensitive. Defaults to the default public screen
(usually Workbench).
WINDOW is the title of the window requester to search for. Case
sensitive. There is no default and this parameter is required.
TIMER is how many ¼ seconds to wait between window requester searches.
eg 4 = 1 second. The default is 2 (½ a second).
CANCEL if specified, selects the Cancel gadget of a requester (sends the
sequence Left Amiga b). Defaults to RETRY or the Retry/Ok gadget
(sends the sequence Left Amiga V).
ACTIVATE Normally if the specified window is found but not active,
nothing will happen. Specifiying ACTIVATE will force the window
to become active and then send the appropriate gadget message.
This can take up to 2 TIMER cycles.
From the Workbench, OkayDokey supports the following tooltypes:
These function the same as their shell equivalents.
To automatically press the Ok gadget of the 3.0 WorkBench About
OkayDokey sc=Workbench wi="3.00 ROM "
Every ½ second, OkayDokey will search for the requester window titled
"3.00 ROM " on the Workbench screen and attempt to press the Ok gadget.
[U] Upload file [D] Download [F] File list [A] Change areas
[N] New file scan [=] Global list [P] Private area [O] Edit signature
[R] Read file [I] View archive [^] Goto msg area [@] Send message
[M] Main menu [G] Goodbye [H] Help [B] Send filelist
[?] Display menu [RET] Next file [*] Search file
Area: [10] [Utility's] [0/1-17] => █